We as Christians, followers of Christ have his spirit living inside of us. His spirit desires to live through us in touching others hearts, turning them away from the worldly ways they live and follow. In our efforts to be used by him in touching others, all too often we lose sight of him and allowing his unconditional love to live through us to touch them. We get so consumed with their sin, and their actions, which are not what matters about our salvation. We are not saved by our works, but there we go, so focused on others works, and then using condemnation against them to try and change their hearts. We lose faith in what his unconditional love for us did and how it changed our hearts.
Christ desires us to turn from sin, and repent from following the law, which uses sin to reign. The way he did it was with love not condemnation. He first loved us. While yet we were still sinners, Christ died for us, all of us! While we were against him doing wrong and not measuring up to the Father's will. The Father showed us more love, unconditional love. By sending his one only Son to bridge the gap for us. Now the gap is bridged, we no longer have to bridge the gap, with our own works. This also means others do not have to either. Christ took the power away from sin and put it upon himself. So what Christ means when he says, � it is the heart he desires� is that he desires a heart that desires to follow him. Not a heart that desires to use the rules of the Law as their guidelines and call it following him, that�s religion!
Now back to my point. We see others sinning, and doing wrong, living a worldly life, unbelievers. Instead of going to them in love and acceptance sharing the good news of salvation as our free gift from the Father through his one and only son. The first thing we say is how wrong they are by what they are doing. How they are a abomination before the Lord, etc�We must stop and realize how Christ works and worked in our lives to change our hearts. He first changed our hearts by loving us despite our sin. Then now in our changed heart of repentance against following the Law. He guides us in love, which guides us away from the ways of the world and away from measuring up to the law.
So with this truth of who he is and what he did for us. May our faith grow in him that he can live through us loving others unconditionally. That his unconditional love, not condemnation of their sins, can be what changes their hearts. That once he changes their hearts, they will be open to correction, and turning from all the old ways they once lived. Just like us, it is a growing process which lasts a lifetime. May his patience, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love always be our guide. May our faith be strong in the power of what his love can do.
Gods continued unconditional love and blessings to all,