Author Thread: Answered Prayers

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Answered Prayers
Posted : 29 Jul, 2008 06:48 PM

Had any you'd like to share? Your testimony could encourage others to "hang in there". :angel:

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Answered Prayers
Posted : 30 Jul, 2008 05:43 AM

There are so many that it's impossible to put them all down but I'll share a couple. When I was in my last year of college, the Lord (and I do mean the Lord) told me to cut way back on the hours I was working so I could really apply myself to the home stretch. I had just enough money to squeak by but not enough to finish paying off my school debt. I kept praying about it and God kept reassuring me that I had done the right thing. Knowing that I could not graduate unless that bill was paid off was hard at age 22. One week before graduation the President of the college called me into his office. Of course I was a little panic stricken thinking it was about my bill and graduation. Much to my surprise, he asked me if I would be willing to represent the college in a singing tour for the summer and my graduation debt would be absolved! Not only did God pay off my debt but gave me a summer of pure bliss and worship.

What a great God!

I'll share one more and then quit. (God always answers right on time even though we may be in the last inning!)

Well, this one happened a few years ago. I was on my way to a CPR class and was running, fell, and broke my leg and ankle in several places. Needless to say, I was in a wheelchair for almost a year and was teaching from a wheelchair. My husband had a heart condition and was medically retired so this made things very tough with three children. Money was more than tight and we were renting a house at that time. Everything we did was prayed for...

It was just a couple of days or so before our rent was due and we had no money to pay it. We never said anything to anybody about it. I went into school one morning and there was a card waiting for me. When I opened it up I cried and cried...It was a beautiful card from the parents with the exact amount of money for our rent. During that period in our lives, God continued to cover us until we got through it.

Bottom line...God never puts on us more than we can bear.

Sometimes we don't know how strong we are until put to the test. He is a faithful God who WILL take care of us IF we put our faith in HIM! Thank you God for the countless prayers you are answering and will continue to answer. To you be honor and glory forever and ever!:applause:


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Answered Prayers
Posted : 30 Jul, 2008 07:44 PM

My most recent answered prayer was a safe return of my missing 8th month old puppy. She went missing for five days and on the 5th day we heard a noise and opened the door and she ran inside. What a blessing! We give all the glory to GOD.

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Answered Prayers
Posted : 1 Aug, 2008 11:02 AM

God answered a prayer for me this morning ! We had quite a severe thunderstorm here yesterday; and I guess the weather played a part in throwing us off the internet; having 2 young women and 1 "old" one unable to get online can cause a stir. Numerous attempts at trying to re-connect failed during the night.This morning, after a couple of tries,

it Connected ! Praising God ! Little things mean a lot !

Love in Christ,

:angel: Deborah

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