Author Thread: New and nervous! :-)

New and nervous! :-)
Posted : 26 Jun, 2009 04:08 PM

Hi! I'm VERY new to dating. It's been nearly 20 years since I've even had to think about dating!!! Things are different and yet still the same.

I am excited and yet nervous all at the same time. I'm almost 40 and things aren't where they used to be. Yet, I am still full of energy and am excited about my life and really hope to share it with someone special.

It's funny b/c I have this laundry list of things that I've longed for in a mate for years and yet it sorta seems like those expectations can't be met. Can I really find someone who is attentive, flirty, giving and Godly??? I sure hope so!! :hearts:

It's been very uplifting to be out here just getting myself out of my "divorced-single" life. :yay:

My motto: Be still and know that He is God. :angel:

God bless you all!!


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New and nervous! :-)
Posted : 27 Jul, 2009 07:12 PM

You're welcome. It's great to just meet so many other Christians and experience different types of friendships/relationships. :yay:

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