Author Thread: TRUE STRENGTH

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Posted : 3 Nov, 2011 08:50 PM

A free-flowing poem I wrote today. Just sharing. Enjoy!

When words fail and trust breaks

When disappointments arise and frustrations abound

When all joy and peace has been robbed from your heart

Will you be strong enough to surrender?

When darkness envelopes the deepest parts of your being

When hopelessness is only what you ever see and feel

When death feels so close, you can even taste it and feel its breath

Will you be courageous enough to give up?

When the ground beneath you shatters

When the sky above you slowly fades away

When the entire world seems to turn their backs on you

Will you be valiant enough to shed some tears?

For it is during these times that you can really show

Bravery, courage and valiance at its purest sense

For its then that God is waiting for your surrender,

To give up the fight and show him your tears

Then He can say that you have been true

For He knows He�s seen you for who you really are

A person who�s brave enough to admit

When he needs to be rescued the most

And that, my dear is the real deal

That is where your true strength lies

For it�s not about the times you are prepared to contend with all your might

But it�s about the times you admit that you�re more than willing to give up the fight.

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