�How could we have such a low view of the gospel of Jesus Christ that we have to manipulate men psychologically to get them to come down and pray a prayer? �How many times have I heard evangelists say, �It�ll only take five minutes.�? No my dear friend, it will take your life�all of it! �We�re just trying to attract people and then we�ll gradually bring them in further and further.� That is what the cults do, that�s not what Jesus did. Notice that in the gospels every time a great crowd is following Jesus, he turns around and says something so radical to them that most of them walk away. Of course Jesus probably would not get invited to teach evangelism in most churches today.�
�When you leave the gospel behind, and there is no longer any power in your supposed gospel message, then you got to go to all the little tricks of the trade that are so prominently used today to convert men and we all know most of them all of them do not work.�
�The person who loves you most will tell you the most truth. One of the greatest distinguishing marks of a false prophet is that he will always tell you what you want to hear, he will never rain on your parade, he will get you clapping, he will get you jumping, he will make you dizzy, he will keep you entertained, and he will present a Christianity to you that will make your church look like a Six Flags over Jesus. And keep you so entertained you are never addressed with great issues such as these:
Is God working in my life?
Am I growing in holiness?
Have I truly been born again?�
�In modern day evangelism, this precious doctrine [of regeneration] has been reduced to nothing more than a human decision to raise one�s hand, walk an aisle, or pray a �sinner�s prayer.� As a result, the majority of Americans believe that they�ve been �born again� (i.e., regenerated) even though their thoughts, words, and deeds are a continual contradiction to the nature and will of God.�
�Here stands God on the day of creation. He looks at stars and He says �all you stars move yourself to this place and start in this order and move in a circle and move exactly as I tell you, until I give you another word. Planets-pick yourself up and whirl, make this formation at my command, until I give you another word. He looks at mountains and says �be lifted up� and they obey him. He tells valleys �be cast down� and they obey him. He looks at the sea and says �you will come this far�, and the sea obeys. Then, he looks at you and says �come� and you go �no! Does that bother anyone?�
�People tell me judge not lest ye be judged. I always tell them, twist not scripture lest ye be like satan.�
�The work is hindered. The glory of God is tarnished and it is because the people of God no longer know how to discern the things of God.�
�Ever wonder how the people of God could walk into the temple of God, could offer sacrifices to God could praise God, and then turn right around and find the biggest tree on the highest hill and worship any number of idols, and not be able to tell the difference, and not be able to recognize the wrong, in a multiplicity of gods? Well, I want you to know that is the church in America today. And because the greatest sin among the men of God today is the fear of men which is a snare, and the fear losing economic security and reputation in the denomination. �As the church runs headlong into judgment today the men of God instead of repenting and crying out and studying God�s word with all their passion are looking for models on how to keep lost people in their congregations and it�s wrong.�
�Most of you live your life on flimsy little songs, not upon the word of God.�
�We honor the old prophets, we honor the Tozer�s and Spurgen�s but we don�t want to pay the price they payed, and they payed the price by being men who walked alone who lived with God and who loved his word.�
I don�t care how strong your religion is, or how strong your church life is, I don�t care how strong your morality is. On that day of judgment God will tear it down and it will wilt. Whenever humans declare themselves to be righteous they are doing it by contrasting themselves with other humans who are worse. And you can get away with that, but when your righteousness is contrasted with the righteousness of God there is nothing but to throw yourself down and declare your morality to be dung.
To be made a curse is so horrible (Gal. 3:13), that the last thing we would hear before we stepped into hell would be all of creation standing to its feet and applauding because God has rid the earth of us.
You can judge a book by its cover according to Jesus Christ. And it is terrible�I have spent my life preaching around this country and I want to tell you something, it is terrible when the guest preacher has to walk in with his head down because he�s afraid that he will be caused to stumble by other believers. - (ouch!!! that was probably towards women and how they dress at church)
One of the greatest sins of pastors in America today is self-preservation. To preserve self they will turn away from preaching the truth.
Oh young person, you want to wear the Christian T-shirts, and sing the Christian music, and hang around with Christian friends, but how many of you will wear out a Bible and say �I must know this, else I die?�
If you have never heard a Paul Washer sermon, here are 2 you should check out. The Meaning of the Cross & 10 Indictments Against the American Church.
There is one great common denominator between all religions outside of Christianity�they all believe that a right standing with God is based upon obedience, personal merit, or some ability to please God. Christianity stands alone in declaring that man is hopelessly and helplessly lost. He cannot improve his standing before God, he cannot obey God, he cannot please God. If he is to be saved, God alone must save him. It is this truth that fallen man hates most of all, for it requires him to humble himself before God, acknowledge his sin, and ask for mercy! God is righteous and man is a lawbreaker, therefore he is no more inclined to seek God than a criminal at large is inclined to seek an officer of the law.