Interesting Facebook Dream?!?
Posted : 7 Apr, 2011 01:43 PM
Ok, so I had to post this one because I thought it was interesting and I wanted to hear some people's thoughts on it. I also normally hang out in the "Ask a Girl" and "Ask a Guy", but I thought it was relavent to post this here as well. I saw two things in this dream and they were really short, but incredibly detailed and that's part of the reason that I am posting it. The details about the dream make me thing that it was prophetic, but I could be wrong and I just want to get some clarity about it.
The first part of the dream was:
From first person perspective I saw Facebook open and in the news feed I saw "Nathan DeYoung and Katie Lauren are now friends".
The second part was:
From the same first person view I saw Facebook open again, but instead of the news feed that was open I saw the "Featured People" tab open and Katie Lauren get typed in the relationship box, then save was clicked.
Now I don't know anyone by that name, met anyone by that name, and I have even seen or talked to anyone on this site with that name. I am not 100% sure the second part is related to me, but that is what I am assuming because of the dream was all in one and the order that it happened.
One of the things I had stated from the other forum parts was: I normally don't worry about these type of dreams, but I found the situation rather odd considering the my past dream experiences. Normally when I dream I never see names and only faces. This is almost most definitely the first time I have ever seen a name, let alone a full in this context to my name. I also don't dream too often. :P
I must also mention that when I was 16 I had a prophetic dream about a cell phone case. Yes, I know it was weird, but it did actually happen exactly how I dreamed it. It was when those phones had the covers that you could take off and there where different colors and such. Haha. I could have also have had more prophetic dreams, but if I have then I haven't paid too much attention. Actually, now that I think about it I have had a prophetic dream about my past relationship that has actually happened. I think I should start paying more attention to my dreams. If God is trying to reveal things to me through my dreams than I really need to pay more attention. This actually makes me realize that if God is trying to communicate to me through my dreams that I have been failing big time here. That being said though, I am not going to let this take over my search for a mate. haha. I think the only thing that I can do is pray and ask God that if it was prophetic that He reveals more to me.
One other thing that I must through out there that I have found interesting was that someone I have been causally talking to me just asked me "Do you believe that God can give people dreams and visions?" and that also kinda was like a hello! Are you there? Just my thoughts though. :P
I will also be asking God about this one, but I thought I would see what others had to say.
Please feel free to ask anything about this!!! :)
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