Author Thread: The Great Tribulation

The Great Tribulation
Posted : 13 Dec, 2010 07:44 PM

Since, we are living in this last generation here on earth, I pray that I am still living to see these events that must take place. Many don�t want to know what is predicted for the future. Most churches think we will not have to go through this Tribulation and don�t understand Bible Prophecy. They view Revelation as historical events not future events.

When Jesus spoke in Mat 24, he gave us things that must happen before he returns.

One is that all these things must be fulfilled before he comes again.

He also speaks of the falling away of the church must happen. I see this happening on a daily basis now. It will get a lot worse, when this Tribulation begins.

What ever your beliefs on Bible Prophecy on the 70th week of Daniel, Trust the Word of God for all your answers. Let Scripture interpret Scripture, in this case Daniel and Revelation. The Tribulation will last for 7 years and ends with the coming of our Lord. If you believe we want be here, that�s OK too with the PreTrib theory.

The wise now understand that these 7 years are not just any set of years. It begins in a Sabbath year and ends at the end of that same Sabbath year. The wise also understand by calculations that the next Sabbath year begins on 2017, 2023 & 2030 and so forth.

In Matthew 24, Jesus said you want know the hour or day, he didn�t say we wouldn�t know the season or year.

So what has to happen to trigger the last 7 years of the generation?

There has to be a 3rd Temple built in Jerusalem and the gathering on the Temple Mount.

The desire is there, all you have to do is a google search.

The only problem that exist today is the Mosque setting there. The only way it will ever happen would be the Arab-Muslim confederacy that will attack Israel as described in Psalm 83,

Zech 12, Isa 17, Jer 49, et al. Israel will win decisively in a single day with God's help as in past wars (Isa 17:13-14) by bringing out the nukes in �The Samson Option� against the Islamic armies and cities round about, before America and Russia can even get involved. This will change the

Middle East and make several things possible described later, such as gatherings on the Temple Mount and the building of the Third Temple. We see this starting to brew today with Iran's

nuclear program under Ahmadinejad may bring it about.

This could be fulfilled very soon, all we need to do is be on the watch for this to happen and you will know the Tribulation will then begin in the next Sabbath year.

All other prophecies have been fulfilled except the one above except for the ones in Daniel and Revelation. Be one of the wise and understand. There are many warnings for us in Revelation to help us prepare.


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