Author Thread: De Je Vous, Anyone?

De Je Vous, Anyone?
Posted : 12 Jul, 2008 07:28 PM

Have you ever felt that you had been somewhere before or passed something that was inately familiar. Do you believe in de je vous? Where does the soul go when you sleep? I once heard a preacher preach on this...( back in my "younger days!") ...Interesting topic...please share your thoughts.


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De Je Vous, Anyone?
Posted : 15 Jul, 2008 05:43 AM

Yes, I've experienced De Je Vous on sevaral occasions-------

working in my garden, having a conversation with someone,

driving down a highway. In the middle of doing something

quite simple; I've had an overwhelming feeling I had done

the exact same thing in the exact same place. The feeling

is hard to explain but I'm sure many people have felt it. It's

almost like re-living an event!

The reason we have this experience remains a mystery to me; just one of the many questions that will be answered

when we shall KNOW, even as we are known.

God Bless,


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De Je Vous, Anyone?
Posted : 15 Jul, 2008 06:11 PM

What an exciting day that will be Deborah!


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De Je Vous, Anyone?
Posted : 19 Jul, 2008 01:22 AM

Oh I love D�j� vu! Its such an cool thing that our brain does.

I have it all the time and although I rather like the idea that we are tapping into our prophetic abilities, there is an interesting scientific explanation one of my teacher's gave once.

Something to do with a split-second delay in perception, either through memory or vision. I think it has something to do with our short/long-term memory processes. Instead of the normal way of putting info in short-term memory first, our brain processes and stores it in long-term as a memory before we really perceive what is happening, so it seems like we're experiencing it again. Or maybe one eye sends the message to our brain just a fraction of a second before the other.

Whatever the reason is, its certainly an interesting phenomenon.

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