Oh My Goodness !!!! What in the heck is goin on in here ??? Have ya all gone crazy with MadCow Disease ???...Geeezzzzz...Ima try ta find that stone so I can give it back ta Jesus cuz yall forgot it goes in the corner...not thrown at someone...:rolleyes:...xo
Right GJ, sounds like Dennis was with the group of men at the well who took the women to Jesus claiming they caught the woman in the "VERY ACT!"... they took PJ to the admin claiming against him, the very things theye were doing..
...herrree ya go Dennis, here are a couple of medium size rocks instead of stones..., they were fresh out of stones, couldn't find any stones, so take these medium size rocks, and you be the first to cast the first rock at yourself... go ahead, take'em.....don't be shy... chunck'em at yourslef..:ROFL::hearts:
It came to mind that when Jesus was set to be crucified, the Bible says that they mocked him, spat on him, and called him alll kinds of name and spoke out all manner of insults to Him. YET, YET! He never said a mumbling word in defense of Himself, regarding what they did to him or the names they called him. I wonder why He never said a word?...
It also came to my thoughts about the scripture which exhorts us to, Resist the devil and he will flee... so why is it that all the so-called men of Goddd who are "poseta" have so much understanding, knowledge and contact with God and His word... why have they all deceied to flee instead of having enough power in the WORD to cause PJ to flee... things that make you go hummmmmm.
I mean, if PJ is the problem. if one can put a thousand to flight... uh, and if you resist the devil isn't the devil the one who is "poseta flee. So why in the world is PJ still standing and everyone who said they had all knowledge, power, understanding, and were correct in thier doctrines and teachings, why have fleed the site?.... just asking.things that make you go hummmmmmmmm...
I read a post by a character on yesterday, who was getting on SOS because she stated she really didn't like his post, and oh, he went on about how negative she was, and on and on, and threaten to call in the admin. Yet he himself has a shape tongue toward others, and can't stand for anyone to disagree with him. And he is of the religiuous belief that his way is the only way, and his words are the only truth, and he gets all bent out of shape when soneone tries to correct him, and is so negative he doesn't even know that he's negative, and wouldn't know a positive touch when he felt it....so what's with all the male egos and pride? Maybe SOS, or GJ can help me understand these things:yay:
One thing for sure as I said, this is a dating site, and ladies, IT IS WRITTEN: you will know them by thier fruit they display in their words, behavior, and conduct ... whether tehey are men of strength or ego trippers...:nahnah::dancingp: we report, you decide:ROFL:
ET, i always read you comments and wonder where you are coming from. you seem so passive aggressive, why would you say "...herrree ya go Dennis, here are a couple of medium size rocks instead of stones..., they were fresh out of stones, couldn't find any stones, so take these medium size rocks, and you be the first to cast the first rock at yourself... go ahead, take'em.....don't be shy... chunck'em at yourslef.."?? every time i read a comment from you i have to pray to God because i really do not know what to make of you. i really hate when people try to regulate themselves with passive aggression, just ask the Lord to help you, putting emoticons in what you are saying does not change the message you are writing. if your angry, be angry!
That was a very well thought out post with your suggestions. I pray that everyone reads it and is convicted by it. It is one thing to be passionate in debating, it is another to cross the line and be mean spirited and attack someone personally. Too often when you bring up a theological issue that someone believes differently, they will perceive it as a personal attack when it really wasn't. The basic problem with this is simply sinful pride. There are some people who are simply unwilling to be wrong about what they believe. They are not seeking the truth of God. We should always be willing to be wrong in any area of our theology. If what we believe is really correct then we should never be offended when we are properly challenged to defend or explain why we believe what we believe. If what we believe is truly wrong then we should be happy we have discovered a truth we did not see before. If our hearts are humble before God we should be seeking correction of any biblical error we may have and then correct said error. If we find something wrong with a particular theological point then this is a really good thing because now we have an opportunity to re-think our beliefs and make whatever adjustments necessary so that we are in better alignment with God's Word.
What Pixy said is very Good and in line with the word of God and I agree with it, but others will not because they are not in agreement with the word. take note of what scripture says verses what is said, alwqys put scripture first.
I think your first and farmost problem is your attempt to try to figure out "what to make of me", instead of trying to spiritually discern and figure out what spiritual point that I am speaking.
I realize the phrase " passive aggressive" sounds grand and great, but I think you should know the full meaning of this term before you try to use it to analyze me with your presumptuous conclusions of certainty or put it into usgaes, PERIOD.
I would like to ask, by what diianostic tools did you use to measure and gather such summary of passive aggressive/anger/angry traits?
Anyone with a basic sense of scriptural understanding of John chapter 8, would know the parallel to, and meaning of my comment. I think Dennis is spiritually gifted with enough spiritual discernment and insight to understand and know what Im speaking to him, so let's not forego his spiritual insight and wisdom.
You say you pray to God, although you didn't make clear as to if, or whether or not you're praying to God for me, or for understanding for yourself to know what I speak, or what. However, I would suggest, encourage, and exhort that you make your prayer requests known to God firstly, for yourself for spiritual wisdom and understanding and illumination into His word. And He will indeed open your understanding into all things..
We tend to pray for others, not knowing what areas we ought to pray for a person, and our prayers are left hanging in the air. Before we pray for others, we must always makes sure we pray for oursleves to understand what others are speaking, otherwise, this gives cause for us to try and figure out what another person is speaking,and or try to figure out what to make of a person, as you sate, etc.
So let your prayer requests be made known to God on YOUR OWN behalf first, and make sure you've got it right with clarity, and God will enlighten your undersatnd so that you will not try any longer have need to try to figure "what to make of me or what I speak, or anyone else for that matter. It will lessen your confusion.
James chapter 1, teaches us that, "If anyone lacks wisdom, let that person ask of God, who gives to everyperson freely and without reproach, and it (wisdom) will be given to him/her.
Paul also teaches us that a carnal mind can't understand the spiritual things of God, because they are spiritually discerned... so maybe this is also one of your problems, and you should lift this up before God when you pray. that you may learn to spiritually discern spiritual things of God with a spiritual mind, and not a carnal mind. This is really make a big difference when interpreating what others are speaking, as well as what God is really saying in His word.
I think you will do well, if you would leave the diagnosis to skilled and trained professionals, and spend your time seeking spiritual wisdom in spirtual matters, and focus on the first things first, cultivating the spiritual gift of discernment wherein areas you're lacking.
Walter, Walter, WALTER!!!:applause::bow::bow::bow::applause:... I can't believe I'm hearing what I'm hearing from you. Nor can I believe I'm in agreement with you:ROFL:...but I must give you your props as we are taught to give credit where credit is due... here's to ya fellow:bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:
What an encouraging post to Pixy. WOW! I guess you're mellowing down in your old age ...oooppps sorry, your seasoned age :excited::peace:
Good post Walter... now I guess I'll have to take you out to brunch on Sunday, and give you a certificate of apprecaition :eat::laugh::dancingp::peace: