Author Thread: It matters what we listen to

It matters what we listen to
Posted : 7 Aug, 2017 04:54 AM

I've met a lot of people who think that they can listen to whatever music they want to. But the fact is, that is just not true! The Bible talks about over and over again how, what we spend our time in, whether it's listening to music, reading something, or anything! it will affect us.

Take the modern music genre, for instance. Plenty of singers have been interviewed to know how they were able to get famous. Many of them have admitted in their songs and to those interviewing them, that they sold their souls to the devil to gain fame.

Do you think we should be involving ourselves in such things? I have to ask myself that, too! I enjoy mild jazz, folk music from other countries, etc. etc., but I am still praying about what is most pleasing to Jesus. I don't want to participate in something evil by listening to artists who have sold their souls to the devil!

Think about the syncopated beat of rap, rock and hip hop. These same rhythms can be matched with spirit music from Hindu, Voodoo, and other Satanic worship. This should not be found in the home of believers/followers of Jesus.

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It matters what we listen to
Posted : 7 Aug, 2017 05:15 AM

Garbage in garbage out, the shovel (type of music) mostly doesnt matter it's the content that can be poisonous. Anything that mostly counts on beat/rythem and neglects melody is not music as much as a method of brainwashing, just the way the brain works... other than that it's best to avoid possible oversimplification.

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It matters what we listen to
Posted : 7 Aug, 2017 05:15 AM

Garbage in garbage out, the shovel (type of music) mostly doesnt matter it's the content that can be poisonous. Anything that mostly counts on beat/rythem and neglects melody is not music as much as a method of brainwashing, just the way the brain works... other than that it's best to avoid possible oversimplification.

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It matters what we listen to
Posted : 19 Aug, 2017 08:33 PM

I think, primarily what defines a music as Christian or worldly is not its rhythm or melody but its lyrics. I have listened to Christian rock, rap, and various other Christian music, and it's okay. I like gospel music and hymns also, but I guess I like a little bit of everything. I don't like music which has bad lyrics or lyrics that I don't understand. If I don't understand what they are singing, then they could be singing anything. I also like American patriotic songs and hymns. I also like classical music and jazz. There's nothing wrong with jazz. It's just a style. It's kind of like an accent in speech. You know, what really matters is what you are saying and not your accent. Jazz is just a style of playing music. Some people like it, and some don't. And that's okay. It's a personal preference, I guess. I can take it. I especially like Christmas jazz piano. It can be very beautiful.

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It matters what we listen to
Posted : 27 Aug, 2017 09:32 AM

Dear Rivka,

avoid that which grieves the Spirit, for you that might be one song for another another song, trying to put everything in one genre and then dismissing it as unGodly can lead to error and legalistic thinking.

I avoid music that carries an unGodly spirit, if it makes me feel uneasy off it for certain genres ie blues, well that's church music originally and the old devil music slur against it had it's roots in white supremacy, say it often enough and it might be true, that's why we had an explosion of so called rebellious blues in the 60's, the narrative was destroy and subvert, it was a very successful strategy, we can see the same kind of strategy in the world today.... so for some this particular narrative is a bit more complex and has a long and wide history to navigate.

you don't honour God by being fearful over music, though it's a natural response that sometimes leads to extremes...legalism etc etc which are in of themselves unGodly and of the enemy, so what's the answer ? test the spirits ! and just because it might make you uncomfortable doesn't mean it's of the enemy, some worship songs can make me feel uncomfortable because God is saying "hey there's an issue here !", just as some hymns leave me cold and some fire me up, I'm an individual and I'm often triggered by God, he knows how to get my attention and sometimes he will use a secular song to get my attention, hey didn't balaam have a donkey ???

please don't take my response as one advocating certain genres and songs that are obviously unGodly.

As a songwriter and musician I am careful to not displease or dishonour God with the gift he gave me, but like so many others with gifts I can get it wrong, even handedness and a good overview of what you are listening to is a good policy, know them by their fruits..

Be encouraged you have asked a difficult question and if it is causing you concern then I think maybe God is trying to bring about resolution in your thinking as our God is not a God of confusion but of a sound mind, and in that we are all striving to achieve, oneness with God fulfilling our prupose

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It matters what we listen to
Posted : 27 Aug, 2017 10:19 AM

err......Rambo.....all music has a rhythm and is based on beats.....and .....err.... all music is's how it works, hook melody and beat at it's simplest, that particular comment kinda destroyed a lot of good music that is Godly.... a lot of the church music we use today would have been in the ungodly camp 20 years ago, kieth green was quite an outsider when he started and now he is accepted as a Godly songwriter......

hip hop as we know it suffered from the same treatment as the blues, when it started it was more about poetry and social comment ala bob dylan, however as it was black music there was a concerted effort to destroy the message and the social cohesion it sought, hence the rise and forceful promotion of gangsta rap, another successful strategy by the enemy.

This one will blow your socks off, I used to work for the guy who started the skinhead movement..........brain tick overtime ???????

what he's a far right fascist ??????

Nah that was laurel aitken, the godfather of ska from which we get skinheads who morphed into northern soul on one side and white supremacists on the other, I left out an historical chunk, reggae, now that was a history lesson I never forgot from the guy who started it, in all fairness though he was a dodgy dodgy dude...

Do we need to throw out pop music ? it's beat driven, country music has it's roots in black music which of course has been successfully branded as devils music, but then it seems any black music is counted as the devils music, trend going on don't you think ? aah division division another device of the enemy....

test it test it discard that which causes you personally to stray as we are all individuals and God designed us to react and respond differently so test test and question is the response mine or the Spirit's

there is one thing that I've been pointing to that hasn't made itself known in any of the music discussions I have seen so far, the role of the executive, record labels distribution companies and tour companies have a big say in what the content of the music is and it's presentation, this is one of those subjects that is best to research yourself, think narrative and think company connections, politics and social programming are not just the preserve of governments are they ?? whether it is a box of cornflakes or the latest hillsong album there is a dedicated team of PR and Marketing artists with an agenda, money influence dominance and political narrative... forget the message they are not interested.

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It matters what we listen to
Posted : 6 Sep, 2017 07:25 AM

It's best not to confuse the tool with the user. Music is the material that is being shoveled, the type of music is the shovel that is being used, the shoveler is the one deciding where and how to shovel. Only the most extreme forms of music can be considered evil or not. Not all music have the emphasis on bass and rythem needed for brainwashing, it takes more than minor temporary surface manipulation to wash a brain... for that you need intensity and time. Extreme forms of Trance, Metal or Rap can brainwash easily because they all lull the recipients into states of suggestion. Pop brainwashes a bit differently, it uses floods of imagery and low-IQ lyrics to effect the same means, you did get intellegent pop years back that did none of this but that's pretty much dead now.

It's easy to get bogged down in the "history of music" but that's to confuse the extreme misuse of music in general by corporate interests which was possible by the lack of interest in proper technical music by a public obsessed with blandless humming and smiling ALL THE TIME. Also it is a mistake to focus too much on the stand out artists because they only stood out because the spotlight was shone on them by imperfect profit driven people, the real talent often tends to lie a bit to the side of the spotlight with the really truly good music NEVER seeing radio-play. The utter TRASH that permeates radio has led to me permanently unplugging mine years ago. Just because some "artists" sell their soul for talent does not mean all do. Robert Johnson reportedly had no talent whatsoever to the point of annoying the other musicians, then one night he did the crossroads thing and they KNEW what he had done as soon as he started playing well and most condemned him for it harshly... that last part usually completely ignored in peoples arguments against blues.

As a rule of thumb no matter what the type of music (except for the extreme one's) a group automatically makes pure music to some degree or another untill the spirit of the group (metaphorically speaking unless they actually HAVE sold their souls) shifts towards unholy music. Unless music defies God directly it automatically glorifies Him, He DID create it and us to be drawn to it after all. Sometimes rock/pop/whatever music is used to glorify God directly which is good if you can find it... that does not mean you should EVER hold a rock concert in a church though because that type of music focuses you on the band where in a service the whole congregation should be singing together bringing the focus on each other equally.

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It matters what we listen to
Posted : 14 Sep, 2017 05:54 AM

Good analysis and insight, brother!

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It matters what we listen to
Posted : 14 Sep, 2017 06:42 AM

I hear what you're saying, brother, and while I agree that the risk is there for music to shape minds in such a way as to lead people away from God, I believe that like so many other subjects God can use all things not only for the good of his people, but also to connect with those who don't know Him. If it causes a brother/sister to stumble then leave it. But if it can be used as it is or redeemed for a service that honors God and becomes instrumental(pardon the pun) to leading someone to Christ, well, Amen! I was steeped in Pop/Rock/Metal and enjoyed a few other genres growing up and that had a part in my being far from God and embedded in the world. Eventually, I gave my life to Christ and over the years as the Spirit led me I had to make some choices about what was not good for me to hold on to and to let them go. But eventually, I was able to listen to some of those songs with a new mind and discovered two neat things. First, since so many people enjoy popular music(I know, it's redundant, but bare with me), it provides common ground--a place I can meet with non-believers so we can start building a relationship of mutual honor and respect. Then, when the opportunity comes for me to share Christ with them, they know I'm not just trying to "sell them something even if it's free." They're more likely to listen because they know I really care about them. The other neat thing I discovered is what happens when I can find a secular song I loved so much growing up that I can rededicate or redeem for the glory of God and the good of his people. Concerning secular music, I was most influenced my 80s Pop/rock/metal/old school rap(before Gangsta Rap). So for one example, if you like those genres as well, consider the song I Want to Know What Love Is by Foreigner. One day during a time in my life when I was seeking a deeper level of love with God and with people and wanted to know what it looked like, this song came on. I was inspired to rededicate the song--not change any of the words really, just the audience. Instead of "I want you to show me", "you" being the earthly object of my affection in mind and heart, I began singing "I want You to show me!", "You" being Jesus in my mind and heart. When I sang that song to Him with the same passion that I had sung it so many years ago, the experience was over the top! Didn't have to change one word, just the audience. Now, if I meet that special someone and I dedicate that song to them, it will come with a whole new level of meaning .

Something like Leonard Cohen's Sisters of Mercy takes a bit more work, but the idea is the same. Instead of "The Sisters of Mercy they have not departed or gone..." I can sing, "The Lord shows me mercy. He has not departed or gone. He was waiting for me when I thought that I just can't go on. And He brought me his comfort and later He brought me this song. How I hope you run into Him, you who've been traveling so long. Yes you who must leave everything that you can not control. It begins with your family, but soon it comes 'round to your soul. Well, I've been where you're hanging and I think I can see how you're pinned. When you're not feeling holy your loneliness says that you've sinned. He stays right beside me. I make my confessions to Him. He healed both my eyes, and I touched the jewel on his hem. If your life is a leaf that the seasons tear off and condemn, He will bind you with love that is graceful and green as a stem..." Redeeming the last verse of the song would require the gifts and skills of someone with more talent than I have, but you get the idea. Great topic, brother! Thanks so much for sharing! God bless you !

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It matters what we listen to
Posted : 14 Sep, 2017 06:47 AM

I hear what you're saying, brother, and while I agree that the risk is there for music to shape minds in such a way as to lead people away from God, I believe that like so many other subjects God can use all things not only for the good of his people, but also to connect with those who don't know Him. If it causes a brother/sister to stumble then leave it. But if it can be used as it is or redeemed for a service that honors God and becomes instrumental(pardon the pun) to leading someone to Christ, well, Amen! I was steeped in Pop/Rock/Metal and enjoyed a few other genres growing up and that had a part in my being far from God and embedded in the world. Eventually, I gave my life to Christ and over the years as the Spirit led me I had to make some choices about what was not good for me to hold on to and to let them go. But eventually, I was able to listen to some of those songs with a new mind and discovered two neat things. First, since so many people enjoy popular music(I know, it's redundant, but bare with me), it provides common ground--a place I can meet with non-believers so we can start building a relationship of mutual honor and respect. Then, when the opportunity comes for me to share Christ with them, they know I'm not just trying to "sell them something even if it's free." They're more likely to listen because they know I really care about them. The other neat thing I discovered is what happens when I can find a secular song I loved so much growing up that I can rededicate or redeem for the glory of God and the good of his people. Concerning secular music, I was most influenced my 80s Pop/rock/metal/old school rap(before Gangsta Rap). So for one example, if you like those genres as well, consider the song I Want to Know What Love Is by Foreigner. One day during a time in my life when I was seeking a deeper level of love with God and with people and wanted to know what it looked like, this song came on. I was inspired to rededicate the song--not change any of the words really, just the audience. Instead of "I want you to show me", "you" being the earthly object of my affection in mind and heart, I began singing "I want You to show me!", "You" being Jesus in my mind and heart. When I sang that song to Him with the same passion that I had sung it so many years ago, the experience was over the top! Didn't have to change one word, just the audience. Now, if I meet that special someone and I dedicate that song to them, it will come with a whole new level of meaning .

Something like Leonard Cohen's Sisters of Mercy takes a bit more work, but the idea is the same. Instead of "The Sisters of Mercy they have not departed or gone..." I can sing, "The Lord shows me mercy. He has not departed or gone. He was waiting for me when I thought that I just can't go on. And He brought me his comfort and later He brought me this song. How I hope you run into Him, you who've been traveling so long. Yes you who must leave everything that you can not control. It begins with your family, but soon it comes 'round to your soul. Well, I've been where you're hanging and I think I can see how you're pinned. When you're not feeling holy your loneliness says that you've sinned. He stays right beside me. I make my confessions to Him. He healed both my eyes, and I touched the jewel on his hem. If your life is a leaf that the seasons tear off and condemn, He will bind you with love that is graceful and green as a stem..." Redeeming the last verse of the song would require the gifts and skills of someone with more talent than I have, but you get the idea. Great topic, brother! Thanks so much for sharing! God bless you !

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It matters what we listen to
Posted : 23 Apr, 2018 03:43 PM

Eh, I think people take this too seriously. I used to battle with listening to Depeche Mode and other bands who's lyrics, at times, were pretty bad. But, I came to the realization that whatever is beautiful, etc., I would focus on. Is there a good melody? Vocals? Is the song composed well?

I dunno -- I'm not sure if this analogy is going to work, but I think maybe it's like food offered to idols. It doesn't trip me spiritually, doesn't trip anyone else up to my knowledge, so I will enjoy it until God checks me.

And, personally I don't buy into the garbage in / garbage out theory when it comes to music -- at least as it applies to me. I'm not blaspheming God because of Blasphemous Rumors or having orgiastic sex in a forest because of some dopey goth tune by Type O Negative.

It is my opinion that Christians make too big a deal out of this stuff, warning us about demonic rhythms, backward lyrics, and slow brain-washing, and in the process we look stupid to the world. I've listened to punk, industrial and worldly new wave for over 30 years, and my walk has grown during that time. I'm not exactly on the verge of sacrificing puppies to the dark lord.

But, as Paul says, if it is sin to you, then it is sin, period.

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