Author Thread: Struggling eventhough I love God

Struggling eventhough I love God
Posted : 21 Dec, 2011 03:55 PM

Hey, I am a 36 year old Christain single woman who loves God with all my heart but struggling with a strong hold. I am a recovering sex addict and I know that that sounds really bad for a woman. But it is so true. I have for years loved to have sex and watch or read anything dealing with sex. Now that I am submitting myself to God this has been a real struggle for me. I want to be married and I am really questioning if it is for God's glory or to meet my needs and desires. I am just writing because I am so tired of the struggle and I feel like there is no one who understands what I am going through. I have tired to stop for years and every year I fall. I am greatly afaraid of the consequences of sin but it is like I have episodes and I feel like I am not even the same person and I just have to fill that desire. I am so tired. I love God with all my heart and want desparetly to please Him. What is wrong with me. I need answers. Can anyone offer me some advice.

Crying out with a desperate heart and spirit.

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Struggling eventhough I love God
Posted : 25 Apr, 2012 11:08 AM

I understand what you are going through. I was robbed of innocence at a very young age, and as I grew older, even just at 12, I felt the urge to explore sexuality. I knew that sex outside of marriage is sin, but I did not understand that even self-exploration is a sin, because the flesh burns with passion. I struggled with that desire for many years, and even still I am extremely sensitive to sensual references. Yet as I grew to understand God better, I realized that my sense of guilt in that area was the Conviction of the Holy Spirit. It is important to remember that Christ calls us to "crucify the flesh", to deny ourselves access to those desires which would distract us from his glory and keep us from his blessing. Yet he also calls the union between a married couple a blessing.

Look for people who can fellowship with you in this area, though carefully. You may find that more Christians struggle with this issue than most are willing to admit. You may find that in turning your worries into a topic of fellowship and growth, you glorify God, and place that concern in his hands. Who knows, you may meet a person who has similarly struggled, and find in that person a partner to understand and encourage you in the right ways. The scriptures talk about getting married to satisfy your desire in a healthy way, yet it also calls us to love our spouses sacrificially. Don't lose hope, or doubt yourself more than is necessary, for if you are in Christ, then the enemy will do all in his power to drag you back into a cycle of death using past sins or else your own guilt over past sins. Just know that by admitting your sins to God and believing that Christ has paid for them, you are already washed clean. Ask HIS forgiveness every day. Seek HIS wisdom, and share HIS love every day.

Sharing in God's Love,


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