Author Thread: Why do we Christians worship on Sunday and others may say only Saturday worship is the Sabbath

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Why do we Christians worship on Sunday and others may say only Saturday worship is the Sabbath
Posted : 29 Apr, 2011 09:54 PM

Some will tell you that your not right or saved if you dont worship on the sabbath some people may tell you that Roman Catholics changed the day of worship to Sunday and that the true day of worship is Saturday. I would like to see some feedback on this in my studies I certainly see what the Bible teaches but others dont interpret scripture in its entirety I no why we as Christians worship on Sunday do you ????

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Why do we Christians worship on Sunday and others may say only Saturday worship is the Sabbath
Posted : 30 Apr, 2011 08:15 AM

Welcome to the forum Hamilton!:waving:

I personally worship the Lord any day of the week, and I really don't think that God is concerned so much about which day of the week we worship Him, just as long as we set aside a day to make it holy unto Him as our day of worship.

But as you know He did in the Old Testament set the Sabbath up as according to the order of His creating the earth and all things that dwell there in and we are told that after He had finished His creations on the sixth day, He rested which made the Sabbath day the 7th day of the week, one must look at the old Jewish calender to see if the 7th day of the week was on a Saturday or a Sunday, becasue the Jewish calenander was different back then.. but God made the Sabbath day the 7th day of the week, a day of rest and worship, which means it is SUPPOSE to be a day set aside as a holy day of total worship toward the Lord, as the commandments so states to keep the Sabbath holy. But of course, no one does...

We also find that when Jesus came and He had it out with the Pharisees regigious leaders about healing and working on the Sabbath, He declared to them that the Sabbath was made for man's benefit, and not the man for the Sabbath, and it really does not matter which day man sets aside to worship God as long as a day was set aside because He was/is Lord of the Sabbath. Which lets us know that it doesn't matter if we call any day of the week our Sabbath as long as we honor God wth a day of worship. Of course, many will go to church on Sunday morning and then spend the rest of Sunday watching the game or doing their own things, but the whole Sabbath day is to be set aside in worship as a holy day doing the things of God for His glory.

Most Jews in the Bible kept the 6th day (Saturday) as the Sabbath day, but again on the 7th day God set aside to rest and called it the Sabbath day, so we would again have need to see a Jewish calander to determine if the 7th day was on a Satuday or a Sunday. Because Jesus was risen from the dead on the 7th day of the week (1st day of the week) which made His resurrection fall on a Sunday morning, the 7th day and it became the Sabbath day of worship for most Christians. And which the Jews worshipped the Lord on the 6th day as their Sabbath, and the Christians began to obersve the 7th day as their Sabbath day. But God rested on the 7th day of the week. As I stated we would have to view an old Jewish calander to see if the 7th day fell on a Satuday or a Sunday in the beginning. But we do know that Jesus rose from the dead on the 1st Day of the week which fell on a Sunday and this is the Sabbath for most Christians.


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Why do we Christians worship on Sunday and others may say only Saturday worship is the Sabbath
Posted : 30 Apr, 2011 10:52 AM

ET is right, and Christians have always met together on Sunday, and it even SAYS SO in the New Testament. It was because Jesus rose on the first day of the week.

The ONLY group that says, it has to be Saturday, is 7th Day Adventists, and they are a new group that just started in the last two minutes of church history, and they are a fringe element of Christianity at best.

It also does not HAVE to be Sunday.

And your question is a good one! I have always said that the 4th commandment is the least clear one.

I have said this to theologians, and they have never corrected me for saying that.

Here is what I have concluded on how to obey the 4th commandment:

1. Make sure you have one day in 7 that you REST from your labors.

2. Make the public worship of God, and praying, and considering the things of God, a BIG part of that day.

3. Avoid the two extremes of either strict sabbatarianism, or acting like Sunday is just play time. Most modern American Christians act like the Lord's Day is just church, and then the rest of the day is play time. Try to be somewhere in the middle without getting legalistic about it.

In Christ,


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Why do we Christians worship on Sunday and others may say only Saturday worship is the Sabbath
Posted : 30 Apr, 2011 10:53 AM

you pretty much hit it on the head simply well put we see in the New Testament on the Day of Pentecost Acts 2: that the New testament church worshiped on Sunday Also keep in mind Jesus was dead in the Tomb on Saturday and Arose on Sunday Alive forevermore sitting at the right hand of God making intercession for us I do respect the people who hold to the view Saturday is sabbath and we must keep it but, the sabbath in the Old testament was set for for the nation of Israel and the Israelites it was a law set forth for the Jewish People alone also note that when Moses went up on Mt. Sinia and God gave him the Ten commandments on the stone tablets after he was coming down the Mt. Moses sees Gods people in Idol worship notice Moses destroys the tablets Why because the Law was not even offical for a full day and His people was idol worshiping. Jesus Christ came to save the world from there sin and we have been as the only acceptable day of passed from the law of sin and death key word law the sabbath on Saturday as the only acceptable day of worship is wrong to teach we as Christians as gentiles worship the reserection of Jesus Christ which falls on the first day of the week Sunday

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Why do we Christians worship on Sunday and others may say only Saturday worship is the Sabbath
Posted : 30 Apr, 2011 02:46 PM

I have often wondered why, since the Bible shows us that the early Christians in the 1st century started worshipping God on Sunday (1st day of the week) as their Sabbath, why do so many people especially many Christian denominations either don't know or whatever still believe and think that Saturday is the proper Sabbath day?

Even not understanding that it doesn't matter which day of the week a person sets aside to worships God as their Sabbath day, because of what Jesus told the religious leaders. Yet they think and believe that the Roman Catholic church and Augustine made these changes in the calander and asigned Sunday as the Christiabn Sabbath.

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