Thread: How can we help stop someone from committing suicide ?
How can we help stop someone from committing suicide ?
Posted : 16 Feb, 2009 03:09 PM
Friday, February 13, 2009 a man ( name unknown so I�ll use (X)sits in his truck and puts a rifle to his head, the end of his life came with a flash. The unrelenting sins of his past had slowly eaten away, at what little hope he had. The letter he left, said it so clear.
His pastor had found him before he left on his fishing trip.
On Sunday the pastor ( name unknown )went-on to say, he had just seen him earlier that same day. They passed at the store as the pastor was going in and (X) was coming out. They said �hello� but nothing more was said. (It must have taken place a few hours latter)
In his sermon he talked about how X viewed life as a party and went on to say that, �everything was ok�. The pastor said, �he felt guilty and was deeply hurt over what had happened�. That�s all I know
My hope is that we don�t tell a lot of stories here, but come to some kinda forum that may help someone reading this, that is also contemplating ending their life but are too afraid to reach-out.
My thoughts;
It seemed as though the pastor was helping X as he lived close by.
I don�t think the pastor should feel guilt. We can�t read minds !
But I do feel saddened over X�s lack of hope and angered by his action because he hurt the people in his life and the people that loved him. He had the opportunity to reach out to God, his family and on the last day, his pastor but he chose not to.
I believe that God had sent the pastor to cross his path on that day. So that tells me that X had made up his mind and put blinders on to any help that God had sent him.
Even Jesus couldn�t save every man from themselves as portrayed by the other men on the cross. Jesus told one of them that he would be with him in paradise on that day.
What about the other man ? The man didn�t reach out !
God has made me realize that the most important things on this planet, are the people and the ones we love, not the things we have or had. So when I�m feeling down, I take walks and immerse myself in God�s show of love(Nature) and pray. I also take one day at a time and find peace in His word and in knowing tomorrows another day, a new adventure, a new beginning.
Please add your comments to this and tell us how you make it through a bad day.
God be with you all and please add his family to your prayers.
How can we help stop someone from committing suicide ?
Posted : 20 Feb, 2009 02:20 AM
Hi Miranda :waving:
I am sorry that GW used your name to replied my post. I's my fault not to put my name on it ...
GW ...:waving:
My name is hana.
I believe every one of us who trust God and Jesus is not by forced since Jesus doesn't force Himself to us. We believe Him just because of His mercy to us.
How can we help stop someone from committing suicide ?
Posted : 20 Feb, 2009 08:26 AM
Hey all, God bless!!
I haven't read all the posts here, but would like to offer some scripture: Mark chapter 5, verses 1 - 8.
A man wandering about the tombs with strength above normal men that was inhabited by unclean spirits. While unclean spirits aren't the most inspirational topic, it's truly bizarre how so many either deny the existance of, or reality of them. When lucifer was cast out of Heaven, he convinced and "stole" 1/3rd of God's angels. No one really knows how many angels God made, or is still making but those fallen angels - the unclean spirits.. were the cause of 99% of all the sicknesses and diseases in the bible. Today the fallen world has soothsayers who will do anything in their power to convince you otherwise regarding something unseen.
In verse 5, this man is an emotional mess, and is cutting himself with stones.. this should not be foreign to people today who cut themselves to release internal emotional pressure.
In verse 12 after scripture mentions a herd of swine nearby feeding, the unclean spirits (my KJV uses the word devils, or "daivmwn" in the Greek tongue which simply means "knowing ones".) pleaded with Jesus to be cast into the swine.. and that is what Jesus did.. He bound them and cast them out. The point of this is what happens next in verse 13: And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousand;) and were choked in the sea. The lives of the swine were "stolen" by the unclean spirits who do have a leader.. a leader who will at all costs attempt to steal any and all glory from God out of pride.
Now.. I'm no rocket scientist.. but those unclean spirits which caused a man to be a total self destructive wreck also caused about 2,000 swine to just run off a cliff and commit suicide when the swine were a creation of Creator God likewise as humans. Big mistake to confuse the creation with the Creator but before digressing too far.. why would Jesus do what He did? In OT swine were considered unclean animals, but I know of no animal that willfully has the conscience nor thinking to take its own life. Human beings are not animals, even though this world and secular humanists will try to convince one otherwise in self elevation.
The point of all of this.. pray fervently, bind unclean spirits in the name of precious Jesus and cast them out. Acts 1:8 teaches that upon receiving the indwelling of the Holy Spirit you will have power in Christ over these unclean spirits, anywhere that you may go.
In Mark 5:15, after people heard of the swine they came to investigate and saw that same man now fully clothed and rather rational/sound in mind.. and they were scared rather than amazed at a miracle by the Lord's hands.
This fallen world... ruled by the father of lies will do anything to get you to believe contrary... a person who cuts, or commits suicide simply was inhabited by a legion of unclean spirits to destroy what God made for His glory. Being that God does not want even one to perish in hell unlike the so-called smart businessman of the world who doesn't lose sleep over losing some money in a poor investment, He chose to let that man live as a witness to Christ. 2,000 swine for 1 mans life.. now that is an amazing, merciful God indeed.
Mental hospitals are not the answer to people under heavy demonic attack, rather agape love, and the binding of spirits are. If you knew how many unclean spirits reside on the mental health floor, your jaw would drop.
God bless you all. Don't let this world feed you something that is 90% food, and 10% poison...
Have a great day and be at peace residing in Him, Lord Jesus. :waving:
How can we help stop someone from committing suicide ?
Posted : 20 Feb, 2009 09:16 AM
:applause:... I applaud you. But you must understand that unless you are a minister or lay-christain who BELIEVES EVERYTHING God says in the Bible is true, and that Jesus is the same yeasterday, today, and forevermore. And if you believe that God says, He never changes, and IF you believe that Jesus say greater things than these (what you see me do) YOU to shall do also, if you abide in MY word...
IF!... IF!... IF!... IF!... IF!... IF YOU BELIEVE these things! Only then will you have the gift of discernment to take notice of the facial expressions of a depressed person and have enough godliness and concern to ask the person, What's wrong? Or say to the person, You appear a little depressed, because your behavior and the expression on your face isn't the same..." If you believe God's word in the Great Commission, and believe that all christians are empowered by the Holy Spirit, only then can you use the power of the Holy Spirit and the name of Jesus Christ with confidence to cast out the unclean spirits and demons, and/or detect when a person isn't behaving properly.
Most likely the pastor was not in operation of his gift of discernment otherwise, he would have known this man was very depressed, an done something for him. From what has been told to us, the man was in the presence of the pastor more than once. This was God trying to make the pastor to take notice of the man's face and discern what was wrong. Instead the pastor spoke and passed the man by without even stopping.... aaawwwwww! so sad.
I wonder how many more will God send the pastor's way, and how many have God sent our way for us to discern or at least stop and notice facial expressions of depression or lonilness, when things are wrong? God works like that you know? I mean how many time have you had thoughts to call a person to say hello, because the last time you spoke or saw that person they didn't sound too good... but you kept putting it off and putting it off, and the next thing you hear is that person is near death with an illness, or is dead, or as in this case has kill him/herslef.
IT CALLED DISCERNMENT!... The Holy Spirit empowers us with gifts for the works of the minsitry... to help and assist and to build up our brothers and our sisters. So KIMK, if you're not hearing the Holy Spirit or if you don't believe, or if you are tooo consummed with your own problems and stuff to take note of others. How can you know when a person is crying out for help by hearing what they say or don't say... or the look into the eyes of a person and know something serious is wrong? The eyes are the windows to our souls, and when they are cast down the face shows this express of whatever the eyes see within our souls.
May God have mercy on all of us who profess and confess to be christians walking under the influence of the Holy Spirit, yet, care nothing about our brothers or sisters enough to make a sacrifice to stop and take up enough time with the person to make sure things are ok, The key word in being like Christ is sacrifice!....:glow:
How can we help stop someone from committing suicide ?
Posted : 20 Feb, 2009 09:30 AM
Another point. Its a very sad commentary to know that misniters and pastor nor do some christians tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth about sin!. You can hear sermons every Sunday in the pulpit about everything else but SIN! Pastors telling God's truth as to what He has to say about sin, everybody sugar-coast sin and make it pretty and there is never any call for repentances.
When Jesus started His minsitry, His first call was an altar call saying, REPENT! Everyone of You of your sin, for the kingdom of God is at hand!...
There is forgiveness of sins, if you confess that you are in sin, and ask God to forgeive you of your sins. God is faithful and will forgive you and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousnes (SINS) as if you have neve sinned before, but you cannot return back and still expect God to cover you and for grace to abound... Depression of sins comes when you have not repented of those sins before God and turned away from those sins yet you carry on in the church as if you are right before God... That its self is a sin, to make it look life you have no sins makes God a liar (First John chaoter 1) tell us these things.
Altar calls in churches aren't what they should be... the only altar call there should be, in that for repentance, because repentance brings healing of the mind ,body soul, and spirit of man.
Altars in Old Testament were for repentance and forgiveness of sins, not the foolsihness that goes on at the altars in churches today.