There are a number of verses in the Bible prophecy that prove the ten commandments are still binding today, and the end time saints (God's true church) are those who are KEEPING HIS COMMANDMENTS. And not only that, they are keeping the faith OF Jesus Christ too. You cannot have one without the other, just like faith and WORKS, one without the other is useless. So where do we find the law of God in Bible prophecy? In the book of Revelation. Let's take a look at the Bible verses in question.
Please note, I do NOT teach that keeping the law will save you, we are saved by grace through faith in Christ. But I DO teach that a true faith will produce WORKS of obedience to God's law.
Revelation 12:17
Now why is the dragon (Satan) angry with this particular people? Because they are a commandment keeping people. It has been one of Satan's greatest efforts since the beginning to do away with God's commandments. What did God command Adam and Eve to do? Not to eat from the tree of knowledge. And what did Satan say? "Go ahead! It's fine, don't worry, you will not die". And Satan is doing the very same to professing Christians today, by telling them "Go ahead, break God's law, it's okay, you will still be saved". Satan lies to Adam and Eve AND HE CONTINUES TO LIE TO THE PROFESSING CHURCH. So if Satan see people keep God's Commandments, then he becomes angry, because he knows you are doing what God requires. Satan hates God laws and our obedience to it, which is why he makes such an effort in trying to stop us keeping it. We either obey God or obey Satan, there is no in-between.
1 Kings 18:21
We need to choose who we are going to follow, God or Satan.
So as Revelation 12:17 explains above the remnant of the seed of the woman (God's remnant end time church) are keeping the ten commandments and also have the "testimony of Jesus". What does that mean?
Revelation 19:10
There we have it, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. In other words, God's end time remnant church has a special understanding of Bible prophecy and it is a big part of their focus in these end times.
Revelation 14:12
Again the Saints, God's true church are those who keep His ten commandments, AND the faith OF Jesus. Now this Bible verse comes directly after the warning to not take the mark of the beast. So how can we be sure to not take the mark? BY KEEPING THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND THE FAITH OF JESUS. Now many professing Christians say that we only need to keep the commandments of Jesus in the New Testament. But didyou notice in these verses in Revelation that it doesn't tell us just to keep the commandments of Jesus? It says to keep the commandments of God AND the faith OF Jesus. Christ didn't come to give us NEW Commandments, He came to teach us HOW TO KEEP the ten commandments. There is no doubt that the commandments talked about here in Revelation are the ten commandments, because the ceremonial laws pointed to Christ and were nailed to the cross. Notice also that the saints are keeping the faith OF Jesus, and not just having faith IN Jesus. In other words, they are following in His footsteps.
Revelation 22:14
As we can see, there is an amazing promise for all those who are DOERS of God's commandments. But we don't obey God to be saved, we obey Him because we ARE saved, and obedience to His law is the outworking of His grace in our lives and is the EVIDENCE of our faith in Jesus.
1 John 5:2-3
This is what God wants. For us to keep His commandments out of love for who He is and what He has done for us.
Unfortunately, there is one commandment that virtually the whole of the professed Christian world has turned away from, and that is the 4th commandment to do with the Sabbath day. God command us to keep the 7th day as the Sabbath, but the Christian world has followed Babylon in keeping Sunday holy, which has no foundation in the scriptures at all.
Now there is an amazing pattern that develops concerning God's in the book of Revelation. Did you see it? The pattern shows that one of the main themes of the end times is the struggle over God's perfect law of love, His ten commandments.
1. Who is Satan making his endtime war with according to Revelation 12:17? Those who KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD and have the testimony OF Jesus.
2. When the mark of the beast is enforced, who are the one's that DON'T take it according to Revelation 14:12? Those who KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD and the faith OF Jesus.
3. Who receive the right to enter into the kingdom and eat from the three of life according Revelation 22:14? Those who are DOERS of God's commandments.
Does God's ten commandments have an important role to play in the Bible prophecy and the end times? Must definitely! The time if judgment is upon us and we need to be doers of God's commandments and followers of Christ Jesus. Just take a look at this judgment scene.
Revelation 11:19
What is inside the ark of the testimony? The ten commandments, again which we are to be judged.
Even if you read it only from the Bible, it is hard to understand what is written in it. Your hypnosis mind cannot let you see what is written in the Bible.