Author Thread: A Story About Faith I Heard

A Story About Faith I Heard
Posted : 3 Apr, 2011 08:50 AM

Here's a cool story I heard about faith yesterday that was basically about a man who had a great job, great wife, and strong faith in God. Then one day he yelled at his boss, got fired which strained the marriage with his wife and as a result caused his faith to weaken. But then he got a better job and his relationship with his wife improved and he decided his faith was now strong. Only as it turns out his faith never really was in God, but in his job. From that I think we've all had experiences that have challenged our faith like in the story. The moral of that story is that it isn't that our faith is challenged in those situations so much as revealed and that there is no such thing as weak or strong faith. You either have it or you do not. The question we should all ask ourselves is what is our faith REALLY in? If you got cancer or lost some one or something, how would it affect your faith?

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A Story About Faith I Heard
Posted : 30 Apr, 2011 01:22 AM

From what I understand Faith always comes first before success that is the reason it is called Faith. Here is how Faith works. According to Jesus Christ in the Bible God gave us the Authority over our lives, Authority over Evil, and the ability to instill positive into everything. Therefore Faith comes before Change. Anyone that has faith because of their success is not trusting in God in the first place. God requires us to love him in all things and in all of our situations. True faith is when we believe and trust in God even when the situation is bad. After all what good is faith if we only have it when things are doing great but not when things are going bad.

Her is an example of what God wants and requires us regarding faith.

Several years ago my ex girlfriends brother in law passed away due to liver failure, he flat lined, and while he was in the hospital he was processed and was sent to the morgue where they placed him in "The Metal Box" as she put it. He was there for 6 hours before I suddenly felt that I should call her. When she told me that he had passed away I asked her if she wanted to pray for him so that he would go back into his body and wake back up and have life again.

She simply said yes, so we prayed and I commanded his soul and spirit to come back into his body and wake up. I simply told her that she should expect him to wake up and he would. Then I hung up the phone and forgot about it. When I called back to her 3 days later he answered the phone but I didn't recognize him because his speech was slurred. When I talked withher on the phone she told me that after we prayed he woke up and that it was him that answered the phone.

God did the miracle simply because she / they simply trusted God with a simple heart that it would happen. It was not me that did it. I simply had faith while she had faith. Faith is contagious.

The point is that God does not raise the dead so that we will believe instead we must believe that God will raise the dead. God wants us to expect it.

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