Author Thread: πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ¦ŒβœοΈ Christmas daily reading December 6. Read John 1:1-5

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πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ¦ŒβœοΈ Christmas daily reading December 6. Read John 1:1-5
Posted : 6 Dec, 2024 02:21 PM

Verse 4 proclaims Christ's role as the giver of eternal life. John will spend much more time later in his gospel explaining Jesus' role in bringing life to mankind. This verse also refers to Jesus using the second of John's seven names for Jesus: "The Light." To a Hebrew, "light" was the ultimate value. All good things were said to be "light," and evil was "darkness." Light implies a revealing. Jesus not only exposes our sinfulness, He illuminates a way to be saved from it. Light implies knowledge and awareness, while darkness is ignorance. For some, darkness is a deliberate choice. They know that what they do is wrong, so they prefer to hide from the truth. Light guides and comforts, but it can be infuriating to someone who wants to stay in the shadows. The light, in this case, is specifically for mankind. Jesus will proclaim Himself as "the Light of the world" in John 8:12

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πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ¦ŒβœοΈ Christmas daily reading December 6. Read John 1:1-5
Posted : 6 Dec, 2024 03:46 PM

Some people consider Christmas, in a more strict sense, as a pagan festivity rather than a Christian holiday. To be sure the holiday is a mixed bag of paganism but HC is right in making us aware of and highlighting some of the truly Christian undertones in Christmas. After all, Xmas carries a definite Christian theme, ie β€œChrist-mass” (Roman Catholic flavor).

HC’s main idea is to use this yearly holiday as an opportunityβ€”an instructive evangelistic opportunity and I agree. We can explain the history and Christian undertones, like HC has been doing, and yes, we can explain some of the distracting quirks as well.

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