I'm sure that there are very few believers in this world. And this website is not an exception. I'd like to have a fellowship with some Christians. Where are they? Does anyone know?
What is your definition of a Christian? It seems to me that a Christian would not have been standing in judgment of someone else's salvation. We can not look into another person's heart, that is God's job, not ours. We are not equipped for it.
While I agree that many do not act like Christians, I can not tell you if they are one or not. I can only see into my own heart. Everyone is at a different place in their walks. Things the Holy Spirit may have already convicted you of, and moved you away from, He may not have in another. We really just have no way of knowing. All we can do is take their word for it.
Please choose your words carefully, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the only unforgivable sin, and this was the context that the phrase was used in.
I just re-read my post and realized I owe you an apology for the harsh tone. I still believe everything I wrote, I just think I could have found a better way to word it. Please forgive this grouchy old man. Sometimes I can get carried away.
As a Christian Brian, I just wanted to say hi and welcome to the site. All these sites are what they are. They are filled with both tares and wheat. The good thing is that because of God's great love even the worst tare can be tranformed into a fruitfully plump head of wheat. If we will but pray for and love them where they are at. Be patient Brian, walk in love, forgive the offenses that come your way and extend love that all who come into contact with you are better by the experience. This is our call and He lives inside us to make us able to walk in it.
And to you Leon, A praise Him for the tenderness in which you received correction by the Spirit and was quick to apologize. Rebuke is often a form of love for The Lord who loves us will often correct us in our way. The "harshness" that you apologized for was correct but so was the rebuke. Praise God for the opportunity to be transformed before the whole world. It is written in the Book Leon. I look forward to seeing you rewarded as we all stand before Him and the Books are opened.
I am your friend, brother and servant in He who died to unite us. For where brethren are dwelling together in unity, there God has commanded the blessing and life forevermore.
I read your post. I'm a believer in Christ for the remission of my sins, and I live and exist on Grace alone. We kind of have to take the good and the bad. In the mean time He loves us all, and awaits for us to come to Him. Praise to Him that He is longsuffering and more!
Anyway, blessings' my brother...I beleive He will reward you for your concern about the lukewarmness, or what have you. Pray that He may give you a heart for people like that; I'm not saying that you don't, but there is always room for improvement. This is a suggestion: pray for people in this condition, that is if you do not already do this :glow:. I don't know what I'm getting at; I just want to be an encouragement. Of course there are going to be people that are not fully on fire for God, a people that are only living for the flesh to satisfy themselves. Romans 13:14. Just a constructive critique my brother...the way you posted that statement is a little offensive, and judging. That is how i interpreted it...maybe I'm wrong. Please do not by any means be offended by this message. This is just some food for thought. I love you in the Lord, that is why I'm taking the time to post this message.
"The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The LORD lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace." Numbers 6:24
Most Christians are looking in wrong places. That's why they can't find what are they looking for.
Jesus died for whole World so I'm sure there are true Christians in this World and not just few . Unless you consider yourself as most righteous person ,or haven't find them yet ( once again looking in all wrong places) .
I asked myself once when i was on myspace how many people put christian and dont realize that its more than just saying its putting the actions behind the words..
CDFF is the site where many of Christians people gathering to discuss or get their intent or etc. It doesn�t mean that it is closed or forbidden for others (non Christians) to join since it is a free site. I myself found CDFF by the search engine. I am happy to join CDFF especially when I come on the chat forum. I can read people�s thoughts on it and also learn English (English is not my first language).
To tell you the truth Brian, I have a friend that I get from CDFF. He is a member of it and he is a moslem man from mid east. Should I put him away or even forbid him to be my friend since he is a non Christian man? I don�t think so�
Do u think that if I have a friendship with a non Christ believer it means that I am not Christian? I also don�t think so �.
So Brian I think we have to practice the passages which written in Matthew 7:1-5 in our daily life by the help of Holly Spirit�
My friend & I just had this type of discussion over the weekend. And we didn't come up with any pat answer either because there isn't one. There's just JC, the Bible, Prayer, the Holy Spirit etc. and what you know in your heart.
As for non-christians on the site...Sweet...while this doesn't help me in my search for a Godly man maybe just maybe some seeds will be planted & grow as a result of what someone sees on this site. (This free one so far has been one of the best I've found...with more real people actually using it by the way.) Even so I understand the flustration, but that's Christian life...some people are very on fire, some a bit, some wondering...We're all at different growth stages. And yeah there are sadly hypocrites who scary away people from Christ but....just make sure you and God get it right Because in the end HE is all that matters :dancingp:
Before you read my interpretation of Mr. Washer�s message, it should be noted that I did not listen to the whole thing. I only watched about 25 minutes of the one hour long presentation. So, I admit that I may not have all the details but I was turned off by what he was saying and had no desire to continue.
I think that Paul Washer�s message is very judgmental. Maybe he is right, but I�d prefer to err on the side of love. He claims that the �Christians� of America are really not Christians at all. Mr. Washer, you, and I don�t know the conflict that goes on within another individual. Only God truly knows what is going on inside a person for I believe that even I don�t know myself as well as God does. Who is Mr. Washer to say that these Christians are not trying to better themselves and are not trying to follow God�s way? I think it is fine for someone to say that A and B are what you need to do because you are a Christian, but I do not think it is okay for Mr. Washer to say that because you do not do this and this you are not a Christian. I believe that saving grace is given through faith alone and not by acts at all. �This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus� Romans 3: 22. �Where then is the boasting? It is excluded. On what principle? On that of observing the law? No, but on that of faith. For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law.� Romans 3:28. I agree with Mr. Washer that after we are saved that our actions and our lives must change. But I don�t think it is Mr. Washer�s place to judge an entire nation or even one individual and tell them that they are not changing. The change may be invisible to us and it may be appropriate to tell that individual that he or she needs to be doing other sorts of things but it is definitely not our place to tell a person that he or she is not saved and is not changing.
Mr. Washer also said that the cross is a sign of how depraved we are and not of how much we are worth. I disagree. John 3: 16: For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but shall have everlasting life. It seems evident that God�s love for us is his main motivation as opposed to our depravity.
I appreciate that Mr. Washer is willing to stand in front of 5,000 people and tell them what he believes no matter the consequences. That takes a lot of balls especially if you are sincere in your motives. But it could also be said that he is just making a martyr of himself to promote himself in the eyes of his followers or even in the eyes of God. �I�m doing all of this so that everyone knows how much I love God� is a dangerous sentiment and is, what I believe to be, a revision of the Pharisee�s exclamations in the synagogues. (I am saying this because Mr. Washer did mention all the good work he is doing in other countries and isn�t it true that we shouldn�t let the left hand know what our right hand is doing� Mathew 6: 3. Of course, as I said before, who am I to judge his intentions or what is going on within him?) All I can say is that I do not agree with his message and am, myself, wary of his intentions. Like I said, I prefer to err on the side of love in all cases.