Author Thread: In the Name of Yahooshua Ha'Machiach

In the Name of Yahooshua Ha'Machiach
Posted : 11 Oct, 2010 10:30 PM

That's the One I'm looking for.

The woman who has Yahooshua in her heart.

True believers in the Son and also in his God and his Father.

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In the Name of Yahooshua Ha'Machiach
Posted : 12 Oct, 2010 07:12 AM

HI FRND,:waving:

I just wanted to correct you......its Yeshua......

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In the Name of Yahooshua Ha'Machiach
Posted : 12 Oct, 2010 01:06 PM

Actually, No it isn't.

Many people USE Yeshua but the Messiah himself revealed to me in a dream about his Name.

In fact, He showed me how to spell it even in English.

Its pronounced Yah oo shua

(Some spell it Yahushua) but He wrote it on paper for me and spelt it like this



"Much used by the Messianic movement, "Yeshua" is actually an Aramaic form of the Hebrew name "Yahushua". In the Hebrew script, it is not spelled the same as Yahushua. The "Yeshua" name, spelled(Yod Shin Waw Ayin), is found in the books of Nehemiah and Ezra where it lists the names of those who returned from the Babylonian exile. One of them is called "Jeshua, the son of Jozadak"

יהושוע is how you spell the Messiah's Name.

Yod, hey, Waw, Shin, Waw, Ayin

This is not said as Yeshua. It's impossible. Yeshua is spelt completely different.

י Yod - Produces a "Y" or "I" sound.

ה Heh - As a Hebrew vowel letter it produces the "Ah" or "Oh" sound (like in #8283 "Sarah" and #8010 Sh'lomoh). Otherwise produces the "H" sound and the "ah" sound would have to be supplied by the reader.

ו Waw - Also called "Vav". As a Hebrew vowel letter it produces an "oo" (u) or "oh" sound (like in #7307 Ruach). Otherwise produces a "W" sound. This is the ignored letter in the pronunciation "Yahshua". This letter is nowhere represented. Where is the W or initial U??

ש Shin - Produces the "sh" sound. The following "oo" sound is indicated by a vowel pointing but Deut. 3:21 and Judges 2:7 actually gives us another "waw" after this letter, proving the "shu" pronunciation as valid. This is why Strong's 3091 gives 2 possible spellings (see above lexicon graphic). This also eliminates "Yasha/Yahusha" and "Yahoshea/Yahushea" as being possibilities.

ע Ayin - Silent without a vowel point but indicates an "ah" sound at the end of "Yahushua".

Again many people spell it Yahushua but he specifically showed me in a dream how to spell it

And it was written like this


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In the Name of Yahooshua Ha'Machiach
Posted : 14 Oct, 2010 08:38 PM

Is this really necessary? lol

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In the Name of Yahooshua Ha'Machiach
Posted : 15 Oct, 2010 11:05 AM

"Yahooshua" is definitely an online God!

Ya spelled it incorrectly, but your heart is right!

He is well pleased with ya!

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In the Name of Yahooshua Ha'Machiach
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 07:53 AM


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In the Name of Yahooshua Ha'Machiach
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 02:37 PM

God bless you

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In the Name of Yahooshua Ha'Machiach
Posted : 17 Oct, 2010 09:25 AM

Nope. I have heard that name spelled a million different ways and I think someone who makes a big deal about how correct it should be is majoring on minors.

BTW, I thought it was YAOHUSHUA .. at least that what ONE following on the net says ..

I hope you find, brother, a Yahooshuaite woman for you.

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In the Name of Yahooshua Ha'Machiach
Posted : 20 Oct, 2010 07:52 AM

Btw, Just to clear it up I'm not one who believes you must say his Name correctly to receive him. But by all means I do believe he will LEAD YOU and GUIDE YOU into learning MORE about WHO HE TRULY IS AND HIS REAL NAME. I have been on a long journey due to this 'name' thing but it is TRUE that I first recieved the Son of God's name as Jesus.

I now know for sure though that it is NOT Jesus. In fact 'Name' in Hebrew can mean 'who you are.' And thats what is important.

I hate arguing and I hate giving my peace away to those who don't comprehend- but for those whos hearts are actually pure I'd like to say..

Another testimoney of how tiring it is when people say all kinds of **** like they actually know what they are speaking of. What have you been through or proof do you have of his True Name? Do what I have seen that I am able to speak on his Name? He has appeared to me multiple times in dreams and in real life. I have seen him and looked Him in the eyes and I met with Him. HE WROTE ON PAPER IN ENGLISH how to spell the Name. That came along with the pronuncation. It was the Messiah, THE SON OF GOD, bearer of truth and peace.

I do not boast in that these things have happened to me: It was his choice, I know I am nothing.

But please tell me which one of you has this happened to that the Messiah appeared to you and showed you how to write his Name ?

Which one of you did He speak to and tell you how to say his Name?

And I'm not talking about words through your pastor, or your Bible or thoughts in your head. I'm talking about Audible Words that came down from Heaven.

And if it didn't then why do you act like you know?

And then you wonder why I become so angry and the fire rises up within my heart and bones.

Because I hate your lies.

And you say, "There is no love, you are too harsh. Christanity is about love"

You obvisouly don't know what Love is

Because you work wickedness, and I hate it. I despise it with my being.

Here is the testimoney of the false. HEAR ME.

"Your husband was in New York City yesterday at 1 PM. All of my friends saw Him and it's also recorded on this video tape." [There was actually a murderer who was just dressed in similar clothes mimicing the appearance of the true 'husband'.] The wife KNOWS and says, "My husband was with me in Texas at 1PM yesterday."

The witness says, "No, he was in New York. I've experienced it and LOOK! It's right here on the video tape SEE LOOK!"

See what I'm talking about? The one who has ears to hear, let this one hear.

Now listen to this if you don't think the NAME is important. I speak of a different NAME. That is, his Character and who he is. The Son of the Living God.

That is why I said someone who has Yahooshua Ha'Machiach in her heart.

That is the Spirit which cries Abba Father.

The Spirit of the Son.


Oh how my anger rises up against this false doctrines of Christanity.

That is why I said whoever has the Son of God in her heart. Whoever has this Spirit can recognize it's own. Whoever else cannot hear. THE SON OF GOD IS HIS NAME. And whoever doesn't think that is important is as blind as a bat.

8Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them: "Rulers and elders of the people! 9If we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a cripple and are asked how he was healed, 10then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. 11He is the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone. 12Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."

What does verse 12 say again? 12Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."

The True Son of God

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In the Name of Yahooshua Ha'Machiach
Posted : 20 Oct, 2010 07:59 AM

10then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.

Yod, Hey,Waw, Shin, Ayin is how you spell the name in Hebrew


Yah oo Shua

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In the Name of Yahooshua Ha'Machiach
Posted : 11 Feb, 2011 09:51 AM

My God looks at the heart, not the way we spell, even though He does care about the little things. lol

I think JesusJahova,Emanuel,etc, came to set us free from legalism. Man! If He truly would only save people who knew and called upon His precise, one and only name, He'd sure be narrowing our chances to fulfill His desire that no man shall perish, but have everlasting life with Him in Heaven.

We'd sure be in bondage / "captives" not "free" if the object were to know His precise name, rather than know Him as Lord of our lives. He also would not have had Himself called so many names in The Book from which we are to study His Word and grow in Him.

I have noticed that many Christians get convicted of certain things and make a law of it. they become passionate and offended that the rest of us aren't on the same ban wagon. Truth is, the most responsible of us still have blind spots. Some of us are seeing to the hungry, while others the widows. Some are determined to quote every scripture of The Bible. Others are evangelizing. So many of us are determined that others are missing it.

Again, God looks at the heart. I praise Him that He knows mine. I'd love to know what name He prefers and even what His favorite color is. ( He's probably no respector of colors, but I don't know.) I love Him.

He said we must be born again. He did not say that there is only one name and one spelling of that name and unless you find it out you are going to hell. I did not read that he was crucified to make sure we all knew the correct spelling and pronunciation of his one and only name. If I sin by not finding that one and only word that is His one and only name to be called, He's got it covered in His blood. Just as if I'd never sinned. Justified. We serve a good God! Name above all names.

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