Author Thread: Our President speaks about...

Our President speaks about...
Posted : 6 Dec, 2010 04:33 PM

...�Individual Salvation�

being dependent on �Collective Salvation�.

What is he talking about? Can anyone explain?

Is this Scriptural? If so�where can you find it in Scripture?

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Our President speaks about...
Posted : 6 Dec, 2010 04:55 PM

I Googled "Collective Salvation"-

Basically, �collective salvation� means �unless we are all saved, none of us will be saved� or �we as individuals must cooperate and sacrifice for the good of the whole.� Another way to state what collective salvation means is: �I can't be saved on my own. I have to do my part by cooperating with the group, even sacrificing, to ensure everyone else�s salvation. It is then that we�re all saved together.�

I also went to youtube and listened to Obama talk about this. I'm not sure though exactly how one is "saved" as an individual in order to contribute to this "collective salvation".

Definitely not Scriptural. Coming from the Prez, it's spooky.

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Our President speaks about...
Posted : 6 Dec, 2010 05:03 PM

"Personal salvation will not happen unless there is collective salvation". I got it now. One world religion type thing?

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Our President speaks about...
Posted : 6 Dec, 2010 06:05 PM

It's his way along with most politicians working towards World Government spoken in Daniel. Wake up Christians it's coming and Christians should be ready for it.

But here is the unfortunate truth. Christian believers have been told by their religious leaders that Bible Prophecy is "negative" or "too confusing" or even 'none of your business!' And nominal Christians are not looking to the Bible for answers. They consider themselves too sophisticated for that. They are usually satisfied with a scant humanistic evaluation of current events with a few novel twists here and there as presented by their media favorites or their religious champions. Sadly, Christians today are not inclined to look up to heaven and to ask God for His assessment on these critically important issues. Nor do they ask what God is doing with them in all this unfolding history and how He is calling them to respond to all this.

So the people of God, who are meant to be His agents and should be acting as His witnesses for Him, are asleep at the switch and indolent in the Covenant. Without the Bible Christians are as travelers without a chart. If things do not change and the godlessness continues the people of the West will soon become like the manipulated frenzied masses we saw in the French Revolution. They will be lost, as sheep without a Shepherd. If they continue to be mislead by political princes and a host of money making hirelings and false shepherds they will not get the good solid information to understand what is really happening now. Nor will they be getting a "heads up" on what is going to be coming in their future. Because of this spiritual blindsiding many who today call themselves Christians will fall away from the faith in the coming Great Apostasy that will unfold in the 70th Week of Daniel, the final seven years of this age. In the Book of Proverbs chapter 1 we discover that Wisdom, is as a woman crying out in the street and at the city gates. She says,

"How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity?"

But alas, very few are listening or giving her heed.

The consequences of this apostasy from "the God who is there" are severe. Allowing themselves to remain willingly ignorant the crowds continue on down the broad way. It is the pathway that leads to destruction. And so in their histories the people of the West stumble from one crisis to the next. Their pragmatic political and religious decisions and their compromising resolutions to problems are getting more and more profane and twisted. Humanistic wizards behind the scenes monitor events and direct the conversation and the decision-making as the world churns. They seek to manipulate the Hegelian dialectic and thereby direct and regulate the information process along the lines they want it to go. The "man behind the curtain", like the Wizard of Oz, is aware of what is happening in the world. But his radar screen just gives him a low angle of view. It cannot show him what is going on in heaven. And so the present Western colossus of social engineering, greatly aided by online digitized information, is being built. It is now rising up like Nimrod's Tower of Babel did on the plains of Shinar. Unseen hands at the flat top of the pyramid await the Antichrist. He will cap it all off as He must do. Christ has already come as Emmanuel, God in the flesh. The gnostic powers hate that. They hate any thought of His second coming even more. And they have their humanistic answer to God coming down Jacob's ladder and into their cosmos of Nature with a capital "N". And they will eventually present their man to be deified. After all, the powers of darkness must have their god-man too. Humanistic leadership pulls the levers at the tops of the hierarchies according to a man-centered agenda. The principalities and powers, angelic and human, cunningly put their own spin on the news. They then serve it up the huddled waiting spiritually ignorant masses who generally receive the information as it was presented to them. Without God there is no other option.

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Our President speaks about...
Posted : 7 Dec, 2010 03:07 AM

Basically he is combining religion and socialism. What he means by �saved� is that we are all wealthy. He also comes from the point of view that new wealth is not created, but that there is a fixed amount of wealth. That means that as the �rich get richer� they are taking away money from the poor. There is no way that the poor can become wealthy unless the rich give up their money. So, for everyone to be �saved� we must take from the rich and give to the poor. That is why he has been hanging on to the tax for those who make above 250K/year. It is not about creating jobs, or even raising money for the treasury, it is about redistributing wealth. Unless the rich give up their wealth, there will be no collective salvation.

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