An elderly woman didn't like the way our pastor prayed on Sunday morning; So she told him! It bothered her that before he preached he would confess to God that he had sinned the week before, and ask forgiveness. She said , "I don't like to think my pastor sins". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We'd like to believe that our spiritual leaders never sin, but reality tells us that no Christian is exempt from sin. Paul told the believers at Colosse to put to death their sinful nature. Problem is sometimes we don't: We commit a sin, and make a mess of things. But Christ remains faithful, forgives the truly repentant soul and wipes the slate clean Again! Thank God when we fall, He'll ALWAYS help us up!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do you think we as Christians expect too much from our pastors, elders, spiritual leaders? Do we put pressure on them to be perfect? And become disappointed when we find out they aren't?
Sounds like your pastor is a wise person and the woman had made an idol out of him...
If I am aware of a sin that I haven't asked for forgiveness on, why should I expect God to overlook that and hear the rest of my prayer?! If I'm coming before the Lord Almighty, then it's on my knees first until He raises me up!
I don't know that we 'expect' too much from our Pastor's and Church leaders as much as we hold them to a higher standard according to Scripture in 1 Timothy 3:1-4.
"This [is] a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
Likewise [must] the deacons [be] grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre; Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon, being [found] blameless. Even so [must their] wives [be] grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things. Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus."
They are called to these positions by God and we should keep them in prayer at all times, knowing they are a greater target for satan. We must also remember that our Pastors and Church leaders are no different than the rest of us when it comes to sin, temptation, etc., so putting them on a pedestal is going to hurt those who do, should they slip or fall. It has always bothered me when a popular Pastor, TV Evangelist, or whatever, no matter how goofy or wrong he might be, becomes the center of gossip among Christian circles when he falls, instead of approaching the Throne in prayer for these men. Many are shocked when these men fall. Why? Where they idols as has been mentioned? Did some think they were so spiritual or godly that they couldn't possibly sin? And as Chevy mentioned, some may become disappointed to find out they are not who they thought they were. Some put so much faith in these men, that it removes any possibility of sin on their part. I have a great respect for the ministry and roles these men take on, and I do expect from them what Scripture requires, but I also know they are just like us... sinners saved by Grace, sometimes teetering through life to stay on course.
I think in some cases, there are situations were we do expect to much of not only the pastor but also the pastor's family. Most of you don't know that I'm a preacher's kid. I posted this story in the missionary section under my old profile. It was something that my mom had told me.
"You mentioning how PK/MK's are viewed by the layman as suppose to be more "saintly" than non-PK/MK's brought to mind something my mom had said to me a few years ago. Long before I was born, when my brother was about 2 or 3, my mom was walking past a classroom that my brother was in. He was younger than a lot of the children in there (I think most were about 5 or 6.) Anyway, the teacher told him that he had to be a very well behaved little boy since he was the preacher's son and was expected to be a role model."
(Why would someone expect a 2 year old to know how to behave better than a 6 year old.)
Recently last year, several of the kids in our children's choir were asked to sing at a conference. Our music minster's youngest daughter did not want to participate. One of the teachers found out and was a little put out that the MM did not force his daughter to sing. She basically considered the 5th grade a role model for all the students, and should participate in everything that was musical. She did not consider the girl an individual who should not be forced to participate in things she did not like.
So how does this relate to Pastor's and sin, when we refuse to accept that Pastors our human and fallible, then we set them upon a pedestal they should not be placed upon. These are the pastors that are more likely to fall in disgrace. However, when we accept that our pastors will sin, but yet demand that the hold themselves to a higher standard, we see more accountability from our pastors. Unfortunately, I think we see more of the first than the second.
I dont think people understand that just because your called to be a pastor, doesnt mean that your holier than anyone else. He's just as human as you and I.
2, you are a trip. So far, you are the only poster that constantly makes me laugh. Kudos! Catty, you a PK too? Its funny, every other PK I meet, most are quite the opposite; they stray from church, or at least change denominations. as for your leaders, spiritual or otherwise, God calls on them to have higher standards, and to try harder than the people they lead. I agree. Sure, they will fail somewhere in life, who doesn't? I would rather see my leader admit to God and show me how its done, rather than putting him on that pedestal, and crush my own daydreams. He's not an idol, he's human, and thus needs to confess like the rest.
While, yes, I grew up in the Baptist Denomination, the only reason I still attend Baptist churches is that God has placed me there. I'm less concerned with denominations as I am with a church that is striving to follow God. My dad died while I was still a child. So that might have some reason why I have never left the Church. While I did have to see some of the things that the pastors and their families faced, it was not to the point that other PK have.
No, I am not perfect, nor will I ever claim to be. And I , unfortunately, do have this little rebellious streak, most pronounced when I was in college. And yes, at one point I was pretty much became agnostic, even though I pretended to be a good little Christian girl. I think the main reason, outside of God, that I started to believe in God again was my mom. She really lived what she believed, even when she was at her sickest moment in life.