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Posted : 21 Dec, 2008 05:08 PM

The Basics of the Christian Faith

The Basics of the

Christian Faith





created the universe out of nothing. God did not create himself � he has

simply been there for all eternity, past and present and future. He need

not create himself, as he is God, and beyond our Comprehension.


created the universe, the stars, and the earth in seven days, and

everything was �good� before the seventh day. It is at this point that

Lucifer falls from heaven. Lucifer falls not because God made him to

fall, but his own pride gets in the way. It brings him to the point where

he wishes to usurp the Throne of God, and place himself on equality with

God � preposterous. He is cast out from heaven, and thrown to the earth,

along with �a third of the stars of the sky�, which would refer to the

angels that joined him in his rebellion.



This brings up a delicate topic � free will. Why would

God be so foolish as to give his creation free will to choose? Well, honestly,

if one were forced to love God, then they would simply be no different from a

robot programmed to sweep a floor. God gave free will to give us the

opportunity to participate in the fullness of love, the fullness of worship,

based on our own choosing, not his.



There are consequences, of course. Just as you have are

free to swipe a twenty from your mothers purse, or

leave it there and abide by her rules, so you will be punished if you choose to

disobey her. She is your authority � she bore you into this world. So it is

with God � he is our authority, he is the one who created us, who knit us together

in our mothers womb.



Punishment by God should not be seen as something

unloving, for it is the fullness of this love that punishment is brought.

Discipline is given to any creature who is in

authority over another. Just as a father disciplines a son because he loves

him, and wants to see him go right, so God punishes us for sin, if only to

bring us to the knowledge that we have wronged the one who loves us dearly. On

earth, while we still live, every trial, every tribulation is a means to get

our attention � our attention on the God who loves us, and is flashing warning

sign after warning sign to bring us back into his fold.



So we move to the issue of Hell. Why would God create

such a place? Surely this is not the act of a God who loves us deeply, and

wants only our best. Hell is a place of eternal punishment for those who have

not followed God. It is not a place that God places us into, rather, it is a

place that we have created for ourselves by choosing not to follow him. So we

have refused to follow him in our earthly, mortal lives, so those choices will

follow us into eternity, either leading us to eternal life, or eternal

separation, hell being the latter, of course. Hell is simply separation from

God. We, every human being, has a choice to make in his life, whether he will

listen to the call of God and follow him, or to make his own path � one

contrary to what God has shown us, and refuse to follow him. So a man makes his

own grave, his own punishment. It is said in scriptures that God does not wish

for any to perish, but all to come to repentance and life.



God created man on the sixth day, and on the seventh he rested. Man was

perfect, and created to be the authorities on earth, over all the

creatures of the sea, land, and air, and was commissioned to lead all

creation in worship of God. Very simply, we were the high priests. I

think a lot of people are confused here and feel as though this is some

sort of thing where God needs us to worship him. He doesn�t. Infact, he is so far independent of us that we need

�him-, rather than the other way around. He is the means in which we

live, he gives us breath every moment, and without him we are nothing. It

is our duty to revere the very being who created us � just as a child

adores his mother, so we adore our spiritual father. I also think the

word worship must be clarified. Worship is not as you perhaps have come

to believe it. It is not a set apart time of day where I bow down to the

ground and bow before some image. No, worship is simply our expression of

being in relationship with God throughout our lives. In a sense, it is

being knowledgeable and maintaining simple reverence of God throughout

our days. I can worship God in anything, be it work, sleep, or

relaxation. Worship is difficult to explain very simply, as it is a broad

broad spectrum which can not often be limited

to one thing. So, as simply as I can make it, Worship is living in

relationship and knowledge of God.




is missing the mark. Now there will be arguments regarding God creating

evil. I do not hold to that belief in the slightest. I believe that God

has created us as a people that he wanted to give freedom to. Freedom to

love him, or freedom to refuse him. To refuse

him would be sin, thus, in some strange way, we allowed evil into our

lives when Eve bit the fruit. The origins of evil and of sin are not

nearly as important as the grace we�re given for committing such acts,

though. To dwell on evil only invites such things into our lives. So God

gives a single rule in the Garden of Eden, not to eat of the fruit of the

knowledge of good and evil. A simple rule? One rule for eternal life, and

the punishment, clearly stated, is death. Free will works, and Satan,

Lucifer, the Serpent, influences Eve enough that she bites � literally.

Adam joins, and soon both realize they are naked, that they have missed

the mark.


in this, where death was guaranteed, and would work its course � when God

had every single right to abandon us to the sin and death that we so

chose, he offered a way out. He told Eve that one day, her seed would

crush the head of the serpent, and the serpent would bite his heel. The

first prediction of a messiah, as some figure that would redeem the human

race and conquer death.


must clarify something, and that is regarding sin in the Christian life.

If any professed Christian tells you that he does not sin, he is a

blatant, hypocritical liar. Sin is not absent from our lives, as much as

we would desire it. The book of Romans states that all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. That

includes everyone, I�d be guessing, including Christians. Many of us are

self-righteous and only use our �faith� to advance ourselves. I admit I

have slipped from my walk now and again to pursue my own selfishness, and

I am not proud of it, but I can explain the meaning of Grace perhaps a

bit better further on.

Sin is sin. There is no greater sin than

another, there is no sin that eternally condemns

you no matter what you do. �Mortal� sins were those contrived by the

Catholic church to scare parishioners into

living lives that they could not reach. All sins are equal in Gods sight,

and all are equally deadly. When you hear extremist Christians blaming

the homosexuals for the worlds problems, and America�s

downfall, don�t listen to them. They are self-righteous prigs who search

for nothing more than a tunnel in which to spew their own hate. Please do

not make the fatal mistake of judging the rest of Christians, and

Christianity, based off of these extremists who take the Biblical word of

God out of context to the worst extremes.



Israel is

unique, and if anyone doubts such things, then they have certainly not

examined history. The Jews, a small minority originating among the Akkadians near Ur,

where Abraham hailed from. This �chosen people� of God were infact that. The miracles performed, including the

plagues of Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, and the Conquest of Canaan,

were all used to show Israel and the World that Yahweh was God. I know

that it is difficult to view the forty years in the desert as possible,

but it was. Miracles are supposed to take us out of our comfort zone of

relying on our own intelligence and rationalizing to get us out of a

situation. Miracles call us to believe in something that is not tangible �

and that�s understandably difficult for millions of people around the

world. How glorious would it have been, though, to witness the parting of

the Red Sea?


these miracles, Israel

rebelled. Just as Adam and Eve refused the grace of God, so did Israel.

Now, this is coming to a point where I�ll talk about the Conquest of

Canaan. As many of you have likely heard, it was ordered that the

Israelites murder every single person inside of Canaan,

including women and children. This is not something God would do, would

it? Alas, it is, but I would like to offer an explanation that may be

difficult to understand, yet valid enough. These people were judged by

God, and Israel

was the tool used. In Deuteronomy 9:4-5, we see this explained. �4 After the LORD your God has driven them out before you, do not

say to yourself, "The LORD has brought me

here to take possession of this land because of my righteousness." No,

it is on account of the wickedness of these nations that the LORD is going to drive them out before you.

5 It is not because of your righteousness or your integrity that you are

going in to take possession of their land; but on account of the

wickedness of these nations, the LORD your

God will drive them out before you, to accomplish what he swore to your

fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.� Deut 9:4-5


there it is. These people were killed the same reason that the world was

flooded centuries and centuries earlier, when the world was so steeped in

sin that it could not even be salvaged.


would achieve some sense of redemption. After continuous rebellion and

enough sin that would have surely fed all of us up to the breaking point,

God still relented on destroying these people he had prepared to be a

light to the world. So the Northern province of Israel would fall first to

the Assyrians in 721, and would be exiled. There was never a righteous

king of the people of northern Israel, and thus their

judgment came swifter than that of the south. They persecuted prophets,

worshipped idols, and ignored the warnings of God until the Assyrians

came knocking.


southern Kingdom

of Judah would last

another two hundred years or so, falling finally to the Babylonians

around 568, I believe. They were exiled as well, though still would be

allowed to return in 536, when Cyrus the Persian allowed them to return

to Jerusalem

and rebuild the temple destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar II. If you�re getting

it, God has not completely judged these people to a point where he would

not give them grace. They have received duly more than they ever

deserved, and yet still quarrel and disrespect the God that has done so

much for them.


would be prophesied about in the future, and their temple was destroyed

in 70 A.D, per the prophecy of Christ forty years earlier. A few prophecies

dotted about regarding the Jews returning to Israel and rebuilding the

temple in the last days, but that isn�t what I want to really focus on

during this...whatever this is.



So now we move onto perhaps the most

controversial of the topics, Christ. He was prophesied in the Old

Testament as the Jews �Messiah�, and held more than a hundred prophetic

passages about himself that were fulfilled in the New Testament about

him. See this website for the prophecies and appropriate scripture that explains

the prophecies.


on from the prophecies about him, very simply, he was the Son of God.

There is nothing that I have found in the New Testament, or really any

other religion, that could explain such. Arguments regarding the validity

of scripture � that it tampered with and changed to give more power to

political figures or something is preposterous, as there are thousands of

recorded manuscripts dating from 100-300 ad that coincide with the Bibles

that we have today. There are even more manuscripts in line with the Old

Testament. In my own search for Faith, I investigated a few of these myself, and I would urge you to do the same if

you doubt, which I�m sure plenty of you do.


offered life, life that none of us could attain on our own � eternal

life. Back in the Garden of Eden, our relationship with God was severed

so totally that there was no chance that we would be able to reach God on

our own. We would need divine influence, divine favor, and that is just

what we received. Now, in understanding the relationship of God and Jesus

and the Holy Spirit, I can safely say that I don�t understand it. I�m

pretty sure any mortal, fallible mind can not hope to understand an

infallible God completely. So, we are stuck to resorting to our own logic

and understanding in some vain attempt to explain the divine. I view the

trinity as just that, a Trinity. Stack two triangles underneath another

triangle, and while you have three triangles, you still have one triangle

if you look at the outside edges that connect them. Three in one, but

still separate, right?

So I

argue that Christ offered us relationship with God again. He was both

fully God and fully Man, both things that I can not fathom. His flesh was

that � flesh, but he was spirit born, hence I can sort of understand the

relationship, but whatever arguments you have regarding it, I couldn�t

start to question, as I still struggle to understand the idea myself.

Fathoming the unfathomable, I suppose.


did Christ offer us this relationship? Well, simple faith. But what does

faith mean, and how does one have faith in the Son of God? We also have

to understand the difference between belief and faith. Well, look at it

like this. Say you�re about to jump out of an airplane. You have a

parachute on, and are all psyched because you know that you�ll have a

blast and all that. So you believe in your parachute � you believe that

it will do its job, that it is what it says it is,

that sort of thing. So you jump.



The difference is here. Belief is all of those things I

just said. You have the knowledge that the thing you�re

believing in is just what it says, or what others, say it is. You

believe a parachute is a device that can save you from plopping into the ground

and causing a ball of dust to pop out like in those old cartoons. Faith is just

another step further. Faith is stepping out and using that parachute. You can

believe that the parachute will save you, but if you don�t take the moment to pull

the cord, you�ll most certainly die.



Look at it another way. I can believe that water will

quench my thirst, that it will save me from being dehydrated and will be cool

and refreshing and all that, but putting faith in that water is acting on the

belief that it is what I believe it is, and drinking it.



Belief is knowledge and understanding of what something

is, faith is acting on that belief.



now that we know what faith is, we can look at Christ offering relationship

with God in a whole new light (I hope). The difference that Christ made

on the world is that he was just so radical. I would imagine that the

reason most people decide against becoming Christians is because they

don�t want to have to �live by rules� or be restrained in doing all of

the fun things they have done before. Well, Christ never said that this

new faith would be easy. He promised tribulation, persecution, and a lot

of things that we would look at today and never choose in a million years.

But despite all of these troubles, we�re promised something else �

Eternity. With a God who loves us enough to send his begotten � not

created � Son into the world to die for us. Now I would guess some people

argue this, but I doubt there is anything I can say to change your minds

about the subject. I struggled with this whole idea of Christianity till

I finally made a decision in 2005. So I never grew up with this, but it�s

all fascinating. Christ died, fulfilled the prophecy back in Genesis

about crushing the serpents head when he rose again three days later. I

fully believe that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the only Begotten son of God, that he died on a Roman cross and

was buried three days before rising again and ascending to heaven.


I urge you to research this, and not

just turn to flaming. If you have questions, I�d be happy to try and

answer them, but I am no authority on the matter, that is for certain. I

think the best thing I can offer you is to explore it for yourselves. All

Christians are Hypocrites, including myself. I�ve accepted that, because

I know that I strive for perfection and preach against the very things I

do. I do not want to do them, but I do, and the only thing I can cling on

is this idea of grace and forgiveness and hope � something I could not

find in any other faith or belief system. So check it out, please. I hope

you have enjoyed reading all this, as I did �not- expect it to get this

long. Peace!

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Posted : 21 Dec, 2008 06:23 PM

That is a fairly accurate description of modern Christian standard doctrine. There are several points that I don't agree with, but it doesn't really matter for salvation, so there is no reason to argue those points here.

One caution about the Trinity doctrine as you teach it here, don't allow yourself to fall into the trap of only praying and worshiping Jesus. He was God with us because the Spirit of God descended on Him like a dove, and stayed. Everything, and I do mean everything, comes from God the Father. Jesus told us over and over again that He could only do or say what the Father told Him to do or say. You have to believe in the Deity of Christ, otherwise we could not believe what He told us. Like the angel at the burning bush, He could only say what God told Him to say. Thus He and the Father are one.



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Posted : 21 Dec, 2008 06:47 PM

Also, the whole sin is sin thing has a few holes in it. I will give you one scripture 1John 5:16-17. Read that and you will see that this teaching, while being common, is wrong.

I have heard many people say that we can't understand what the Bible teaches because of our nature, that makes no sense. The Bible is our owner's manual. If I go buy a new Ford, and the owner's manual is written in Chinese, it does me no good. Likewise, God gave us His word so we would know what He expects of us and get to know Him. If I can't understand it, that would mean that God messed up and gave me something useless. I don't believe that happened. I think we don't understand it because we try to make it fit our beliefs, instead of trying to make our beliefs fit the Bible. Tradition is as big an enemy as Satan ever was.

That's another instance of tradition causing misunderstanding. If Satan was thrown out of heaven when you said, how was it that he was with the other angels reporting to God in the book of Job? How is it that Revelation says he WILL BE thrown out after these things? Yes, that is the standard doctrine, but standard does not mean correct. Pray for revelation and read the Bible. Throw all the other books away. God will reveal truth to you, not tradition.

In His service,


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Posted : 21 Dec, 2008 11:15 PM

I just read through my first 2 posts and they sounded a little harsh to me. I assure you, I did not mean it that way. I was impressed that someone your age would know as much as you do, much less be able to demonstrate the knowledge so clearly.

I read your profile, and was glad to see you are in Bible College. You will never forget this time of your life, and you have a bright future in ministry. Don't make the mistake of being so focused on your plans, that you fight God if He tells you to do something else. I did this myself more than once. God always wins out, but you can waste a lot of time.

Many times in ministry, God has you do something only to gain the experience or confidence to move on to something else. I tend to get comfortable, and not want to move on. I have gotten better with time, but still catch myself doing this at times.

I am praying for your future in God's kingdom.

Your brother in Christ,


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Posted : 22 Dec, 2008 04:54 AM

Hey, ah, I appreciate the comments, I actually just got around to posting back on here, I didn't think anyone was really going to read it - I was just trying to get the HTML to work right. :D But as for your comments I totally appreciate them, I don't mind being told in not so gentle words that I may be deviating from scripture. That's what II Timothy says, right?

As for your comments in the first post, I feel that the part in revelation that it talks about War in Heaven may very well be historical. I'm not certain about this, but it seems that for the six days of creation, everything that God made was 'very good' or 'good'. But come the seventh day, where there wasn't even an evening, we don't see that at all. We just see God resting. Now if creation had been very good up until the sixth day, something must have happened between the sixth and the seventh? Hence, I think it's possible that Lucifer may have fallen between those sixth and seventh days, though I could be completely astronomically wrong. In Isaiah, I think there's a passage somewhere that talks about the morning star falling, and then again in Revelation, which is perhaps the most confusing book of the Bible, it speaks of the war in Heaven, the woman, the birth pains, and her flight and protection in the wilderness. I honestly believe this could all have been reference to past historical events, though again, what do I know? ;)

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Posted : 22 Dec, 2008 07:37 AM

Very good! You actually mixed 2 different doctrinal teachings there, that means you are really reasoning the scriptures and developing your own opinions. And yes, Isaiah 14:12-21 and Ezekiel 28:14-19 both speak of Satan, and it is confusing when you throw in Revelation and Jesus talking about seeing Satan thrown from heaven.

Satan being thrown from heaven during the time of creation is the most popular theory, and I can not say it is wrong because I do not know for sure when it happened. The Jehovah's Witnesses think it happened in 1914, I believe. I feel it will happen during the tribulation period. Another theory is that it happened during the time of Christ, but I think Jesus was speaking metaphorically of Satan losing his power over humanity. The war in heaven is interesting to think about, but since I have no original thoughts on the subject, I won't get into it.

I am curious about your belief of the rapture, pre, mid, or post trib?

Great job my friend,


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Posted : 22 Dec, 2008 09:25 AM

The rapture is a touchy subject. I haven't really examined it closely, but I have come to a few opinions about it. I know that Christ says that his elect will be caught up in clouds with his coming in matthew...And if Christ is going to come with the clouds in revelation at the end of the great tribulation, then it would look like we were pushing for Christians to be caught up at the end of the great tribulation. It's all very touchy though, and I don't really know how to form a solid opinion about it. There are so many variables that it's just a guess in the dark about it. What I think is that Christ would allow us to face this sort of persecution during the tribulation. Apparently there's supposed to be a huge cultivating of new believers, and if there are no believers left behind to evangelize, then how do they come to faith? I'm sure there is some answer, but I do not know it. So in essence, this is what I believe about the rapture, besides the huge amount of opinions. Bullets always make things easier.

* I believe that Christ emphasized that he would catch up the elect with his coming, which, if followed in revelation, is the end of the great tribulation.

* I also believe that it's possible for us to be caught up pre-tribulation as some sort of mercy by God that we don't have to go through the tribulation. Somehow, I think that's selfish, and that we don't deserve any better than unbelievers around us. But who am I to question God?

* I think that the rapture, if it does occur before the tribulation, will occur -directly- before the tribulation, if anything, it is a catalyst that will reveal the antichrist.

Theres a lot of scripture on it, and it just hasn't been at the front of what I've been studying, so I really am pretty indecisive about all of it.

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Posted : 22 Dec, 2008 11:45 AM

You show much wisdom in stating your opinion on the Rapture. The truth, as I see it, is that it is all supposition. The scriptures I see used for pre trib rapture seem to be a stretch, but I really have no opinion on it other than the problems that are likely to occur if there is no pre-trib rapture. People that believe in it will either deny that the tribulation period has started, or worse, think that they missed it and change their faith. The 144,000 witnesses spoken of in Revelation are thought to be preachers that will save many during that time.

The mid-trib believers think they will be raptured at the same time as the 144,000 are sealed by God on their foreheads. Just before everyone is forced to take the mark of the beast.

All interesting study, but you are studying the more important issues right now. First save them, then learn all the details of that salvation.

Good studying brother, God bless,


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Posted : 17 Jan, 2009 01:54 PM

Hi Leon,

There is something you said I would like to address.

You said: "He was God with us because the Spirit of God descended on Him like a dove, and stayed."

I have to disagree with this as Jesus was always God equal with the Father. Jesus is the creator. His name before He came to Earth was Jehovah. He referred to Himself as that in the New Testament as well. The Holy Spirit had nothing to do with Him becoming God or becoming "deity". He was always God and had no beginning.

Here is a great article written by my Pastor that deals with "Oneness" issues. I have been a member of this site for many years and has some great articles of various theological issues.



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Posted : 17 Jan, 2009 07:23 PM

Thanks Walter,

It was better written than most explanations of the Trinity. My belief is not as far from yours as you may think from my post. I am very familiar with all of the scriptures, but have a slightly different view. I do actually believe in a Trinity, just a little different. I really don't want to post it here, as it may confuse others, but I believe everyone that wants, can receive revelation on this.



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