Author Thread: What does God know?

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What does God know?
Posted : 1 Jul, 2008 08:48 PM

I have been hearing 2 different things about what God knows. One is that God knows everything, He knows our thoughts, what we will do, what we will say, and the decisions we will make before we make them. The other is that God knows everything except what choices we will make. He does not know if a person will accept Christ as Savior or not until they actually do it. What is your opinion and what Scripture do you have to back it up?

I believe that God knows everything and has known it from before He formed this world. Psalm 139:2, Job 12:22, Psalm 147:5, Proverbs 15:3, Acts 15:18, I John 3:20, and many more.

Thank you for your help in studying this further!

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What does God know?
Posted : 2 Jul, 2008 12:38 PM


I'll start by sharing a few scriptures: "Before I formed thee in

the belly, I knew thee.....(Jeremiah 1:5)

"According as he hath chosen us in Him before the foundation

of the world....; Having predestinated us unto the adopotion

of children by Jesus Christ to himself...;(Ephesians 1:4,5)

Thine eyes did see my substance,yet being unperfect; and in

thy book all my members were written,which in continuance

were fashioned,when as yet there was none of them.


.....and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder,whose

names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world....-(Rev.-17:8)

Even tho' I don't; I believe God knows exactly what I'm going

to do tomorrow; next week; next month; next year! To think

there is Anything God doesn't know,would be limiting HIM.

That's why we are told in His Word to take no thought for

tomorrow--(don't worry)-- He already Knows!

Great is our Lord,and of great power; His understanding is

infinite! (Psalm 147:5)

The choice is ours; but the Creator of The Universe knows

what that choice will be!

God Bless You;

Deborah :angel:

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What does God know?
Posted : 2 Jul, 2008 03:24 PM


Thank you! The Scripture in Revelation in not one that I had thought of to use before. I appreciate your reply.

If anyone believes differently, could you give me Scripture references that would go along with that belief?


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What does God know?
Posted : 2 Jul, 2008 04:05 PM

I do believe that God knows the outcome based on us indivdually. I do feel we can alter the scenerio by the choices we make. When we look at Jonah, God's heart was hardened against Ninevah. You will note that open repentence of their sins turned God's heart and He spared the city. I believe there is a course set for our lives but I believe we are given an opportunity to change it. Is there such a thing as a perfect will of God and a permissive will of God? One will being the ultimate life God wants us to have and one that is given because of our determination to have it "our way?" (by choice) Our creator breathed into us the breath of life so I feel he knows us inside and out yet gives us the opportunity to choose our way, and as always, there is a consequence to the choices we make, good or bad. I also believe in the power of prayer to change the outcome of a situation. Some good scriptures were already supported so this is just my opinion.


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What does God know?
Posted : 2 Jul, 2008 07:15 PM


I do agree with you that there is a perfect will of God. The one that He wants us to choose. There is also, as you phrased it, a permissive will. God will allow us to make our own choices as we go through life and I believe that He knows what choices we will make in our lifetime, the good ones and the bad. This does not mean that He wants us to go in that direction, just that He allows.

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What does God know?
Posted : 4 Jul, 2008 06:05 PM

tlrkat be careful there. Your treading away from scripture now. Remember God is four things: Omniscience Omnipotence Omnipresence Omnibenevolence. His will is always done. Providence always occures. God knows everything about you from the moment time began till the end. You assume that He would "wish" something for us but it not be done. That would be a confliction with the nature of God. I think where your comming from is this postmodern ideal of equality. Remember God clearly says repeatedly that He will devour sinners. His wrath pours out on them. In fact, not to frighten any of you, but the nature of God isnt all Love. In fact WRATH is a huge thing for God. He will judge EVERYONE and take retribution for EVERY SIN. He loves us all, but dont for a second think that He has a desire that isnt fulfilled.

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What does God know?
Posted : 5 Jul, 2008 06:04 AM


The only thing I disagree with in your post is your statement

that His will is always done. I don't think the elderly couple

down the road being robbed and severely beaten was His will

Maybe, I misunderstood what you meant.

I,whole-heartedly, agree concerning the wrath of God! There

are more references in The Word to wrath than to love. Does

He love us? Of course He does; but I do think many people use this"love only"preaching; because their own hearts aren't

right with God.They completely ignore even talking about or

listening to anything that concerns vengeance or wrath(which is very much a part of the nature of God); but as you

said, EVERYONE will be judged! We will all stand before the

judgement seat and give account for every idle word and every deed done in this body. As for those who have wronged us;Vengeance is His---He will repay.It is a fearful

thing to fall into the hands of the Living God!

God Bless You;

Deborah :angel:

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What does God know?
Posted : 5 Jul, 2008 12:23 PM


In 1990 my 9 yearold step-son was killed crossing the road to catch the school bus. Prior to this I argued with both the principle about the route and my X-husband. They wouldn't listen to me thinking I was merely a foolish woman. I gave other solutions. And I pray as I knew to pray at the time. (I really lacked knowledge in this area.) I was in a new area of the country (NC). I didn't know anyone. I was so afraid. I, almost commited myself. One month later, the child was killed

Sunday morning (day before) the accident, I was at a new church (went to God instead of the hospital). The women's bible study was filled with teacher's. I wanted to share my concern for my stepson's life. I thought about it. I thought I would have more time. I didn't want the women to get the wrong impression of me as a complainer. I didn't say anything. THe boy was killed the next day.

The bus driver noticed the danger, too. The principal wouldn't change the route. The driver didn't instruct the child of a safer way to cross the road with the bus stopping for him to cross. The driver didn't call us with her concerns. She didn't want to get in trouble.

The woman who hit him was never on the road at that time. She was just returning from the grocery store with pancake mix for her sons. She ended up in a mental hospital for 6-months and was severely traumatized. She was a Christian.

In the end, we were able to affect the laws of the state. Enpowering and requiring bus drivers to exercise special discretion and safety while operating a school bus. Which gives me great peace, but what was God's will in the story?

Look at the story of Joseph in the Bible and his brother's cruelty? So, about your neighbor the elderly couple, horrible things happen, but what I look to GOD for the purpose, the lesson, and the good that can come out of it.

BTW the child's name was Joseph, yesterday was his birthday, July 4th. He would have been 28 yearsold. His life although short was not in vain. Yes, it still hurts and I still miss him.

GOD know everything but HIS "people perish from lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6



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What does God know?
Posted : 5 Jul, 2008 06:57 PM

Thats a fairly solid wordly example. Thank you for posting that. Let's look at scripture as well. I suggest Romans 5-7. Basically, if you look at it from an objective view, you find that everything comes back to the glory of God.

My biblical reasoning is as follows - God made us in His image and thus we have some free will. If we choose to sin, God has foreknowledge of this, and as a result he will turn all results to His good and glory. Think about when a Christian sins. What happens? Redemption! GLORY TO GOD! We learn wisdom! GLORY TO GOD FOR THAT! We become and example for others! GLORY TO GOD FOR THAT!

When a non-Christian sins what happens? Theres a chance to find God! Thanks be to God for that! He tears that person down through guilt and shame! Amen to God for that! He adds to the testimony of a potential convert! Amen to that!

Remember God is timeless... He is outside our bounds. He knows all, see's all, and is all powerful. His will is done despite our sins, our plans, and our arrogance. Thats just one reason He is so amazing!

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What does God know?
Posted : 6 Jul, 2008 09:58 AM

I don't believe GOD is the author of guilt and shame. Satan and his forces are the tempters, inventors, and instigators of sin. I believe it is God's goodness that leads to repentence.

Romans 2:4 Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?

Old testement

Exodus 34:6-7

I believe guilt and shame are the results of allowing sin to come.

Genesis 4:7 If you do well, will you not be accepted (countenence be lifted)? And if you do not do well, sin lies (crouches, lying outside or waits) at the door. And its (his)desire is for you, but you should rule over it (him).

Right, there in the beginning, (only in Book 1, chapter 4) of the Word is a description of the activity of sin kind of as a living creature.

God knew about it, and mercifully warns and exhorts Cain to rule over it. I believe sin acts the same in our lives (crouching, lying outside, and waiting). But best is God does the same in our lives.

Then, we have Jesus, the Propriation for our sins, who in all ways was tempted but sinned not, Ever interceding on our behalf, and our advocate before the Father. PRAISE be To GOD for His merciful out pouring of love through His Son.

Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death.


Romans 8 awesome:dancingp:

Ephesians 2:1-10 Awesome :dancingp:

Gratefully in Christ,



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What does God know?
Posted : 6 Jul, 2008 04:24 PM

Interesting. So you don't believe God can place shame on ones heart? What do you believe about conviction then? Can not sham be a tool of conviction?

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