"If we have no ability, or no potential of ability with the help of the Holy Spirit, then what in the heck are we doing here? Is God saying 'Look look, look everyone, see what I can do! see what I can do! Watch me, watch me! Ok ready? Look, watch me I can save anyone I pick and send anyone to hell I want. Go ahead, pick one and I'll prove it, come on pick any one, one, the most evil or the least evil and Ill send then to heaven or hell, hehehe. Yeah baby, I'VE GOT THE POWER!!!
Yes, God does have the power, but God also has a nature, (and this isn't it), ".......
There is nothing hypocritical about what I said, the question is it true about calvinist being hypocritical that is
Remember Ryan you know them by their fruit. I forgot that does not mean that.
One characteristic of those that are of Calvinist is this scripture says what it say it says when it fits their doctrine, then when it opposes their doctrine it is not truth.
So truth is only found in Calvinist according to how they practice and what they say
"If we have no ability, or no potential of ability with the help of the Holy Spirit, then what in the heck are we doing here? Is God saying 'Look look, look everyone, see what I can do! see what I can do! Watch me, watch me! Ok ready? Look, watch me I can save anyone I pick and send anyone to hell I want. Go ahead, pick one and I'll prove it, come on pick any one, one, the most evil or the least evil and Ill send then to heaven or hell, hehehe. Yeah baby, I'VE GOT THE POWER!!!"
I responded to this in the thread on the second page, "Is it God's Nature"
ET, I hear you, but I guess what I'm saying is this....
If you were a twin and before you were born God rejected you and chose the other twin for great things, how would you feel?
This is not about is God is right or soverign. Because He is always right and can do whatever and whenever. That's for sure!
I'ma be honest, I do feel like a chosen person. But I'm just saying, it's a hard pill for me to swallow for God to reject someone before they were born. It's almost like, wow, why even live then.
Okay, yes, He knew Esau would sell his birthright. So what? He knew Jacob would be a supplanter, too. He knew you and I would commit the sins we have, as well. So what?
I'm just not getting it. And maybe it's not for me to get. I often wonder what an unbeliever what think or feel, if I, as a believer feel this way.
I guess it just brings up questions about destiny, free will, etc.
PJ - There is nothing hypocritical about what I said, the question is it true about calvinist being hypocritical that is
Ryan - You say Calvinists believe only they are right. Well of course on salvation, if you believe you are right, you must believe an opposing view is wrong. Unless you are willing to say I'm right too, then yes you are being hypocritical.
PJ - Remember Ryan you know them by their fruit. I forgot that does not mean that.
Ryan - What is it that it doesn't mean?
PJ - One characteristic of those that are of Calvinist is this scripture says what it say it says when it fits their doctrine, then when it opposes their doctrine it is not truth.
Ryan - No that is your opinion based on your misunderstanding of Calvinism.
PJ - So truth is only found in Calvinist according to how they practice and what they say
When I really sat down and read that, I started to wonder, is this why some people struggle so much even when they try to do their best, while others go around being tricksters and things work out well for them? Just a thought.
" why some people struggle so much even when they try to do their best, while others go around being tricksters and things work out well for them? "
It is my opinion that do often work out for the wordly in their world, Satan has them right where he wants them! But the world will ultimately turn on them and they can't escape death and what comes next. As believers the world has already turned on us and we do have what comes next to look forward to. Thete is plenty of Scripture to back this, like ' In this world you will have trouble, but take heart for I have overcome the world'
Your hypothetical pastor... I know you all ready know the answer...lol
I would say; this man was not truly born again and never grew to maturity. He believed in someway, even the demons believe and shudder, and he may have tasted the Holy Spirit yet was not made into a new creature.
Again, my opinion: One is either a new creature or not, and new creatures don't go to hell. However many masquerade as new creatures, they are on their way to hell and they are as hard to tell apart as a seedling wheat from a seedling tare.