Author Thread: Wrath or Rapture?

Wrath or Rapture?
Posted : 9 Jan, 2010 06:03 PM

Hi Everyone!

One of the arguments Pretribulationists make is that since we are not appointed to wrath and the Tribulation is God's wrath then we must be raptured. It seems logical until you ask the right questions and examine the scripture they use regarding "WRATH".

Let's examine that passage.

1Thess 5: 9 for God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. NKJV

Now let's examine the whole chapter and in fact chapter 4:13-18. The context is concerning the events of the Ressurection and Rapture and then continuing his thoughts, Paul clarifies when this Ressurrection and Rapture OCCURS. In chapt.5:1-2 he states with total clarity, that the Ressurrection and Rapture happens on the "DAY" they were already familiar with...."THE DAY OF THE LORD".(DOTL) I have already demonstrated in another tread that the DOTL occurs AFTER the Great Tribulation.SO... When we also look at 1THESS 5 we see the context is all about The DOTL. Nowhere does it say we are exempt from the Tribulation. That is simply a Pretribulationists belief superimposed upon the Thess passage.

Additionally consider that withing this passage Paul told the Thessalonians to be WATCHING for the DOTL and included himself within that context. So if Paul was saying that we are to be WATCHING for that day then he expected to be in the Tribulation in order to WATCH for it.

The Pretrib argument falls apart when you examine the scriptures and pay attention to context and grammar.



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