Well Mooncakes, I guess the 'claimed teachers' of this forum, the ones that patrol, the cdff thread police, that is tinyfaithdavid and CULTISTrsvp don't have any answers for you on your many questions and thoughts???
So then you ask 'Why does the Lord God have so many rules?'
GREAT question! Why does Father YHWH have so many rules? Well first of all we should not even look at His HOLY and PERFECT Torah Law as being a set of 'rules' but instructions to righteousness and the way we keep His HOLY and PERFECT Torah Law is by FAITH! Right? Father YHWH says 'if you LOVE ME you will (by FAITH) keep' >>>ALL<<< 'my commandments' which when we >>>DO<<< keep them (and we CERTAINLY can do so by His POWER!) we then LOVE Him, we see His HOLY and PERFECT Torah Law as
Now tinyfaithdavid will tell you that is impossible to do this side of heaven, because by his own testimony on this forum he claims he will keep running stop signs (breaking the 'kill' commandment as his example is to us on this forum ) until YHWH >forces< him one day to >MAKE< him stop doing it! LOL! That is the kind of 'faith' that tinyfaithdavid teaches on this forum, that just because he sins 'DAILY' (by faith?) everyone else MUST BE ALSO sinning! Correct? Simply and obviously, tinyfaithdavid is the example to us in his heresy of 'continually sinning perfectionism' teaching and we MUST follow him (instead of the Messiah Yah'shua that said 'be perfect even as my Father in heaven is PERFECT' !? ) and commit 'DAILY' sin says tinyfaithdavid we must do!? He, tinyfaithdavid COMMANDS us to do so! LMBO! Of course this all comes from his dad the devil that twist Scripture also to say - greater is the devil in tinyfaithdavid in this flat world than Father YHWH is in heaven above the firmament of the enclosed earth! Strange teaching NOT found in the Bible from tinyfaithdavid??? Correct?
So Mooncakes, they are not really 'rules' after all when we have the proper view/attitude, that they are really LOVE INSTRUCTIONS because Father YHWH LOVES us and in return He 'ASKS' us (to be our will His WILL) to love Him back (His first 4 instructions/commandments toward LOVING Him!) and the last 6 instructions/commandments toward LOVING our HUMAN neighbor as ourselves! Right? Who is our 'HUMAN neighbor's'? All PEOPLE rather believers or unbelievers! So how do we show them our love/WORKS? By honoring our dads
and moms, not murdering, not committing adultery, not stealing, not lying, not coveting what our neighbor has or in another words LOVING other HUMAN beings lives like our parents, others property and an honest relationship with all of them, again in NOT lying nor stealing from them and therefore breaking Father YHWH's other HOLY and PERFECT Torah Law! Correct?
What about LOVING Father YHWH directly toward Him? Simple, by having no other deities before him, which is NONE at all, for He is a jealous ONE YHWH and there is no other besides Him, says of course Isaiah! Commandment one!
Isaiah 45:5 - ' I am the Master, and >>>there is none else<<<, there is >>>no YHWH beside me<<<:'
Also Exodus 20:3; 34:14 - 'Thou shalt have >>>no other gods<<< before me.' AND 'For thou shalt >>>worship no other god<<<: for the Master, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous YHWH:'
Or the second commandment about having or making 'graven images' (like the daughter harlot protest-ant 'churches' do when they make 'christ-mass trees' ) and or 'bowing down' to them like the cathoholic church' also does - that is why by they claim authority do away with that commandment altogether! YICKS
Then there is the LOVE we show to our Father YHWH in heaven by NOT taking His name in vain (like giving Him a PAGAN title and renaming Him a 'god/gud/gawd' like many translations get wrong and 'churches' teach to violate the third commandment! OUCH!
But the fourth and certainly not the least of YHWH's commandments is to keep the HOLY, BLESSED and SANCTIFIED 7th Day Sabbath and for some strange reason ALL the organized cemetery (seminary) infested CULT 'churches' tell us we need to forget that commandment when the Bible says TO REMEMBER IT!!!??? WOWSA!
8. >>>Remember<<< the Sabbath Day, to >>>keep it HOLY<<<.
9. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
10. But the >>>Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the Master thy YHWH<<<: in it thou shalt NOT do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
11. For in six days the MASTER CREATOR made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and >>>rested the Seventh Day<<<: wherefore the MASTER >>>BLESSED the Sabbath Day<<<, and >>>hallowed (made HOLY!) it<<<.
🙂😉👉👉 That's right Teddy bugs not to change it Exodus 31:14
"....... violating the Sabbath is punishable by death "
So please let us know when you get charged with premeditated first degree homicide for stoning to death the seventh day Sabbath violators -- then your credibility will no longer be in question