I don't know how God will make it happen because I am in a group of myself and what kind of man want to marry a woman like me...so out from the crowd ?
I have been isolated my whole life so I have never learned to think in a group.
My life have been to walk by myself without any love or no one that care for me but since 2000 do I know that God cares.
I wasn't wanted of anyone when I was born as a God's joke on the family that was complete.
My mother was 42 and my father 45 when I was born. My father was an alcoholicer so he wasn't much home as he also was a manager for a big company.
My 5 older sister was adopted as my parents had given up to get their own blood kids but when she was 40 did the hospital knew how to stop her to misscarring and my brother was born.
They had a complete family.
My mother told me that morning I was born was it more stars in the sky than she had ever seen before or later and she said it was like the strs come down and touched her and greeting her for the baby that should be born.
At 2-3 years of age did my sister pushed me out in front of a truck and the truck drover over me and killed me.
That I know because God have told me in August 2000 and now I start to see scars I don't know where they are coming from and my body is total crashed and I am retired of my bad back and all the pain I have in my body ( this is things that show up in older age what have happen in younger days as our skin go thin and other things in the body changes )
In my whole childhood did I asked what was the bright light in my eyes I remembering and that someone like out of metallic hold me very hard when the bright light come to me.
At 8 did I knew that I was here to do something great that will be known around the world and in many books they will write about me.
I was in the church but Jesus was my friend and the one that teached me but God was total different from Jesus and we couldn't see him because he was all over the earth as a spirit flying around in the air that I didn't understood at 8 or else did I remember from been with God before.
I also asked the many people at 8 why God had so many names but I always got the answers of all questions that God's way we don't know and I was frustrated to never get a real answer.
After meeting was I angry at people in my church because they let me walk home by myself in sometimes late evenings.... and they knew how hard I had it at home and in the church should I only smile the whoke time so it was hard to tell how bad it was at home.
At 16 been on a hospital with a little girl I looked after was I sitting in the waiting room alone when I heard a voice in the air talking to me and the voice said I should go in to a girl in same age that was paralized in her legs and couldn't speak.
The voice told me to lay my hand on the girl's head and I felt there was no skull under my hand because her left brain was gone.
But she told me anyway that she had been in a car accident that killed her parents and she was the only survivor.
I walked out from her room and just when I should go and get the little girl I come with did I heard a screaming from a nurse that said over and over it was a miracle and Doctors, nurses come running and turning me around I saw the paralized girl walking out from her room and to us and I left as I was working and I heard how the paralized girl was and speaking.
I forget that event for years......until it happen that my hand made a womans foot with three paralized toes under her foot be soft agains and she could move them out under the foot.
In 2000 come God down as a voice in the air, the same voice as in the hospital and He was talking to me and my 15 years dugther for 2 and half hour and my daugther was saved in that time and joined a church the day after.
In my case God made me to leave my husband and take a flight to USA and walk in USA for 3 and half years between Dec. 2000 and May 2004 so I lived in Virginia when the terrorist attack hit the towers and USA changed to be more worried about all foreigners living in USA.
That's why there will be many men that not even read my profile because I am from another country.
In 2007 was I ordained to Pastor of a church in Florida even if they knew I don't believe that Jesus is God the almighty.
I preach about Jesus but my private life in Jesus Christ is going closer to God.
Jesus is the one between God and man but as I am in my worldly life that I don't like to walk in groups or follow someone else than Jesus ...is it the same here that I have already passed by Jesus and am talking to God by myself.
In my life has it been like that...... I have never talked to co-workers about an important issue...I have always walked to the boss/the head for the company and talked for myself.
God's knew before He created me that I was a little rebel in my heart and He looked at it and smiled and said
" Let her be rebellishand we will see how she manages it in life "
I hate to say this, but I am not sure if we are following the Spirit of Christ here lately. There have been some very misguided souls on the site recently but they are here for a reason. Even if they were sent here by satan to try and cause dissension within our group I firmly stand on the knowledge that God can and will turn whatever satan uses to try and destroy into something to bring glory to God. Is it not or duty as Christians to try and help these misguided souls. Perhaps it is because I am involved in prison ministry and deal with murderers, rapists, thieves, drug dealers, and child molesters on a weekly basis that I am more tolerant of these types. I have met people in prison that have some of the most disturbing and out there views you can imagine. I have also seen the miracle of God transforming these men's hearts and minds through the love of Jesus Christ. Yes there are those whose hearts are unfortunately hardened to the point of no return, but from my experience most are just either uninformed or have been given the wrong information.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 says : All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is TRUE and to make us realize what is WRONG in our lives. It CORRECTS us when we are wrong and TEACHES us to do what is right. God uses it to PREPARE and EQUIP his people to every good work.
God may be sending these unfortunates here to us for us to help them through him. And I could be totally wrong here too. We are to hate the sin but love the sinner.
By the way I was once one of those people, having done a year in prison 14 years ago for smuggling guns and drugs.
When God saved me I did not even believe he existed. I'm eternally grateful that there were people that did not write me off as a lost cause. Glory be to God that I am truly a new creation in Christ, and that is my prayer for all those lost and confused souls out there.
I thought about that too, but this is really not the medium to use to deal with this kind of people. I have been dialoging with people of this nature for years and years online, and they really do just tune you out. we would not be the first voice of opposition to thier beliefs, as eva said she was in a room full of 8 pastors who were challenging her beliefs, but she believes she has recieved them directly from God himself.
this is not the place for discussions of this magnitude and nature. Most of us here are not equiped to handle people like this. There are people out there who are. And if God is wanting to reach these people, he will lead them to the proper place at the proper time.
we are here to build families and such, not to be distracted by heresies that have been condemned and settled since the earliest ages of the church.
I am a very very well versed in church history, the history of christian doctrine, apologetics, and bibliology. I have had these conversations many times with people of this nature and it is a very time consuming thing. Not to mention the fact that they don't even see there is anything wrong to be identified in thier lives. They typically feed on drama and love the spectacle they cause. Again, I feel this is not the time or place. and that the Lord will deal with him in His time in the proper place.
I'm sorry but I must disagree with you on this one. This medium and any and all mediums where Christians gather are to be used to witness to those who are lost. We may not be the first or the last voice of opposition to their beliefs but we must at least be a voice. What happens when christians stop voicing opposition to the views and ways of satan? You have the society we live in today. One plants, one waters and yet another reaps. If we stop speaking out these people will never have a chance to come to their senses.
This is a Christian forum therefore by nature it is a place to speak of the things of God. Yes, none of us is "equipped" but luckily God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
And yes we are here to build families,and a community, a Christian community. It is our duty as Christians to try and bring as many lost souls into that community as possible.
How else is iron supposed to sharpen iron. We unfortunately have to deal with these types of people in every aspect of our lives and as it says in Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
And in 2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but one of power, love, and self-discipline.
If we do not speak up and speak out for God who will.
God is wanting to reach out to each and every one of us.
2 Peter 3:9 says,
The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.
I guess my point in all of this is that I hope and pray that we don't lose sight of our main purpose as Christians, which is to reach out to the lost and let the Lord use us to bring as many souls into the Family of Christ as possible.