Rightly dividing Eph 1:11 for (James)
Posted : 18 Mar, 2011 02:23 PM
Eph. 1:11 ...[W]ho [God] worketh all things after the counsel of His will.
Q. If God works all things after the counsel of His will, how much
does He work to the will of you, me, Satan, etc.?
A. None.
B. 20%
C. 50%
D. 85%
Eph 1:11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
You actually have Paul saying that we Christians were PREDESTINED, because of GODS WILL.
Now, Twosparrows just said that God makes decisions by taking into account what you and I, and even Satan wants. That is bizarre, but lets have another verse that point blank says If God takes into account the will of man.
In rightly dividing the will of God, it is important to realize the bible speaks of three people groups, the church, the Jews, the gentiles.
The scripture you mentioned is addresed to the church at ephesus
Eph 1:11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
You actually have Paul saying that we Christians were PREDESTINED, because of GODS WILL.
Now, Twosparrows just said that God makes decisions by taking into account what you and I, and even Satan wants. That is bizarre, but lets have another verse that point blank says If God takes into account the will of man.
James the bible addresses three people groups, the church, the Jews, the gentiles.
This letter is addressed to the church at Ephesus and to the beloved in Christ, that word will is translated: desire or pleasure, it was his desire that those that believed in christ thru faith received their in christ inheritance. the topic is nothing as you inferrred, and by the way James no teaching is established by one scripture, especially out of context.
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