Author Thread: How far will you move for your king or queen?

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How far will you move for your king or queen?
Posted : 29 Apr, 2010 12:14 PM

Praise God everyone for he is worthy and worthy alone to be praised.

I join this site last week, April 22 2010 and have come across anointed women, filled with His spirit. The interesting thing about them is, they're all far away.

I never dated anyone outside my state, let alone my city. I was a believer that long distance relationships just didn't work. However, now that I'm a follower of Christ and knows His power, I'm comfortable with having a relationship outside of my state with another "true believer", and not with a luke warm person either, no no no...can't do that,lol.

Therefore, how many of you would pick up your cross to be with someone God's blessing you with in your life?

Blessings to my CD's freinds (Christian Dating)


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How far will you move for your king or queen?
Posted : 30 Apr, 2010 06:06 AM


Because I have school age children, I would first need to be absolutely sure that my love interest is sent by God. If this is proven to be true, then I suppose we will talk about it and come to a compromise that answers both our needs/desires.

I don't wish to live outside the US with my children in school. I would prefer not to go to a colder climate than I'm already in (Don't like snow or being cold, not cool). I don't want to go to a small town where I am the token minority. I prefer living right outside of a big city, in the suburbs.

Those are my preferences, but I am flexible depending on our ministry, his land ownership and God's leading of course.

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How far will you move for your king or queen?
Posted : 30 Apr, 2010 11:25 PM

Hello Gino,

Interesting question. Since I have travelled the world I don't have an issue with relocation. However, it is conditional upon being lead by the Lord. It is people that make a house a home. To me even jobs are of secondary concern if one is committed to the change. Just a few thoughts.

Fran :rolleyes:

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How far will you move for your king or queen?
Posted : 30 Apr, 2010 11:42 PM

If I was absolutely 100% sure that God wanted her to be my wife, I'd move pretty much anywhere. However, I'm not currently looking for anything more than an hour or so away.

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How far will you move for your king or queen?
Posted : 1 May, 2010 07:16 PM

if the Lord spoke to me and I knew this person would be my husband and he lived across the world, I would question.

I would never want to be outside the Lord's will, I will go.

Bless you guys,


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How far will you move for your king or queen?
Posted : 2 May, 2010 05:47 AM

Good morning,

"How far...?" Here is how far

Then Ruth said entreat me not to leave thee for where thou goeth I will go..."

If the Lord impress upon me that the this man was the one he had blessed me with then I would pray for guidance and I would consent to go with him.

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How far will you move for your king or queen?
Posted : 3 May, 2010 06:52 PM

gee do we really have to discuss this now shouldnt you think we should at least establish i would like to get to know you

on a first name basis first:glow:

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How far will you move for your king or queen?
Posted : 4 May, 2010 05:44 AM

..I just relocated back to NYC. Lived in PUERTO RICO for ministry all the way the last 20 I am ready to be open for answer that question..yes I would move and /or if my possible partner would like to move to Puerto Rico that would put the icing on the cake...:applause:

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How far will you move for your king or queen?
Posted : 17 May, 2010 01:37 PM


Nowhere at first. After getting to know the person, I would move wherever, in the US anyways. BUT... this would only be after the person I was interested in came my way, because I believe that in order to have a long term relationship with someone.... I would want them to be approved of by my father, which means they have to be around to get to know him. SO... Maybe I'd be willing to move to wherever after my dad already approves and after I have an engagement ring... but I don't think I would want to move far away on the "hope" of something working out, or ever, if my father hasn't approved of the guy.

I'd rather stay safe in my Daddy's care until someone proves himself to my father that he's worthy of me. (or, within a few hours of him, lol. Close enough he can come rescue me when my car breaks, etc. I love my Daddy very much.)

I know that's old-fashioned, but I've done relationships where my dad didn't approve... and I'm sick of them. The next time I date, the guy is going to ask my dad for permission to do so.


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How far will you move for your king or queen?
Posted : 10 Jun, 2011 01:49 PM

:hearts:Hi Jacob,Boaz,etc,etc! To the other country would be sufficient for You??????????? Rute,Rachel,Penha! Peace and Grace!!!!!! Do you strongly believe that I,m your Rute!!!!!!! God bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!:prayingf::hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts:

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How far will you move for your king or queen?
Posted : 11 Oct, 2012 04:08 PM

If God! shows me he is the one! then baby my King can come get me! truly the God i serve will let me know, n' i will be gone with my King!!!

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