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Ge 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. This bible forum tree as the serpent is saying Your interpretation is wrong says the serpent in the ear that will listen.... All people are interpreting the word whether they realize it or not says the serpent in the ear that will listen.... Your denomination is wrong says the serpent in the ear that will listen... Fallen man is dead and can not respond to the gospel says the serpent in the ear that will listen. Many noted theologians agree says the serpent in the ear that will listen.. Faith is a gift says the serpent in the ear that will listen.... All men have faith says the serpent in the ear of the person that will listen.... You can go on and on but is motive is always the same is to steal the truth from any that are moving towards the lord. How some of his lies about the Holy Spirit....
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