Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 11 Mar, 2010 05:57 AM
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Hello all of you seekers and those being sought. Remember this from the words of a thinking photographer. People do not view you and your life in video like you do. You see a video gives you lots of information. It tells you what to think. Whereas a still picture freezes the frame and captures a moment of time. It leaves a lot to the imagination. So one person looks in the eyes and sees beauty, another person sees wisdom, and another love. So when people look at you they can not just keep staring that is rude. So that sub consiously take a still photo of you use it to make decision about who you are, what you do, how you act, and where you are going. They make these decisions based on their view point not yours. They look at your life through their lens not yours. WAKE UP THAT IS HOW THE WORLD WORKS. Life is not fair. So in order to win you must show them the truth about you. Show them that you have it together, that you are cool, that you are confident, that you are successful, with your dress, your smile, your hair, and your demeanor. So look at your pictures and see what they are saying. Remember a picture is truly worth a thousand words.
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 11 Mar, 2010 10:24 AM
What's up P-Luc? All I have to say is, why? I now believe you start these forums just to rile me. You KNOW I'm going to HAVE to say something, I cannot let the craziness ride. :bouncy: :laugh:
Okay, so I was wit chu until the 'WAKE UP THAT IS HOW THE WORLD WORKS' sentence. The 3 sentences after this statement are so bogus. :boxing: I'll deal with them one by one.
1.' Life is not fair'. This is true for people who are limited by the thought that life just throws things at you randomly. We, as children of God know that everything that happens to/for us are working together for our good. Nothing is happening randomly. In fact, I experience more of God's favor than anything else. Even when we are experiencing God's chastisement, it is with purpose. Our steps are ordered.
2. 'So in order to win you must show them the truth about you'. In order to win, all I need is God on my side. He is more than the whole world against me. The truth is not something to be conjured up. It just is. I will speak on this in number 3. :goofball: As a photographer, even what you may consider a bad shot says something about the person. Maybe they are camera shy, lack confidence, just don't like getting their picture taken. That is very revealing and should stand as truth for that person.
3. 'Show them that you have it together, that you are cool, that you are confident, that you are successful, with your dress, your smile, your hair, and your demeanor'. Of course you are going to put your best face forward in this type of venue. Are you suggesting that people be deceptive and conjure up a look of success and confidence ? How people choose to dress, their smile and their demeanor is just what it is. I don't agree that anyone should 'put on' any of that. We get a better feel for who people really are when are just their everyday selves.
What we see in a person eyes (the window to the soul), their smile and their demeanor are best left natural. It can only hide what's underneath for a moment.
Everybody please just 'do' you. That is who God made you to be. The person who God has for you will love you just for that. P-Luc, bring it. :laugh:
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 11 Mar, 2010 11:50 AM
it on now it is on ms 1babygirl but I am at work now and cannot stop to consentrate on lighting you up. I will reply properly tonight get ready and put them dukes up.
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 12 Mar, 2010 06:22 AM
Morris! Oh, Morrissssss! What is that you have in your paw? Let me see it. Oh! It's P-Luc's tongue! Would you please give it back, I'm waiting.........:bouncy:
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 12 Mar, 2010 09:40 AM
I don't assume to know it all but I think there are some things that are obvious.
1. The world does work in certain ways. It seems to me that some times we christians get so spiritual that we forget that there are just somethings that work certain ways. For example men a visual creatures. No if, and, or buts, about it. So why fight it. Just work it to your advantage. Take all the spiritual hype out of it and learn to work with it. Even if you use your faith use it to create a better you and a better image so they can see who you are.
2. Just because I said in order to win you must show them the truth does not mean you are going to conjur up something. Here is what I am saying. Sometimes we Christians forget that we have to present something of excellence. The world is not just looking at your spirit. They are looking at you smile, your hair, your size, and everything that you are. So let your body speak. Let it preach a loud message that I am a believer, and a child of the king. So what would the child of a king look like. Now you get it.
3. When I say show them that you have it together it goes back to #2. You do have it together because he lives inside of you. How else should you show that. Do not underestimate the power of images. I do not think you should be fake. You should be you. But you should make sure the outside reflect the real inside. Actually it already does. So what does it say.
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 12 Mar, 2010 10:56 AM
Bummer, you came out of play mode. It is SO fun messin' with you.
Okay, I hear you. Your points are valid. I even see very clearly the lens, if you will, in which are looking through. I also understand why, because of your particular viewing lens, you think I'm being too spiritual to see your earthly explanation.
With all that said, I say I just respectfully disagree. (Since we're being all serious and jazz :rolleyes:). I am very aware of my spiritual/natural balance. Not saying I am always on the 50/50% line, but I'm always aware. One thing I do, is walk by faith and not by sight. The Bible states that I should not be conformed to this world. Most of the things I see God do cuts against the grain of what the world says do and its wisdom.
Again, with that said, how my pictures are, are a direct reflection of how I carry myself and who I am everyday. I am a plus sized, red-boned, super crazy, confident, intelligent, fearfully and wonderfully made ghetto Sister (with issues, thank God for His grace!) with Indian, Jewish and Causation blood from the wrong side of the tracks. I have not always been here. 5 years ago, my pictures would 'have said' something else. I believe that is what comes through in my pictures because I am not trying to be or project myself as anything but what I am.
So, all I'm saying is that we don't have to put on any face in order to get the man or woman of our dreams. Excellence is subjective, depending on who is judging.
How the children of God project themselves, in pictures and in real time is a direct reflection of where they are on their journey with God. I don't think they should try to project themselves to be ahead of where they are, meaning more successful (than they are), more anything (than they are).
Sorry, for the long explanation. Just wanted to be clear. P-luc, I have never loved a nemesis more than I love you. :laugh:
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 13 Mar, 2010 06:01 AM
I woke up this morning (Thank you Lord for another day) and my head brushed against both sides of the door-frame. I blame you. You cannot go extended periods of time in between me verbally cutting you. It causes involuntary swelling of my head, because I inevitably come to the conclusion that I have you so tongue-tied, you are struggling and wrestling all through the night trying to figure out how to respond to me. Reality may be different. You may have been at work, spent time with your family, went out dancing, came home and gotten a really good night sleep, but it does not stop the ballooning of my skull.
So, I respectfully request you respond in a more timely manner so as to save me on medical bills and much ribbing from my family. :laugh:
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 13 Mar, 2010 08:38 AM
Good two are somethin else haha. A christian debate sealed in love, hmmm..that's good.
I wanted to add a little something as well. I understand the idea of wanting to post good photos because the people looking at them cannot "see" our personality so we want to look "together" I get it..
Personally I dont look at that and the other women I talk with on this site dont look at it either. As a matter of fact, we are cautious of the men who appear to have it together. It seems to be a smokescreen to cover up what is on the inside. What attracts me is what the profile says. You can tell where a person is by what they say. So, even though your photo doesnt say to much, what is written and how it's written does.
I may not be attracted physically but I will email that person if I like their profile and let them know.
Wholeness is ultimatley what we're looking for and I think that's what takes so long.
Be aware that people view you in still picture mode not in video mode
Posted : 13 Mar, 2010 11:15 AM
Hello Pluc,Babygirl,River, You ALL have valid points. Being an old country bumpkin from the sticks (I dwell amongst the banjo-pickers don'tcha see), I do not consider myself a "deep" thinker, but, I do have a couple of questions for you. In a way it has to do with the "picture mode" topic. Here goes:
I was raised to believe our body was a temple of God. Ok. In my way of thinking, putting tatoos, and body piercings on your body to me is like spray-painting grafitti on the outside of a church building. It appalls and disgusts me. I believe tattoos are degrading and disgusting. I ask a young man in college the other day why he had a tattoo across his neck and covering both arms. He replied that he was a unique individual, and as such wanted to display his individuality. I ask him if alot of the other young people his age have tattoos, what makes him so unique? I explained to him that he was in fact a conformist, the opposite of who he was trying to portraying himself as. (You can imagine his response)
Another sore spot of mine. The sloppy way people dress going to church. While I admit, I'm no Dapper Dan, I at least try to dress respectfully while entering the house of the Lord. I was raised to believe that when you go to Church, you are visiting God's house, when you go to visit someone in their house, you should look your best. At a church I visited last month, Al lthe members-preacher included- dressed like they had just got up and thrown something on. I'm talking jogging suits, rock t-shirts, OVERALLS,(I told you I dwell amongst the banjo-pickers) jeans, --I was a visiter and the ONLY one with a suit & tie. Their attitude was like"Hey, we showed up, didn't we." I know that not everyone can afford nice clothes, but you can at least make an attempt to look your best. That not only applies to Sunday, but anytime you go out. I use to get on to my son all the time for dressing like a hooligan anytime wewent out. I told him that when he was away from the house, he was representing not only his family, but all children of God and should dress accordingly. Yes, it may not be right, but people DO judge you by how you look on the outside. On the flip side, it's also wrong to try to outshine everyone when you go to church as well. Like in those Curtis Cartoons where they are at the womens' hats and bonnets. On Easter Sunday, esp., a lot of women try to make a contest out of who has the fanciest dress or hat. They forget the real reason they are at church,the real meaning of Easter. This is just as bad as going to church dressed like a bum. Anyway, amongst my ramblings, did I make sense? Do you think I have a warped mind or do I present valid points?
BTW-for you banjo-pickers out there: I live in the sticks, up in the hills, down by the river! I'm not poking fun atcha! I probably know more country songs than ANYONE on earth so please don't take offense.