Author Thread: Angels Damned, Men Saved?

Angels Damned, Men Saved?
Posted : 13 Jun, 2011 08:20 PM

Angels damned, men saved?

From Spurgeon's sermon, "ELECTION AND HOLINESS"

God has CHOSEN to himself a people whom no man can number,

out of the children of Adam- out of the fallen and

apostate race who sprang from the loins of a rebellious man.

Now, this is a wonder of wonders, when we come to consider

that the heaven, even the heaven of heavens, is the Lord's.

If God must have a chosen race, why did he not select one

from the majestic orders of angels, or from the flaming

cherubim and seraphim who stand around his throne?

Why was not Gabriel fixed upon?

Why was he not so constituted that from his loins there might

spring a mighty race of angels, and why were not these

chosen by God from before the foundations of the world!

What could there be in man, a creature lower than the angels,

that God should select him rather than the angelic spirits?

Why were not the cherubim and seraphim given to Christ?

Why did he not take up angels?

Why did he not assume their nature, and take them into

union with himself? An angelic body might be more in

keeping with the person of Deity, than a body of weak and

suffering flesh and blood. There were something congruous

if he had said unto the angels, "You shall be my sons."

But, no! though all these were his own, he passes

by the hierarchy of angels, and stoops to man!

He takes up an apostate worm, and says unto him,

"You shall be my son," and to myriads of the same race he cries,

"you shall be my sons and daughters, by a covenant for ever."

"But," says one, "It seems that God intended to choose a

FALLEN people that he might in them show forth his grace.

Now, the angels of course would be unsuitable for this, since

they have not fallen." I reply, there ARE angels that have fallen;

there were angels that kept not the first estate, but fell

from their dignity. And how is it that these are consigned to

blackness of darkness for ever? Answer me, you that deny

God's sovereignty, and hate his election -- how is it that

angels are condemned to everlasting fire, while to you, the

children of Adam, the gospel of Christ is freely preached?

The only answer that can possibly be given is this--

God wills to do it.

He has a right to do as he pleases with his own mercy.

Angels deserve no mercy: we deserve none.

Nevertheless, he gave it to us, and he denied it them.

They are bound in chains, reserved for everlasting

fire to the last great day, but we are saved.

Why, if there were any reason to move God in his creatures,

he would certainly have chosen devils rather than men--

Had the angels been reclaimed, they could have glorified

God more than we; they could have sang his praises louder

than we can, clogged as we are with flesh and blood.

But passing by the greater, he chose the lesser, that he

might show forth his sovereignty, which is the brightest

jewel in the crown of his divinity!

Our Arminian antagonists always leave the fallen angels out

of the question- for it is not convenient to them to recollect

this ancient instance of election. They call it unjust, that

God should choose one man and not another. By what reasoning

can this be unjust, when they will admit that it was righteous

enough in God to choose one race -- the race of men, and

leave another race -- the race of angels, to be sunk into

misery on account of sin? Brethren, let us be done with

arraigning God at our poor fallible judgment seat!

God is good and does righteousness.

Whatever he does we may know to be right,

whether we can see the righteousness or not.

God's Election is marvelous indeed--

God had unlimited power of creation. Now, if he willed to

make a people who should be his favorites, who should be

united to the person of his Son, and who should reign with

him, why did he not make a NEW RACE?

When Adam sinned, it would have been easy enough to

strike the earth out of existence. He had but to speak and

this round earth would have been dissolved, as the bubble

dies into the wave that bears it.

There would have been no trace of Adam's sin left, the

whole might have died away and have been forgotten forever!

But no! Instead of making a new people- a pure people who

could not sin, instead of taking to himself creatures that were

pure, unsullied, without spot- he takes a depraved and fallen

people, and lifts these up, and that, too, by costly means--

by the death of his own Son, and by the work of his own Spirit;

that these must be the jewels in his crown to reflect his

glory for ever!

Oh, singular choice!

Oh, inexplicable Election!

My soul is lost in your depths, and I can only pause and cry-

"Oh, the goodness, oh, the mercy, oh, the SOVEREIGNTY of God's grace!"

Now, when you think that God has chosen YOU,

you may well pause and say in the language of that hymn-

"Pause, my soul! adore, and wonder!

Ask, O why such love to ME?"

Kings passed by and beggars chosen! Wise men left,

but fools made to know the wonders of his redeeming love!

Publicans and harlots sweetly compelled to come to the feast

of mercy; while proud religious people are allowed to trust in

their own righteousness, and perish in their vain boastings!

God's choice will ever seem in the eyes of unrenewed men

to be a very strange one-- He has passed over those whom

we should have selected, and he has chosen just the odds

and ends of the universe, the men who thought themselves

the least likely ever to taste of his grace!

Before your sovereignty, I bow, great God, and

acknowledge that you do as you wish, and that

you give no account of your matters.

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Angels Damned, Men Saved?
Posted : 14 Jun, 2011 09:01 AM

There will be 2 comings of Jesus on the last Day. The first is FOR his saints {Matt 24:29-31} and the Last is WITH His saints just after the Marriage Feast of the Lamb as per Revelation 19:8-20.

Revelation 17:14: They will make war against the lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because He is Lord of lords and King of kings--and with Him will be His CALLED, CHOSEN and FAITHFUL followers.":applause:

John 6:44: Jesus says, No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I will raise him up on the Last Day.":rolleyes:

The Father only Chooses those He knows will be Faithful and they will be rewarded according to what they have done.

Revelation 22:12: Jesus says, "Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me, and I will give to everyone according to what He has done.":rolleyes:

2 Corinthians 5:10: "For we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body:rolleyes:, whether good or bad."

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Angels Damned, Men Saved?
Posted : 14 Jun, 2011 10:35 AM

Hey James:

I see that you post what others have written,

Yet where has ABBA shown Himself to you.

I do not care what Spurgeon,Calvin,Bunyon,Owens,Whitfield,

Owens,Or the host of Reformers HAD to say.

I want to hear what ABBA is doing with you.

How He is making Himself real to you.


Mr. Meanie

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Angels Damned, Men Saved?
Posted : 14 Jun, 2011 03:12 PM

Passedover said:

Hey James:

I see that you post what others have written,

Yet where has ABBA shown Himself to you.

I do not care what Spurgeon,Calvin,Bunyon,Owens,Whitfield,

Owens,Or the host of Reformers HAD to say.

I want to hear what ABBA is doing with you.

How He is making Himself real to you.


Mr. Meanie

James replies:

Yes, your attitude is sadly VERY common among Christians, and I hope to change your mind on this.

Paul said that we NEED the body of Christ. God has raised up men of great minds with deep scholarship to expound upon His Word, and the idea that we would ignore it, is to found in American Culture, NOT Scripture.

I think it is the same way with Arminianism. American culture is all about Freedom, and many Christians will translate that into a free will, which exists nowhere in Scripture.

I think the rugged individual crossing the plains in a covered wagon, has now been translated into a hyper-individualiistic attitude which is ALSO nowhere in Scripture.

I think that not only should you CARE What the giants of the faith have said, but I think you are RESPONSIBLE TO KNOW!

Look at it this way, God did not place you in 200AD, or 500AD or

1400AD. God decided that you would live in this late age, and you have literally 2000 years of Christian writings on every verse of Scripture.

In Proverbs it says THREE times, "There is wisdom in many counselors". Well we HAVE many counselors! And to ignore them and act like they were not as smart as we are, or don't matter, is at the VERY LEAST......unwise.

Do you think this is reasonable?

In Christ,


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Angels Damned, Men Saved?
Posted : 14 Jun, 2011 03:12 PM

Before your sovereignty, I bow, great God, and

acknowledge that you do as you wish, and that

you give no account of your matters.

The same God also said that he is not willing that any should perish, so if any word he has spoken is true, so is this truth to all of those that believe, and any and all that ignore any scripture, they also ignore the God of the scripture.

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Angels Damned, Men Saved?
Posted : 14 Jun, 2011 03:51 PM

Why PJ you are a poet? i never knew you could make rymes before.Is this your new calling? :laugh:

Eh, james what if for a moment you looked at things the way God does and not your theology.

What if you looked at it as it being just the whole church as one body.

No calvin, no arms. no catholics, no lurherns,

but just the body of christ.

everybody else give james the chance to reply.

OH, I have always believed that satans fallen angels are condemed where as the loyal angels are not condemed.Dennis

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Angels Damned, Men Saved?
Posted : 14 Jun, 2011 04:08 PM

It is certainly hard lately to find a church with people who really love and obey and are on fire for Jesus. Very often even evangelical churches teach that if you accept Jesus as your Savior you will receive a free pass to eternal life and God forbid that you should suffer financial hardship or persecution; which certainly helps church membership at the expense of the Truth. And very often churches just hold 2 services on Sunday and one on Wednesday which last an hour and people get very little practical spiritual help and can't wait to leave and come home.

The church is certainly far different from the early churches in Acts where the believers worshiped and witnessed every day and were very serious about loving Jesus and keeping all 400 of the NT commands with the hope of countless eternal rewards for faithful and loving service.

There are certainly some minimum requirements for the church you worship in. I don't see how a person filled with God's spirit which helps us to understand God's Word can stay in a Roman Catholic or Jehovah Witness church for more than a few months or in a very liberal church which does not believe in the Divinity of Jesus and His Father or that the Bible was inspired by God. It is certainly unfortunate that the body of Christ has to argue about beliefs that are not that important to your salvation and unbelievably we have over 400 Protestant denominations that will fight over every jot and tittle in their statement of faith.

Even though I believe that every day is the Lord's day and that all foods can be now be eaten in the NT; God's Word commands that I not condemn those who don't believe in eating meats or that one day is more special than another as per Romans 14:1-7. I believe that we should lovingly present our differing views on minor things to our brothers in Christ but not separate ourselves from our fellow saints because of these minor differences.:rolleyes:

I Peter 1:22: "Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the Truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart." :angel:

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Angels Damned, Men Saved?
Posted : 14 Jun, 2011 04:17 PM

Matters as discussed in this post are not minor they are death, or in total opposition to the church and the head of the church.

We never condemn people they do that themselves, but it is always right to expose the false message.

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Angels Damned, Men Saved?
Posted : 14 Jun, 2011 04:21 PM


John 14:23: Jesus says, �If anyone loves Me, he will obey My teaching, My Father will love him, and We will make Our home with him.� Matthew 28:19.20� Jesus commands, �Go and make disciples of all nations... teaching them to *OBEY EVERYTHING I have commanded you!� {See I John 2:3-5}

So let us read God's Word daily {Acts 17:11} and then *DO WHAT IT SAYS*! {James 1:22,25}:angel:

Acts 17:11: �The Bereans were of noble character, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures *EVERY DAY*!�:rolleyes:

James 1:22,25: �Do not merely listen to the Word. *DO WHAT IT SAYS*!... and he who continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but *DOING IT*�will be blessed in what he does.:applause:

Matthew 16:27; Jesus says, �The Son of Man is going to come in **HIS FATHER'S GLORY WITH HIS ANGELS**:angel::angel::angel: {See Matt 24:30,31 & 2 Thess 1:6-10}, and *THEN* He will reward each person according to what he has done.� Revelation 22:12: Jesus says, �Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with Me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done!� {When Jesus comes in His Father's glory with His angels} 2 Corinthians 5:10: For we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, {When Jesus comes in His Father's glory with His angels} whether good or bad.�

Ephesians 2:8-10: It is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is NOT from yourselves, it is the GIFT of God--not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. So Salvation is the ***FREE GIFT*** of God's grace and good works can only be performed by the saved.

Daniel 12:3: �Those who impart wisdom will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever!�

Matthew 5:14,16: Jesus says, �You are the LIGHT of the world...Let your LIGHT shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

I Corinthians 3:6-9: Paul says, �The Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed. Apollos watered it, but God made it grow... The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers!�

So let our lights *SHINE* with the many gifts God has given us and we can have a REVIVAL with the hope of countless eternal rewards for faithful and loving service.

I Corinthians 1:7: For �You do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be *REVEALED*!�:applause:

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Angels Damned, Men Saved?
Posted : 14 Jun, 2011 10:28 PM

James, this is an interesting post; definitely something to help us think through the "mechanics" of God's sovereignty.

While I do agree with the conclusion of Spurgeon's sermon, I disagree somewhat with his logic in arriving there.

I do believe that God is sovereign and that He absolutely could have chosen to save the fallen angels or to have vaporized the earth after The Fall. However, I do not think it is correct to liken fallen angels to fallen "children of Adam." The analogy falls short in a couple of ways:

1. We are born into a sin nature; no new angels are born; those who were created were perfect.

2. Just like the angels had a choice to rebel against God or be faithful to Him, we each individually have that choice, and it's a set choice. At the point that we die physically, we don't have any further opportunities to become saved. God's offer of grace is extended to us while we're here on this earth. Once unsaved people die they are eternally damned. The implication from Spurgeon's analogy is that God is permanently damning fallen angels while he gives humans a chance for salvation beyond the point of damnation. I'm slightly familiar with Spurgeon -- enough to know that this implication probably wasn't intentional -- however, because it is incorrect, it's certainly worth pointing out.

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Angels Damned, Men Saved?
Posted : 14 Jun, 2011 11:40 PM





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Angels Damned, Men Saved?

Posted : 14 Jun, 2011 04:17 PM

Matters as discussed in this post are not minor they are death, or in total opposition to the church and the head of the church.

We never condemn people they do that themselves, but it is always right to expose the false message.

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