Author Thread: Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother

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Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother
Posted : 19 Aug, 2008 07:21 AM

1. How would you balance this with the leaving and the cleaving.?

2. Would you let your parents pick a spouse for you?

3. Do you still have to honor your mother even if you leave?

1,If the family is going through a situation of any sort. I believe that the spouse have to wait or be respectfully rejected. I can't remember but was it God first, Family second then Church? Something like that,,,

2. In the Japanese culture. A higher percentage if a relationships chosen by there parents prove to be successful than a spouse looking for romance on their own.

3. It seems that there isn't any age limit on the honoring. I guess we have to prove that towards our God since Our God is like a Father to us right? Our parents take care of us and we must do like wise to them. Its like a living taking care circle.

----Take care of----

Perants --------------->baby

Teen/Adults---------->Perants/ Senior Citizens

Then back to parents.

God----> Everyone.

Accepting your position is what we can do best.

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Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother
Posted : 19 Aug, 2008 03:58 PM


I don't know if I would be comfortable with the choice of my spouse being entirely up to my parents, but I do think their opinion would be a huge factor in my decision.

No matter where I go in life, I will honor my mother and my father till the day I die. I've been Blessed with terrific parents.


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Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother
Posted : 20 Aug, 2008 06:35 AM

When your parents are are truely on your own!


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