Thread: Is it biblical to expose and name false teachers?
Is it biblical to expose and name false teachers?
Posted : 27 May, 2011 10:50 AM
I have been through many years of spiritual abuse and was delivered out of it by the might hand of the Lord, Himself. I was a "sheeple" and my experience is this "The church raised me, but never grew me up." I was thick into the "word of faith" teachings and rebuked as a "judger and non-loyal" to God's anointed for questioning any authority and what they taught.
Long story short, God brought me out of this church matrix by way of His inner voice inside of me and the long hours of study, AFTER praying for discernment and wisdom on things I felt a check about in my spirit. He said "My sheep hear my voice and they know Me." It's true and we must listen to him over any pastor or teacher, regardless of how much we love and adore them.
This is long and I could put in all in my own words, but this says everything I have written in the past. (wish I would have kept a copy) Sorry it is long, but a worthy read in light of the conversations in the forums and the end times we are in.
Cited from "Jesus is Savior"~
Is It Right:
To Judge, To Expose Error, & To Name Names?
By Pastor E.L. Bynum
Many today believe that it is wrong to expose error and to name names. Liberals have always seemed to believe this, but in recent times it has been widely espoused by evangelicals and Charismatics. Now we are seeing the same fatal error being declared by those who profess to be Bible believing fundamentalists. Those who are faithful in exposing error according to the Bible are now being widely denounced, and are accused of being unloving and unkind. In this tract we intend to present the teaching of the Bible on this vital subject.
I. It Is Right To Practice Biblical Judgment
One of the most misused verses in the Bible is, "Judge not, that ye be not judged." (Matthew 7:1). Every Scripture verse should be read in its context, if we are to properly understand the true meaning. In vs.2-5 of this same chapter it is evident that v.1 is referring to hypocritical judgment. A brother who has a beam in his own eye should not be judging the brother who may have a mote in his eye. The lesson is plain, you cannot judge another for his sin if you are guilty of the same sin.
Those who cling to "Judge not, that ye be not judged," to condemn those who expose error should read the entire chapter. Jesus said, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing..." (v.15). How can we know false prophets unless we judge them by the Word of God? If we know the false prophets, how can we fail to warn the sheep of these "ravening wolves?" All through the Bible we find proof that they should be identified and exposed.
"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit" (vs.16,17). Did the Lord mean that we could not judge the tree (person), by the fruit of their life and doctrine? Certainly not, for you cannot know without judging. All judgment should be on the basis of Bible teaching, not according to whims or prejudices.
"Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." (John 7:24). Here our Lord commands that we are to "judge righteous judgment," which is judgment based upon the Word of God. If judgment is made upon any other basis, other than the Word of God, it is a violation of Matt. 7:1. Webster's Dictionary says that a judge is "one who declares the law." The faithful Christian must discern of judge on the basis of God's inspired law, the Bible.
A fornicator is described in 1st Corinthians 5:1-13. Paul "judged" (v.3) the man even though he was absent, and he told the Church at Corinth that they were to "judge" (v.12) those that were within. The Greek word for "judge" is the same here as in Matthew 7:1. Paul did not violate "judge not, that ye be not judged," in judging the man, nor in instructing the Church to judge also. All of this judgment was according to the Word of God.
A person who is able to discern between good and evil, has at least one of the major marks of spiritual maturity. "But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil." (Hebrews 5:14). W.E. vine says of the meaning of discern, "a distinguishing, a clear discrimination, discerning, judging; is translated 'discerning' in 1st Corinthians 12:10 of discerning spirits, judging by evidence whether they are evil or of God." Strong also agrees that it means to judge.
Those who are unwilling or incapable of discerning or judging between good and evil are in this manner revealing either their disobedience or their immaturity.
II. It Is Right To Expose False Teachers
False teachers are free to spread their poisonous doctrines today because there is a conspiracy of silence among many Bible believers. Wolves in sheep's clothing are thus enabled to ravage the flock, thereby destroying many.
John the Baptist called the Pharisees and Sadducees (the religious leaders of his day) "a generation of vipers" (snakes) (Matthew 3:7). Today, he would be accused of being unloving, unkind, and unchristian.
Jesus said to the religious Pharisees, "O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh" (Matthew 12:34). To many evangelicals and some fundamentalists, this would be unacceptable language today, but it is biblical language and it came from the mouth of the Son of God.
Standing face to face with these false teachers, Jesus Christ the son of God, called them "hypocrites," "blind guides," "blind," "whited sepulchres," "serpents," and "ye generation of vipers" (Matthew 23:23-34). Yet, we are told today that we are to fellowship with men whose doctrines are just as unscriptural as those of the Pharisees. Some who say they are Bible believing Christians insist on working with Roman Catholics and other assorted heretics. Yet, according to many, we are not supposed to rebuke them for their compromise.
Near the beginning of His ministry, "Jesus went up to Jerusalem, and found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables; And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise" (John 2:13-16). Our Saviour is presented today as one who was meek, lowly, kind, and loving, even to false teachers, but this is entirely false. When dealing with false teachers and prophets, His words were sharp and His actions plain.
Near the end of His public ministry, Christ found it necessary to cleanse the temple once again. The exposure of false doctrines and practices is a never ending job. At that time He said, "Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves" (Mark 11:17). Is it any different today? The thieves come into the house of God, and rob God's people of the Bible and peddle their perverted Bibles instead. At the same time this den of thieves rob the people off the doctrine of separation and the doctrine of sanctification. Then you can hardly tell God's people from the people of the world. In all honesty, should not these thieves (false teachers) be exposed?
In our day these false teachers have come into the churches with their books, literature, movies, psychology, and seminars, and have turned the Father's house into a den of thieves. It is time that men of God stand up and expose their errors for all to see.
The Bible Admonishes Us To Expose Error
We are to TRY them. "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they be of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world" (1st John 4:1). All doctrine and teachers are to be tried according to the Word of God. "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them" (Isaiah 8:20). Every message, messenger, and method is to be judged according to the Word of God. The church at Ephesus was commended because they had "tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast fund them liars" (Rev. 2:2). The church at Pergamos was rebuked because they tolerated those that held "the doctrine of Balaam," and "the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate" (Revelation 2:14,15). It is never right to tolerate false teachers, but they are to be tried by the Word of God, and exposed. Of course those who want to disobey the Word of God will seek by every means to avoid this teaching.
We are to MARK them and AVOID them. "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them" (Romans 16:17). Those whose conduct and teaching contradicts the Word of God are to be marked and to be avoided. This requires discernment and judgment in the light of the Bible. The ecumenicalists, new evangelicals, and compromising fundamentalists will resist any effort to obey this Scripture. They cannot be marked and avoided, unless they are judged according to the Word of God.
We are to REBUKE them. "Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith" (Titus 1:13). This was written to Titus, because there were those going from house to house and subverting whole houses with false doctrine (v.10-16). Oral Roberts, Robert Schuller, Jimmy Swaggart, Pat Robertson, and others are subverting whole houses with their false doctrine today. Are we to sit silently by, while they do this, without rebuking and admonishing people to avoid their teaching? No, the faithful servant of the Lord is to be "Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers" (Titus 1:9).
We are to have NO FELLOWSHIP with them. "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them" (Ephesians 5:11). Reprove means to censure, condemn, find fault, rebuke, and to refute. How can we obey this Scripture unless we try them by the Word of God?
We are to WITHDRAW from them. "Now we command you, brethren, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which ye received of us" (2nd Thessalonians 3:6). We are to withdraw from those whose doctrine and conduct does not conform to the Word of God. The context clearly shows that obedience to sound doctrine is what Paul has in mind, for he says, "if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet, count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother" (2nd Thessalonians 3:14-15). Paul admonished Timothy to "withdraw thyself" from those who "consent not to wholesome words...and to the doctrine which is according to godliness" (1st Timothy 6:3-5).
We are to TURN AWAY from them. Concerning the last days, he says that some will have "a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away" for such people are "never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" (2nd Timothy 3:5,7). How can we turn away from them if we do not identify them, and this requires that their message be compared to the Word of God. It is the business of the true preacher to: "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine" (2nd Timothy 4:2). This is usually an unpopular and thankless task but it is the duty of the God-called man.
We are NOT to RECEIVE them into our house. "If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds" (2nd John 10,11). There is no doubt about who John is speaking about, it is "Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ..." (v.9). By radio, TV, and literature, false prophets are brought into the homes of many Christians today. Brethren, this ought not to be!
We are to REJECT HERETICS. "A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject" (Titus 3:10). We should reject those who deny redemption by the blood of Christ. There are many who deny this or some other doctrine of the Word of God. If they will not respond to being admonished, then they are to be rejected.
We are to look out for those who preach another gospel. Paul warned about those who preached "another Jesus...another spirit...or another gospel" (2nd Corinthians 11:4). How can we know them unless we judge their Jesus, their spirit, and their gospel by the Word of God? Paul called such preachers "false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ" (2nd Corinthians 11:13). He explains in v.14-15 that these preachers are the ministers of Satan. The God-called man must be just as faithful today in exposing the ministers of Satan.
Paul warned the Galatians about those who "pervert the gospel of Christ." He also said, "if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed." (See Galatians 1:6-9). Multitudes today are preaching a perverted gospel. Those who teach salvation by baptism, or by works, are teaching a perverted gospel. Those who preach a salvation that you can lose, are preaching a perverted gospel. The Charismatics, Catholics, many evangelicals, and many fundamentalists (?) are preaching a perverted gospel. Yet, we are supposed to cooperate with them in evangelism and Christian work, according to many today. If we fail to expose these false prophets, then we have betrayed Christ and His gospel.
We are to SEPARATE from them. "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" (2nd Corinthians 6:17). This makes it plain. God's people are to come out of apostasy and religious error. How can any Bible believer remain in the National Council or World Council of Churches? How can they remain in the Southern Baptist Convention, or any of the other apostate organizations? How can they remain among compromising evangelicals and wishy-washy fundamentalists?
III. It is Right To Name Names
Many mistakenly believe that it is wrong to expose error and to name the guilty teachers; but they are wrong according to the Bible.
Paul named Peter publicly. Peter was guilty of unscriptural practice. "But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed...But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?" (Galatians 2:11-14). The whole issue revolved around salvation by the law or by grace. When the integrity and purity of the gospel is at stake, then we have no choice when it comes to the matter of exposing error and naming names.
Paul named Demas for loving the world. "For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world" (2nd Timothy 4:10). Those who forsake the cause of Christ for worldly living and pleasures should be name and exposed.
Paul named Hymenaeus and Alexander. Paul told Timothy to "war a good warfare; Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck: Of whom is Hymenaesus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme" (1st Timothy 1:18-20). God's true servants should war a good warfare, and name those who have departed from the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Paul is not here discussing the faith of salvation but the faith as a system of doctrine. These men had made shipwreck of it and Paul exposed them and called their names.
Paul named Hymenaeus and Philetus. He told Timothy to "study" that he might be able to "rightly" divide "the word of truth. But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some" (2nd Timothy 2:15-18). False doctrine overthrows the faith of some, so those who are proclaiming it must be exposed.
Paul named Alexander the coppersmith. "Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works: Of whom be thou ware also; for he hath greatly withstood our words" (2nd Timothy 4:14-15). It is clear that this is not a personality problem, but a doctrinal problem. Alexander had withstood the words and doctrine of Paul. He was an enemy to the truth. Godly pastors face the same problem every day. They stand and proclaim the truth, then their members go home and hear this truth disputed by radio and TV preachers. Often times these false prophets are sending their publications into the homes of members of true churches. Then the man of God is suppose to keep his mouth shut, according to many. Only a coward will be silent when the truth of the Bible is under attack.
John name Diotrephes. "I wrote unto the church; but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, recieveth us not" (III John 9). He related how this man had prated against him "with malicious words" (v.10). He further said, "Beloved, follow not that which is evil but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God, but he that doeth evil hath not seen God" (v.11). It is not wrong to name those whose doctrine and practice is contrary to the Word of God.
In fact, the whole Bible abounds in examples of false prophets being named and exposed. All this modern day talk about love, used as an excuse for not exposing error, is not really biblical love but is really sloppy agape.
Moses called the name of Balaam. (See Numbers 22-25). Peter exposed "the way of Balaam... who loved the wages of unrighteousness" (2nd Peter 2:15). Balaam was a prophet that was in the work for money, just like some of the TV false prophets today. They beg for money and live like kings, while multitudes of innocent people send them their hard earned money. They are always building colleges, hospitals, TV networks satellites, and amusement parks that have a water slide for Jesus. And then we are suppose to keep our mouth shut about these religious charlatans. How can we be silent and be true to God?
Jude exposed "the error of Balaam" (Jude 11). John exposed "the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication" (Revelations 2:14). This gets right to the heart of the matter, concerning the doctrine of separation. Balaam never did curse Israel even though he wanted the wages that he was offered to do so. The men of Israel committed "whoredom with the daughters of Moab...and bowed down to their gods" (Numbers 25:1,2). Why did they do this? Because Balaam taught Balac how to break down the barrier of separation between the Moabites and the Israelites. We know this to be so because it is plainly stated in Revelation 2:14 and Numbers 31:16. This sin resulted in 24,000 men of Israel dying under the judgment of God.
False teachers are breaking down the barrier of separation between God's people and false religion. There is too little preaching and teaching on the doctrine of separation. Balaam breached the doctrine of personal separation by causing the men of Israel to commit fornication with the Moabite women. He breached the doctrine of ecclesiastical separation by causing the men of Israel to bow down to Baal. This brought a curse upon Israel. Until we get back to teaching the truth about personal and ecclesiastical separation, we can expect the continued widespread havoc that we have today.
It seems to be believed by many that some people are too high and mighty to be named or exposed. Men in high places, pastors of large churches, and those with great radio of TV audiences, are supposedly above criticism. Whatever they may do or say, no matter how contrary to the Bible it may be, is supposedly all right. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Nathan identified the man. There was a man in a very high place who was a secret adulterer. Surely this man who held the highest office in the land could not be rebuked by a lowly unpopular prophet. Nathan went right into the presence of David, revealed the sin in a parable form, and then told the enraged David, "Thou art the man" (2nd Samuel 12:7).
Hanani name king Jehoshaphat. In many ways Jehoshaphat was a good king, but he mistakenly forgot to practice religious separation. He caused his son to marry wicked king Ahab's daughter. (See 2nd Chronicles 18:1; 21:1-6). He made an alliance with Ahab and went to the battle of Ramoth-gilead with him (2nd Chronicles 18). Hanani "said to King Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord?" (2nd Chronicles 19:2). We have a question for those who insist on working with Charismatics, Catholics, and members of the National Council of Churches, "Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord?"
Yes, it is right to expose error and to name those who are in error. It is right to "earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3). It was once delivered and it has never been recalled for revision. We had better beware of "false teacher...who privily shall bring in damnable heresies" (2nd Peter 2:1). Faithful messengers will warn the sheep of these heretics, and identify them by name. It is not enough to broadly hint of their identity, for the young lambs will not understand and will be destroyed by the wolves.
Love this post JS, and if you notice this is article all about RIGHTEOUSLY JUDGING... NOT OFF THE TOP OF ONE'S HEAD Juding by what he siad. she said, I heard, I read off the internet,... but falsely self righteously judging by all those who on all the threads who know nothing, not one thing about these people because they have never heard of most theses ministers, nor read not one of their books, or even know what these ministers are saying teaching or preaching, or are doing behind the senes in ministry.
Nor have the self-righteous judges by most of the posters on these threads have even seen these ministers on Tv to even sat long even to listen to what these ministers are teaching or preaching about in order to righteously judge what they teach. Plus, most of these self-righteous judges don't even go to church to know what the local ministers are teaching and preaching, so pleazzzzzz. hypocrites trying to judge sombody who is at least doing something that pleases the Lord... what a myth... how can you rightely judge something someone else is doing wrong and you're doing NOTHING!
And that's what River's and mine points are about falely judging some thing and in matter you know jack know nothing about Joyce Meyers' Dream Center for the poor and needy, and homeless, and housing programs in the community, or her projects she is doing oversseas...
You know nothign about TD Jkaes outside of those things I posted about his ministry to the poor and needy and poor elderly in Dallas , and how much money he gives to the prison system ministry in his church for reforming prisoners who get out of prison and have no place to go and are uneducation and the many other outreach community minisries he has and what he does overseas in many countries...
you have no idea no matter how much you hate Paul and Jane, can't figure that one out , you disdain for Paull and Jane, not TBN because TBN hasn' done a thing for you nor has Paul or Jane, because many of you say you don't watch it. So what's your problems? But you know nothing about what TBN is doing in thier Simle Program for children with deformed smiles and other disabilites in America and all over the world, and how many Bibles they send throughout the States and overseas and send missionaries in America. You know nothing about how they hire doctors and medical staff and pay them to go in rural ares and overseas and help those in need... you know nothing about the Dream Center in Los Angeles and all the donation TBN makes so the hmeless can have free clothing and for those in the community to come and eat every morning, noon, and night for free... you know nothign about all the outreach facilities TBN has for youths coming out of the jail systemm throughour America and they can go an live for free and rehab and get thie GED's and free medical care..
And so to post this sermon by the Right Rev. Brynum, and is GREAT and most importantly makes Jesus' and Paul's main points, as well as Rivers, and mine. And maybe... just maybe all those who posted such self righteous indignations, and condemnation and judgments againts these so-called false ministers stealing from the poor, when you yourself are not doing nothing nor supporting any of these ministries. Makes me wonder how can this be done with God in mind when You have not even encountered on a personal OR A SPIRITUAL LEVEL from what all of you say, or know who these ministers are. Maybe when all of you, which I doubt, becasue when truth is being told to many of you, you run and don't even read past what may convict your hearts and stop reading and jump to your own colclusion and THINK you know what is being said. But maybe you WILL READ THIS ARTICLE AND JUDGE IT!...
How can you rgihteously judge a ministry or a preacher as in this article when you've only did a quick read of something written on the internet, or heard someone s[pak when you don't have first hand knowledge for yourself? As preacherman says in his artical and God teaches, how can you judge a false teaching when you yourself don't even know what God has to say to YOU in His word, becasue you are not even a regular faithful member of anyone's church, you don't attend Bible study classes to learn correctly what God's says, you can't even TEST YOUR OWN SPIRITS to know if you're in God's truth or not, you don't even know when God has heard or answered your own prayers, and you think Jesus has died ONCE for your sins, and you have no need to ever repent again of your sins, when you sin everyday in one form or another while trying to work our your own soul salvation?Unbelievable!
Yes, Pauls say expose sin and false teaching, but how can anyone who has posted all their murmuring and complaints, and hearsays and their faults witnessing about TD Jakes, Joyce Meyers, and others from an internet quick reading, expose these ministers sins and faults as being fales teaching when most of you had never heard of these people until I made mention of Jakes repeating what Jesus spoke in Matthew chpater 25, or listen to their sermons or brought any of their books to know or not to know what they teach or preach?
Paul says in I Corinthinas chapter 5-6, IF YOU KNOW... not if you've heard and don't have first hand knowledge or evidence for yourself of such a brother or a sister who is in error or has commtted a sin, you are to properly correct them, and if they don't repent THEN expose them to the church.. you do something about it.
How many who have spoken out in a false witnes against these television ministries are doing something about helping those porr people YOU claim are being so badly hurt and taken advantaged of by these so-called false teacher YOU judge and condemn?
And if all the false teachers are speind money given to them from poor people, all YOU who have condemned and wrongly and false judged Jakes and the othesr about thier houses and how much money they have... My question is, what are YOU who have such complaints doing to stop all of this? What are you doing with your own money to prevent this? How are you speading YOUR WEALTH in knowing JESUS speard the TRUE gospel message about Jesus to these poor people that the false teachers are mis using?
Also, if you notice, Paul isn't exposing anyone whom he HEARD about, he is exposing those he personal KNOWS first hand about... and that makes the BIG difference in exposing the turht of a false teacher based on what YOU KNOW first hand, and not that of those who JUDGE FALSELY AND CONDEMN BASED ON WHAT THEY HEARD OR FROM WHAT THEY QUICK READ FROM AN ARTICLE ON THE INTERNET. AND you do this with such swellowing authority on Jakes Meyer, Copelend, and all the rest of the television ministries...Paul say first examine yourslef to see if YOU be DISQUALIFIED BEFORE YOU JUDGE SOMEONE ELSE, and you find that YOU are in sin and will be judged by others by the same measure(standards) by which you judged and condemned someone else.
Yes, this is a marvelous article for all who posted their hypocritical judgements on these ministers and ministries YOU personally know nothing about, based on hearsay and internet articels... most of you never heard of Jakes or any of these people to even have a place to judge them... You speak about their riches... if you sold as many books, DVD's CD's had speaking enganements as they, and had something to speak, teach and preach about maybe YOU TOO wpould have soem money running over to own a hosue next door to his... and what would you do with your personal money made from the works of your labor?
Well, what do you do with your little money now from the worls of your personal labor? what percentage do you give back in offferigns to help the poor or in ministry in your own community to the Lord, how much of a cheerful giver are you?... how much have you gven this year or this month for the cause of the gospel in your own community to help those poor people you say you care so much about?
How much time have you spent teaching or ministering to their Biblical needs of the gospel telling them the truth about Jesus so that they will not fall for the false teachers??? get your pencil and paper out and write your spiritual wokr hour so that God will know how much He should bless you!
By Pastor E.L. Bynum
Many today believe that it is wrong to expose error and to name names. Liberals have always seemed to believe this, but in recent times it has been widely espoused by evangelicals and Charismatics. Now we are seeing the same fatal error being declared by those who profess to be Bible believing fundamentalists. Those who are faithful in exposing error according to the Bible are now being widely denounced, and are accused of being unloving and unkind. In this tract we intend to present the teaching of the Bible on this vital subject.
I. It Is Right To Practice Biblical Judgment
One of the most misused verses in the Bible is, "Judge not, that ye be not judged." (Matthew 7:1). Every Scripture verse should be read in its context, if we are to properly understand the true meaning. In vs.2-5 of this same chapter it is evident that v.1 is referring to hypocritical judgment. A brother who has a beam in his own eye should not be judging the brother who may have a mote in his eye. The lesson is plain, you cannot judge another for his sin if you are guilty of the same sin.
Those who cling to "Judge not, that ye be not judged," to condemn those who expose error should read the entire chapter. Jesus said, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing..." (v.15). How can we know false prophets unless we judge them by the Word of God? If we know the false prophets, how can we fail to warn the sheep of these "ravening wolves?" All through the Bible we find proof that they should be identified and exposed.
"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit" (vs.16,17). Did the Lord mean that we could not judge the tree (person), by the fruit of their life and doctrine? Certainly not, for you cannot know without judging. All judgment should be on the basis of Bible teaching, not according to whims or prejudices.
"Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." (John 7:24). Here our Lord commands that we are to "judge righteous judgment," which is judgment based upon the Word of God. If judgment is made upon any other basis, other than the Word of God, it is a violation of Matt. 7:1. Webster's Dictionary says that a judge is "one who declares the law." The faithful Christian must discern of judge on the basis of God's inspired law, the Bible.
JS, the "you" factor is generic that I'm using excludes you, becasue you have first hand experience in such matters to know the idfference, and you have given testimony as to how you were caught under such spells of false teachers.
Now for those of you who ARE NOT EXCLUDED from the YOU FACTOR and this applies to YOU... and we'll allow God Himself to deal with you based on your response...
Joey, since I said that a bozo had made a clown out of me by giving me a false prophecy, I speak from experience. Paul was right in exposing a false teacher and nameing them. We are to study the word and make that call. I know some of the people like Billy Graham and his son are calld of God. Some of the others are too. i look at Billy Graham and compare them to him.Dennis
I've just got make one point. I think it's so ironic that the people who quote "Judge not lest ye be judge" are actually judging the person they are quoting too.
Good response Dennis, and when we read God's word we will find that He has written as I've said everything we need to know about living a wholesome helathy Christian life on earth.
He warns us about false prophets and instructs us in Deuteronomy chpater 13- 19 what to look for when someone comes to you with a prophecy. A porphecy from God throughout His word alays carries a conditional and unconditional promise or charge for you to do, or not to do.
One main thing to always look for when someone comes to you sating God told em to tell you, always know in your own spirit when they speak if this is something you personally have been seeking the Lord about in your life.
If it is not Paul teaches us not to forbid a prophecy, but take that which is good from it and cast out the rest. This is what Reviers was saying, she takes from these ministers that which fits her situstion and circumstances and it has helped her, and she allows God to do as He has proomised to do to those ministers and false prophets who are indeed lying and misusing God's word for profit...
Most believers have been beaten into believing that they are not to be making any kind of judgements.
The Scripture,'Judge not lest ye be judge' is the most spoken out scripture concerning this matter,whith which the sheeple are beaten into submission.
1Cor 6:1 Does anyone of you having a matter against another dare to be judged before the unjust, and not before the saints?
1Cor 6:2 Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is judged by you, are you unworthy of small judgments?
1Cor 6:3 Do you not know that we shall judge angels, not to speak of this life?
1Cor 6:4 If, then, you truly have judgments of this life, those being least esteemed in the assembly, you seat these as judges.
1Cor 6:5 For I speak shame to you. So, is there not a wise one among you, not even one who will be able to give judgment on his brother in your midst?
1Cor 6:6 But brother is judged with brother, and this before unbelievers!
1Cor 6:7 Indeed, then, there is already a failure with you all, that you have lawsuits with yourselves. Why not instead be wronged? Why not instead be defrauded?
1Cor 6:8 But you do wrong, and defraud, and these things to brothers!
I for one have personal experience with this matter.
And i have listened to most of those on TBN,the Toiletvision,Oh i mean television, and the radio.
I do not judge so much the sheeple,but rather the messages those that spew out false teaching,with which to fleece the people.
I hope that eveyone has a Blessed and safe weekend.
...and guess what, Dennis, Billy Graham also under went such self-righteous hypocritical judgment and condemnantion for years in minister, by those who said he was syealing from the poor people and making himself rich and teaching false doctrines (teachings)
Oh yeah, he went thorugh hell and fire being condmen by the gainsayers just as the ministers have gone through on these threads of this forum. And so has his son when he first started in minister being accused of stealing from the poor for his own gain.
My qestion is how in the owrld does anyone belive that poor people can make anypne rich when they cant even make their ownsleves comfort by paying their light bils? Does anyone really think that these ministers and ministries can get rich from monies of the poor? Get real!
Does anyone really think that th poor are the one who donated money so that TBN could own over 400 television plus, stations around the world and everything paid off and all the fancy furniture for the stage studios and station equipment and satlites... no sweethearts, it was the RICH AND MIDDLE CLASS PEOPLE WHO GAVE UNTO THE LORD FREELY FROM THEIR HEARTS TO MAKE THESE THINGS HAPPEN! That's why they never ask any of you for a donation, or to use your spiritual WEALTH as prayer partners for those poor people calling in for prayer every day all through the night 24/7/52... nor can any of you remember the last time you volunteered to interced as a prayer partner freely giving of your spiritual WEALTH to help others in your community or church, since you claim to have sooooo much spiritual WEALTH and not in need of financial wealth.
The Bible teaches us that money when used properly according to what God teaches is a defense, and that money is ONE answers to all things... and that's BIble!
Oh, sorry y'all Side Bar: FYI... according to some reports Billy Graham is among the top TEN RICHES MINISTRIES AND MINISTER in the religious community!