Author Thread: What's Your Objective for 2011?...

What's Your Objective for 2011?...
Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 09:51 AM

MOST, Men often times express themselves as having a need to being "A STRONG MAN". BUT IF YOU ASK WOMEN what she would rather have, she will tell you, she would rather that her man be a "MAN WITH DIVINE STREGNTH", "A GODLY MAN WHO LOVES THE LORD WITH ALL HIS HEART, MIND, SOUL AND SPIRT, AS WELL AS HIMSELF"... because many women know that if a man truly love the Lord his God with ALL his heart, mind, soul, and spirit, AND himself. This man is going to love her the same and even the more. Ephesians chpater 5

Check this out:

Which one are you seeking to become, and Knowing the difference between the two...

A STRONG MAN works out everyday to keep his body in shape... But, a man of DIVINE STRENGTH kneels in daily prayer to keep his soul, mind, soul, and spirit in shape before His God.

A STRONG MAN isn't afraid of anyone or anything... But a man of DIVINE STRENGTH shows fear of the Lord in ALL things, and shows courage in the Lord in the midst of his fears.

A STRONG MAN won't let anyone get the best of him ... But a man of DIVINE STRENGTH gives the best of himself in love and humility to eveyone, no matter the situation or circumstances.

A STRONG MAN makes mistakes and learns from his mistakes to never do the same thing again in the future... But a man of DIVINE STRENGTH finds strength in his FAITH, and realizes that life's mistakes are also his school of learning, and are God's blessings to captalize on. Knowing that ALL things work together for the good of those who love the Lord.

A STRONG MAN wears the look of confidence proudly on his face... but a man of DIVINE STRENGTH wears the presence of God on his face with condifence in God, assurance and grace, leaning not to his own understanding, because he knows he is nothing without God..

A STRONG MAN has faith in knowing that he is physically strong enough for his journey to do whatever he undertakes... But a man of DIVINE STRENGTH knows that without faith in God to assist him in his journey, and to help help move the mountains during his hourney, it is impossible to please God, and his ALL work is in vain.

"Had the STRONG MAN known when the theif would break into his house, he would not have allowed the theif to tie him up, nor harm him or his family, and would have been prepared to protect himself and his family....

Yet, the man of DIViNE STRENGTH, sleeps in peace knowing that he and his family rest under the shadows of the wings of God in peace... because he knows that the Lord is his keeper by day and by night, and the Lord is the shade upon his right hand, and the Lord protects him from the destruction of all evil, and it is the LORD who watches over his going out and his coming in from this time forth and forevermore. AMEN!

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What's Your Objective for 2011?...
Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 05:36 PM

Nice. Thanks for sharing, dear sister.

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What's Your Objective for 2011?...
Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 07:00 PM

Very nice, Ella, but can I be both? LOL. Just kidding.:ROFL:

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What's Your Objective for 2011?...
Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 07:06 PM

divine strength is much more attractive:applause:

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What's Your Objective for 2011?...
Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 08:12 PM

love ys GL:hearts: and Lee, everyone knows about your muscles bound bod, yeah, you can have both:dancingp::yay::toomuch:

You got that right River, divine strength goes into action without being asked:party:

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