Author Thread: The Mysteries of the Sinner's Prayer

The Mysteries of the Sinner's Prayer
Posted : 8 Nov, 2010 06:41 AM

My contention today is that no one has ever been saved by praying the sinner�s prayer in the history of Christianity�not even once! If you disagree with us, give us a call.�

Are you a stunned reader?

I�ve said this same thing to many people and groups over the years and have had similar reactions.

Many Christians have come to falsely believe that the sinner�s prayer itself saves.

Of course, they just haven�t thought it through.

Sadly, though when I ask some of these Christians what does save mean, they often don�t have an immediate answer.

So I�ll ask: �For byyyy�� I stretch it out, hoping they�ll answer. They usually don�t so then I�ll say� �grace you�ve been saved by�?� and some will often rather meekly ask, �faith?�


People are not saved by praying a prayer. To be saved one must have faith in Jesus Christ.

Now, let me be clear. There�s nothing wrong with the Sinner�s Prayer, per se. After all, it is a prayer of repentance from sin and of committing oneself to follow Christ. The Sinner�s Prayer is something that those who come to faith may do (I write �may� because some people do not begin the life of faith in Christ by praying a prayer). I�ve led people, who have come to faith in Christ, through that prayer and I hope to do so in the future.

But, again, let us remember that the prayer itself doesn�t save. To some this truth may seem picayune, but it has dreadful implications which I will address later.

Ephesians 2:8-9: �For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith�and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God�not by works, so that no one can boast.�

Grace is God�s Part! Faith is our part! We receive Faith in God�s Holy Word and Prayer! :prayingm::angel:




In Romans 10:13, Paul quotes an Old Testament prophecy found in Joel 2:32. It states, �For whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.� Many take this passage to support what is commonly referred to as �the sinner�s prayer�. When it comes to the gospel plan of salvation, many believe that the sinner�s prayer is all that is required. It might go something like this: �Lord Jesus, I now accept you into my heart.�

As you may know, the book of Acts is the history book of the New Testament, recording the establishment and growth of the New Testament church. As you read through its pages you will find seven examples of conversion. They are as follows:

1.In Acts 2:41, 3000 gladly received the word and were baptized.

2.In Acts 8:12, when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized both men and women.

3.In Acts 8:35-38, when Philip and the eunuch came to a certain water, he commanded the chariot to stand still, and they went down into the water, both Philip and the eunuch and he baptized him.

4.In Acts 9, Ananias went to Saul who had been fasting and praying for three days. Surely, if the sinner�s prayer had been sufficient, then Saul at this point was already in a saved state. He was now a believer in Jesus Christ, had spent three days fasting and praying, demonstrating that he had obviously repented. And yet Ananias said, �Why do you tarry? Arise and be baptized and wash away your sins.� Acts 22:16

5.Acts 10:44-48, Peter spoke words to Cornelius and his house whereby he and all his house could be saved. �And he commanded them to be baptized.�

6.In Acts 16:14, 15, after the Lord has opened Lydia�s heart to the things spoken by Paul, she and her household were baptized.

7.Again in Acts 16, and this time in verses 31-33, Paul and Silas spoke the word of the Lord to the Philippian jailor. �And immediately he and all his family were baptized.�

Actually the notion of the sinner�s prayer is somewhat of a mystery. The mystery begins as we examine the book of Acts. As previously mentioned, it lists seven examples of people being converted to Christ.

In Acts 2, after many are convinced that Jesus is the Christ, they ask this simple question, �Men and brethren, what shall we do?� Peter instructs them to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins. He never mentions the sinner�s prayer.

In Acts 8:12, when the Samaritans believed Philip preaching the things concerning the the kingdom of God and name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized both men and women. Again, no mention of the sinner�s prayer.

In Acts 8:35-37, Philip had begun with Isaiah chapter 53 and preached to the eunuch, Jesus Christ. As they came to a certain water, the eunuch asked, �See, here is water, what hinders me from being baptized? Then Philip said, �If you believe with all your heart you may.� And the eunuch said �I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God.� So he commanded the chariot to stand still. And both Philip and eunuch went down into the water, and he baptized him.� Again, no mention of the sinner�s prayer.

In Acts 9, we find Saul on the road to Damascus, struck blind by the great light, responding to Jesus� question, �Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?� by asking, �Who are you, Lord?� He was astonished and trembled when Jesus answer, �I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.� We are told that for the next three days Saul was fasting and praying. Was this the sinner�s prayer? Saul was certainly a sinner. And he surely was praying.

But we are told that if sinners will simply pray the sinner�s prayer, confessing their sins, and inviting Jesus into their life, that He will save them, and nothing else is required. But Jesus instructed Ananias to go to Saul. And when he came to Saul, what words did he utter?

Did he say, �Saul, don�t you know that your prayer has saved you�?

Did he say, �If you�ll just pray the sinner�s prayer, the Lord will save you�?

Or, did he say, �Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord�? (answer, check Acts 22:16). The mystery deepens is you begin to wonder why, if the sinner�s prayer had saved him, that he still needed to be baptized to wash away his sins.

Friends, it is not our purpose to offend you, but simply to ask you with love and compassion, to give us one example of anyone being saved by praying the sinner�s prayer. You cannot find that example here.

So, let�s go to Acts 10 where we find the conversion of Cornelius and his household. In verse 2 we find that he prayed to God always. Here again is a man who is a sinner. And here again is a man who is praying. But here again is a person whose prayer has not saved him. He was instructed to send for Peter �who will tell you words by which you and all your household will be saved.� (Acts 11:14).

As you begin to read those words in Acts 10:34-48, again there is, mysteriously, no mention of the sinner�s prayer.

In Acts, chapter 16, there are two more examples of someone being converted to Christ. In verses 11-15, we have the conversion of Lydia. Then, in verses 25-34 we have the conversion of the Philippian jailer. But, search as you might, you still can find no mention of the sinner�s prayer.

In none of these cases do we have any mention of the �sinner�s prayer� but in every case we are told that those converted have been baptized. Wonder why? The mystery deepens!

None were saved by the sinners Prayer

If none of those converted in the book of Acts were saved by means of the �sinner�s prayer� perhaps we should look somewhere else.

We did notice that in every case those converted were baptized. But, for what reason?

When Jesus send the apostles out on the great commission, He commanded them to go

and �make disciples, baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe whatsoever I have commanded you� (Matthew 28:19-20). In Mark�s gospel (16:15, 16) they were commanded to go �preach the gospel to every creature, he that believes and is baptized shall be saved.� These are not my words, they are the Lord�s.

It would almost seem that Jesus was trying to somehow connect baptism and salvation.

Then you add John 3:5 where Jesus said that except a man be born of water and Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. One birth, two elements, water and Spirit.

Add to that the words of Peter on Pentecost after using the miracles, the Old Testament prophets, and an eyewitness account to the resurrected of the Christ to convince the Jews that Jesus was indeed the Christ, some of those listening were pricked in their heart (i.e. they were convinced that Peter was telling the truth, and that Jesus was indeed the Christ). And they asked, �Men and brethren, what shall we do?� (Acts 2:37). �Then Peter said unto them, repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for (unto, in order to receive) the remission of sins�.�

My friend, if you believe that Jesus is the Christ, shouldn�t you do the same thing? Shouldn�t you repent of your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins?

When Saul (Paul) was struck blind on the road to Damascus, he was convinced that Jesus was indeed the Christ. As a result of that revelation, he fasted and prayed for three

days. There was not some still small voice sent to him, but rather Jesus sent a man who would tell him words whereby he might be saved. When Ananias came to Saul, he asked, �And now, why do you tarry? Arise and be baptized and wash away your sins�.� Here was a man who was a believer in Jesus Christ, who had repented of his sins (demonstrated by three days of fasting and praying) who was not yet in a saved state, the process of conversion was not yet complete. How do we know? BECAUSE HE HAD NOT YET WASHED AWAY HIS SINS!

Baptism, then, has several purposes.

FIRST, to obey Christ.

SECOND, to wash away sins.

THIRD, to leave the world behind and become a part of the body of Christ, a New Testament Christian, to be baptized �into Christ� that we might be raised to walk in newness of life, (Romans 6:3, 4). If you have been baptized, what was the reason? When you begin comparing those reasons with the teachings of the New Testament, how does yours stack up? Baptism, after all, is of no value if it is for the wrong reason.

Living In The Balance Of Grace And Faith

One of the most common questions I�m asked is, �What do I need to do to receive the blessings of God?� It is usually followed by this explanation: �I have been praying, reading my Bible, going to church, and paying my tithes, yet I don�t seem to be able to get my prayers answered.�

In that question and explanation lies the root of the problem: They have fallen into the trap of linking God�s response to their performance. They have not properly understood the balance of grace and faith and their relationship to each other.

By definition, the word grace means unmerited, unearned, undeserved favor. Therefore, the good news is, grace has nothing to do with you. Grace existed before you ever came to be. Another way of saying it is, grace is God�s part. Faith is defined as being a positive response to what God has already provided by grace. In other words, faith is your positive response to God�s grace, or faith only appropriates what God has already provided for you. Therefore, faith is your part.

Grace and faith work together, and they must be in balance. Ephesians 2:8-9 says,

�For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.�

Sometimes we read a passage from Scripture that is so familiar, we don�t stop to think about what it is really saying. In this verse, a profound truth is being declared. It says we are saved by grace through faith, not one or the other. Think of it this way�grace is what God does; faith is what we do. It takes both working together to receive salvation.

Salvation is not dependent on grace alone. If it were, everyone would be saved and going to heaven, for God�s grace is the same toward everyone (Titus 2:11). He has already brought the gift of salvation to everyone through Jesus. It is by faith that a person receives what was done 2,000 years ago.

Most of us believe that in order to be saved, we need to ask God to forgive us of our sins. But that isn�t what the Bible teaches. In 1 John 2:2, it states that Jesus was the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for the sins of the whole world. Jesus didn�t just die for those He knew would accept Him; He died for every sinner who has ever lived on this earth. And He died before you or I ever committed a single sin.

Here is a radical truth that would get me kicked out of most churches: Sin is not an issue with God! The Lord isn�t waiting for us to ask Him to forgive us of our sins. The sins of the entire world�past, present, and future�have already been forgiven. Even a man like Adolf Hitler had grace extended to him! Jesus loved Hitler and paid for his sins just as He did for you and me. God is no respecter of persons (Rom. 2:4).

God has already done His part; it is now up to you to receive the truth by faith and make it a reality in your life. Amen!

John 1:29 states,

�Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world� (New International Version).

In John 16:8-9, Jesus said,

�And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me.�

The church often misinterprets this scripture and preaches that the Holy Spirit is here to convict you of all your sins. That is not what the Holy Spirit is here to do. He is here to convict you of the single sin of not receiving Jesus as your Savior. The only conviction is that of believing in Jesus Christ.

People do not go to hell for committing adultery, stealing, or even murder. Those, like all sins, have already been paid for. This is what the Bible says in John 16:8-9�the only sin that is going to send people to hell is the sin of rejecting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. So stop magnifying sin in your life!

The message that much of the church is preaching causes us to become conscious of sin instead of conscious of righteousness (Rom. 3:19-20). It also causes us to link our performance to all the other blessings of God.

God�s grace has provided not only for salvation but also for every need of your life. That provision is not based on whether you are reading the Bible enough, praying enough, going to church, or even paying your tithes. Before you ever had a financial need, God created the provision. Before you were sick, God, through grace, provided your healing (1 Pet. 2:24). Before you ever became discouraged, God blessed you with all spiritual blessings (Eph. 1:3). God anticipated every need you could ever have and has met those needs through Jesus before you existed. That�s grace.

Jesus hasn�t saved, healed, delivered, or prospered a single person in the last 2,000 years. What God has provided by grace 2,000 years ago now becomes a reality when mixed with faith. Faith appropriates what God has already provided. Faith doesn�t move God; He isn�t the one who is stuck. Faith doesn�t make God do anything. Grace and faith work together, and our part is to accept what God has already done. Grace must be balanced with faith.

Many Christians believe that God moves sovereignly as He wills when He wills. That is because religion teaches that God controls everything, and nothing can happen without His permission. However, it�s not true; everything isn�t up to God.

For instance, when my father died, I was told God needed him in heaven more than I needed him here. Even at twelve years old, I knew better than that. Why would God need my dad in heaven? God didn�t kill my dad. That is not what the Word of God teaches. The Scripture makes it very clear that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (Heb. 2:14 and 1 John 3:8). Satan is the one who goes about seeking whom he may devour (1 Pet. 5:8). Satan is the one who comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10).

God is being misrepresented. If He was guilty of all the things we blame Him for, there isn�t a civilized nation on the face of this earth that wouldn�t convict Him of crimes against humanity. I think the idea that God either causes or allows evil so that somehow, we will grow spiritually is the worst heresy in the body of Christ. It renders people passive and takes away their hope.

If you really believe that God controls everything, what�s the use of doing anything? After all, it�s all up to God. If you believe that God is trying to teach you something through sickness or poverty, why see a doctor or look for a good job? Why not suffer as much as you can and really learn the lesson? I mean, how dumb can you be and still breathe?

Brothers and sisters, that is terrible doctrine. The Bible says that in the last days, people will call evil good and good evil (Is. 5:20). There are denominations today teaching that when you get sick or experience financial problems, God is causing it so that He can teach you something or humble you. That is an example of calling evil good.

God is not responsible for killing babies, for rape, violence, poverty, or sickness. Satan is the author of evil, and the Bible clearly states that we are to resist the Enemy (James 4:7). Resist means to actively fight against something. If we aren�t fighting against sickness, for example, then we are submitting to it. To casually say to Satan �Please leave us alone� is not resisting the devil. We need to get angry at the devil, and we won�t get angry if we believe that God is the one either causing or allowing the problem.

God�s will doesn�t automatically come to pass. Jesus said that not everybody will be saved (Matt. 7:13), yet Scripture says it is the will of God that none should perish (2 Pet. 3:9). God has provided salvation, healing, financial provision, and everything else we need. But if we don�t respond in faith to what has been provided by grace, we won�t receive.

God�s will is for everyone to be healed. Acts 10:38 says that Jesus went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil, and it called what He did �good.� And 1 Peter 2:24 tells us that we were healed by His stripes, yet most of us still do not receive His healing into our lives.

It is not the truth that sets you free; it�s the truth you know that will set you free (John 8:32). And the truth is that you need to put your faith in what God has already done, not in what you do. God, by His grace, has already provided healing, prosperity, forgiveness for sin, and much more. However, it must be appropriated by faith.

God has done His part by giving His Son, Jesus. His grace has provided everything through the sacrifice of Jesus. This is nearly too good to be true because there is absolutely nothing we can do to earn it and nothing we can do to lose it. Our part is simple: We respond to His grace by faith and appropriate what has already been accomplished.

As simple as this sounds, most Christians don�t understand this concept. Make sure that is not you. This is foundational to your relationship with God and the reason you may not be seeing your prayers answered.

I believe this message is at the heart of the Gospel, and it�s the heart of the message God has given me to help transform the world.

Many emphasize grace and others emphasize faith. But too few emphasize balancing grace and faith. It�s like sodium and chloride: Taken individually, both are poisons and can kill you. When mixed together, they become salt, which you must have to live. Grace without your positive response of faith won�t save you. And faith that isn�t a response to God�s grace will bring you into condemnation. But put your faith in what God has already done for you, and you have the victory that overcomes the world (1 John 5:4).

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The Mysteries of the Sinner's Prayer
Posted : 8 Nov, 2010 06:54 PM

" If you disagree with us, give us a call."

Who is "us"???

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The Mysteries of the Sinner's Prayer
Posted : 8 Nov, 2010 07:40 PM

You know we were agreeing with you at the begining,

but we got kind of "lost" in the middle and

our browser could not go all the way to the bottom of your post.

If you could revise and give us the shorter version

we would appriciate it.

We believe that we have to pick up "our cross" every morining and "walk" with Christ and to look "fearfully" towards Heaven (for Fear that we may stumble and be lost).

All of us know that our Salvation is not a simple act of asking for God to save us.

We (all of us) know that we have to be Constantly Trying to do God's Will and getting back up when we do fall and Never Ever taking Our Salvation for granted.

We All thank you!

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The Mysteries of the Sinner's Prayer
Posted : 8 Nov, 2010 09:56 PM

If all it takes is a stumble to be lost I better just give it up right now!

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The Mysteries of the Sinner's Prayer
Posted : 9 Nov, 2010 09:37 AM


There is no such thing as a sinners prayer.

Whoever made this up,and whoever believes this should read the Word of God,and stop listening to the dribble of men..

If prayers could change things,the Muslims would own the world.

And The Jews would have had Jerusalem back by now.

GOD changes things,Power to change anything or anyone belongs to Him.

Agape' and Charis:


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The Mysteries of the Sinner's Prayer
Posted : 9 Nov, 2010 04:07 PM

Short post per request from my Personal Advisor and myself!

The simpliest way! I am a baby in Christ eyes!

How do we know if we are Saved or Reborned?

The question comes up from time to time as to whether or not a person is really "saved," and/or really "born again." Some need to take self-inventory of their spiritual condition, because it is possible that God is warning them that they are not really saved and/or spiritually born again. Christianity is not a religion. God gives us free will on his earth to do what we please. He left to us the Holy Spirit. This separates us from all religions in developing a personal relationship with him.

So we now know there is only one way for us to receive salvation and make it into heaven; that is to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. But how do we actually receive the gift of salvation? Surely there is some sort of process we have to go through, right? Nope, no process but God did give all of us our own free will and ability to make decisions. Therefore, we must make a personal choice to trust Jesus and accept His invitation. We can accept His gift of salvation and "confess with our hearts that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and you will be saved".(Romans 10:9). So the question is what choice will you make? Do you know what choice your friends and family have made? Here is a quick recap:

1) Admit you and I are sinners we cannot make up for our sins on our own 2) Make a decision to turn away from your sins and repent. 3) Have faith and believe that even though you did not see Jesus crucified for your sins that it did happen and he later was resurrected(rose from the grave) and ascended to heaven. 4) ASK Jesus to come into your heart and through this receive the Holy Spirit to live inside you and guide you.

Is there a difference between being "saved" and "born again?" No. You can't truly be saved unless you become born again, and you can't truly be born again and not be saved.

How do we receive the Holy Spirit? By Communicating and Learning (Prayer and the Holy Bible). The more you give him the more he will give you!

It�s the same process as when we meet a new individual you like for the first time!

Many Christians attends Church for all the wrong reasons! When I am forced to do something or try to manipulate me, I will refuse or condemn it. However, if I desire to do something, my heart and mind will make it come to pass.

When someone comes to me in love and kindness wanting me to do something or to purchase something my heart and mind will hear what they are trying to accomplish. I analyze, dwell on it, look at the Benefits and then with my own free will, I decide and choose what is best for me.

Christianity works on this same principle. Our own free will God gives us.

The problem or confusion sometimes comes, however, with people who may have prayed "the sinners prayer," (or sometimes referred to as a "prayer of salvation"), attend church regularly and maybe even join a church, for instance ... and there is no obvious Christ-like change being manifested in their life as time passes (commonly known as Godly, Christ-like, Holy Spirit fruit manifesting in their life). Though they may confess Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, they continue to go on sinning just like before, seeking God's continual forgiveness, but never engaging in true repentance (which means: change! ... not just continually asking for God's forgiveness and leaving it at that) for their criminal acts against God (which is what sin really is, in the highest extent) and/or serious obedience to the commands of the New Testament (The New Covenant).

Trying to keep it simple (though it is not so seemingly simple at all in many cases, I realize), from a balanced Biblical perspective ... the person who does not genuinely manifest any Godly fruit in due season using the New Testament Bible as their measuring device in which to judge their thoughts and actions . . . that person is not saved, neither is that person truly born again. They are only hoping they are. They are self-deceived, sadly.

"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven." -- Matthew 7:21

Over-riding the above . . . God is the sole Judge of who will make it to heaven and those who will not. God knows the heart of each of us, and no mere human can see what God sees, or knows. Yet confusion abounds about this issue, and so I will make my best attempt to try to do the topic some justice that God will not fault me for at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

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