Author Thread: 8/31/08 Sunday Sermon--Press Play: Rewind

8/31/08 Sunday Sermon--Press Play: Rewind
Posted : 31 Aug, 2008 05:05 PM

8/31/08 Sunday Sermon --Press Play: REWIND


Pastor Joey's Sermon: Press Play: Rewind

People's lives do not crumble in a day. We have to be careful not to keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. We need to learn from our mistakes and the mistakes other people make too. People in the Bible made mistakes that we can learn from. We need to learn from our past==Rewind.

Age and experience does not mean you will live life to the fullest. It can actually put you in a Rut. We need Evaluated Experience. None of us wants to keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

Evaluated Experience: We need to evaluate our life and to learn from our past. If you have gone thru a divorce and didn't evaluate the situation but just blamed your Ex alone, then you have not learned. Stop and reflect Big Time because you were the 2nd part of the marriage. It was not ALL their fault!

Stupid! Its insanity to go into a relationship and not evaluate it before, during and after. We will wreck our lives by not learning from our mistakes. You have had two or three marriages? You ARE the common denominator, so evaluate.

Poor Decision Making: Rehoboam was the son of King Solomon, the wisest man in the land. I Kings 12:3-19 Rehoboam threw out the wisdom of the wise elders and listened to his young buddies. The kingom of Israel was split in two because of Rehoboam's poor decision. People's lives don't crumble in a day.

****To Make Wise Decisions****

1) Listen to wise folks around us: parents, pastors, teachers....

We need to listen for our life to be effective. How smart do we think we really are? The Bible is full of people who didn't listen and then made mistakes. We need to listen and NOT make mistakes. >>>Proverbs 13:20 Walk with the wise folk

>>>Proverbs 9:1-6 Value wisdom

2) Lack of Self Control: We want stuff NOW! We don't like to wait for stuff. Essau couldn't wait to get to the house for some food. He wanted the stew Jacob had made NOW. So Essau gave away his birthright for some stew. Essau lacked self control.

ICor 9:24 To get self control ==

Run the race with the purpose to get the prize. We need to go into strict training to make our bodies our slave. We need to develop deep personal conviction and refuse to lower our standards. We are a container for the Holy Spirit and He will help us maintain self control. We need to surrender to God and tap into the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit will give us the ability to be self disciplined so we make the right decisions. We have to call out to God for the answers to our decisions BEFORE we make the decision. We also need to go to the people of God to ask for advice. The Holy Spirit inside of them will help us too.

4) Press REWIND with our Life:

Write down the Top Ten Mistakes we have made.

Write down the Top Ten Wise Decisions we have made

Look for the Common Denominator in them. When we do this for the mistakes as well as the wise decisions, we will be Evaluating our Experiences to learn from them.

Self evaluation and evaluation from others is essential to our lives. We need to do this daily and weekly. This evaluation will help us see the blind spots in our lives and to see why we make the decisions that we make. This way we will stop making the same mistakes and instead will grow and mature in Jesus Name.



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8/31/08 Sunday Sermon--Press Play: Rewind
Posted : 1 Sep, 2008 06:55 AM


This was a really good sermon. I feel we do need to hit rewind in our lives to evaluate. I liked the list and common denominator viewpoint...It's so easy to point fingers but keep landing in the same place in our lives with only a few variables. It doesn't matter the age but maturity in Christ. Some older people stil haven't got it. I've really enjoyed this thought today...Thank You.


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