Author Thread: Kneeling

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Posted : 12 Dec, 2010 04:51 PM

Just had a question about how many denominations kneel during their church service and how much? My church kneels during prayer, but that's about it.


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Posted : 12 Dec, 2010 06:42 PM


I don't think I have tell everyone that we Catholics also kneel during Mass. With us it has to do with the Real Presence of Christ (oh..oh! we go) and as an act of submission.

Before I get's what we've believed for 2,000 years. I still expect a few "planks" upside my head (bridge building).

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Posted : 12 Dec, 2010 07:09 PM

Hey Arch, any man who takes a knee in reverence before almighty God is okay in my humble opinion!

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Posted : 12 Dec, 2010 07:33 PM

I used to go to a Lutheran church where we knelt for communion. I have never had to kneel at the other churches I attended, but sometimes I just couldn't help it.

Thunder (the unknown reindeer)

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Posted : 12 Dec, 2010 07:56 PM

sometimes I kneel when I pray in my private time.

also there are times people kneel at the altar during worship at my church...

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Posted : 12 Dec, 2010 08:25 PM

I've been to churches that have knelt during prayer, churches that did no kneeling, and when I went to mass with a Catholic boyfriend he did a sort of half-kneel lunge when he picked out a pew. Honestly, the churches my family always went to (I have yet to pick a church on my own, I've gone with what my family/boyfriends do... needless to say I'm still growing) never did any organized, expected kneeling. It was something some people chose to do, but the church as a whole did not uniformly kneel together. When I was first involved where everybody knelt, so I felt like I needed to fit in, I was kind of awkward about it... but then the scratchy carpet was digging into my shins...

I think it is a great gesture, but like a lot of things church-goers do it can become a sort of robotic habit. I think it should be a case-by-case, as you feel moved to kind of thing, just because peer-pressure isn't always the same as the Spirit moving you to kneel. :goofball:

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Posted : 12 Dec, 2010 08:50 PM

The churches I've attended the past 25+ years do not have formal regular times of kneeling. For instance, like the Lutherans and Catholics. Most churches I have regularly attended have kneelers up front where you can go for prayer, and people have knelt in services spontaneously.

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Posted : 12 Dec, 2010 10:56 PM

Kneeling has always been a spontaneous action in the churches I have gone to in the past. It can surely become a "routine" thing and God knows whether you're really kneeling in your heart for sure. I guess that is the most important thing.

I choose to kneel a lot as a way to humble myself and show submission to my Lord, and have always been one who spends time at the alter on my knees, but it has been physically hard since my back rupture, so I end up sitting Indian style if I'm there for long.

I have made it a habit (most days) to kneel in the morning and night since the very "dark night of my soul"~I feel it is best for me to keep pride and self at the foot of the Cross.

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Posted : 13 Dec, 2010 06:16 AM

At my church when someone makes the decision to accept Jesus as their Saviour, they will kneel at the altar where others will pray with them.

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Posted : 13 Dec, 2010 06:59 AM

People at my church don't kneel during any part of the service; but I kneel at home every day in my morning prayers and fellowship with Him.

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Posted : 13 Dec, 2010 11:05 AM


That �half-knee lunge� is called Genuflecting (strong�s accordion P 5021 word 324�in the greek meaning �half-knee lunge�).

There is a thing about someone just �spontaneously� kneeling at service. Some may look at it as just what it is� a �spontaneous� show of affection and adoration to God�others may feel that they are �showing� how Holy they are.

I believe that it is fair to say that The Church is The Body of Christ�the Community of Believers. This Community of Believers was Anointed a �Church� at Pentecost. They were also of One Mind�One Heart�One Voice.

Acts 4:32 (NIV �2010)

32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.

The Mass has always been about this Community of Believers. One Mass�Uniform and Celebrated the same Throughout the world. When I attend Mass�the Scripture I hear read and discussed is the Same that is being read EVERYWHERE! How much more can we�the Community of Believers be as One with Jesus as Jesus is One with The Father!

When we all kneel at the same time at Mass�it is not because of �peer pressure�. It is because we are One�in Mind�.in Heart. Yes�we are not all as Arden in our Worship or in the Showing of our Faith as we should be, but we are All One In Christ!

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