Author Thread: what's the point of having a singles group if women aren't internet in men anymore?

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what's the point of having a singles group if women aren't internet in men anymore?
Posted : 25 Oct, 2023 09:53 PM

I run/host a local young adults singles group in my church that's open to anyone from the area. before I took over the pastors wife ran it for years. I was able to grow the group from about 5 to about 30 men but never once did women join nor have any of the men in the group been able to date. I'm beginning to realize why the pastors wife gave up in the group.

women don't want men anymore, ohh they might say they do, but their actions say otherwise. sadly no man can be good enough for women anymore, nothing we so will ever be good enough in their eyes.

ill be shutting the group down next Saturday and letting the guys know they need to stop wasting their time trying to find someone.

I guess there kinda a upside to this. we know we're not living in the end time as the bible says before hand people will be marrying and giving in marriage. yeah marriage is dead among people my age just like people wanting relationship.

it's time for every man to wake up a realize hardly any woman wants a relationship.

i'm not only done trying to find anyone bug i'm done trying to help.

I advise any man reading this to give up now and make amends with the fact that no woman will ever want you.

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what's the point of having a singles group if women aren't internet in men anymore?
Posted : 14 May, 2024 10:15 AM

" authentic Paid site for Dating"


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what's the point of having a singles group if women aren't internet in men anymore?
Posted : 14 May, 2024 11:33 AM

Moonbeam you boast a lot about all the dating you do, which by the way I don't believe for a second. I know you won't answer this question, but what do you actually bring to the dating table that a man would actually want? Lets be real. You try and portray yourself as such a shinning example of a women, yet you've spent how many years trying to find a replacement for your husband?

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what's the point of having a singles group if women aren't internet in men anymore?
Posted : 14 May, 2024 11:46 AM

Struggling with your Religion.

Seek a Holy Spirit filled Teacher he can teach you how to respectfully speak to Women.

Jesus Christ works wonders with Men who has their own distorted views of the Scriptures.

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what's the point of having a singles group if women aren't internet in men anymore?
Posted : 14 May, 2024 11:51 AM

Encouragement topic here

God can help those who are struggling with all kinds of imperfections !

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what's the point of having a singles group if women aren't internet in men anymore?
Posted : 14 May, 2024 11:58 AM

Continuously Trying to Degrade me/ women is Pathetic on a dating site.


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what's the point of having a singles group if women aren't internet in men anymore?
Posted : 14 May, 2024 12:16 PM

So you bring nothing to a relationship accept arguments and poor communication skills. Thanks for playing along.

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