Author Thread: Sheep follow and Goats:

Sheep follow and Goats:
Posted : 10 Jan, 2011 10:04 AM

Butt and butt, I heard this statement the other day and the more I ponder it the more I see great truth's in this statement, we had a few sheep growing up and I had one billy goat and billy would eat about anything, he loved thistles it makes me ponderthe parable of the sower more and more, so many sheep are butting because they are eating the thistles, instead of the sweet grass. All one needs to do is go back to basics and be a doer of the word as in the parable of the sower, put your mind and flesh in neutral and let your heart take its rightfull place and fill your heartwith the word of God.

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Sheep follow and Goats:
Posted : 10 Jan, 2011 04:00 PM

I agree to a certain extent. And we should just put it all in neutral and listen for Gods voice! We should also study, rightly dividing the Word of God. I have seen error on both extremes. People so studied that they have all the answers but no real relationship with God. Others so spiritual they are enticed by spirits masquerading as a angel of light because they aren't grounded in the word of God. I believe God is a God of balance, not extremes, except in Love. But true Love has always been extreme in a fallen world of self.

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Sheep follow and Goats:
Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 06:56 AM

Both of you are right! :prayingm:


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