Author Thread: Going Public

Going Public
Posted : 1 Jan, 2011 08:13 PM

I and a few others here have been slammed by the bleeding hearts for calling out someone when they post false doctrines and heresies on a public forum. I am not so quick to sing kumbaya with just anyone and if they prove to be heretical by the things they say I for sure will not. I do like interacting with people that do not hold same exact understanding as me. It helps me stay grounded in the Word with study. And just because we don't agree does not make anyone wrong or heretics, unless they are spewing heresy then they will be called a heretic and I do not throw they term around loosely either. I can name a few here that I do not agree with but would still call brother in Christ. I study to show myself approved a workman that rightly divides the word of truth. But I will not sit idol, uplift or be very nice (sarcastic), when anyone post lies about biblical teaching on a public forum. I will say this if ANYONE comes along with a new teaching or new understanding that can not be found in 2000 years of Christian history I will boldly call that person a lair. There are plenty of repackaged heresies floating around today but a totally new interpretation of scriptures is absolutely unacceptable. I see this happening here.

I won't be around much longer to defend this so you haters or bleeding hearts can rejoice! But if ya going to go public with your doctrines and beliefs then you better be ready to stand the heat that will follow. And for you bleeding hearts, why don't you let the one posting their theologies take up for them self? They may have something they want to say to defend their false doctrine.

Hopefully someone else will come along and call out, poke and challenge the false teachers that continue to post here. That is very much needed!

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Going Public
Posted : 3 Jan, 2011 05:59 AM

Leon would it not be important to prove the validity of scripture and its application to mankind as a whole, it is quite simple to do. Because the bible does not contradict itself. No mans opinions come before the word of God.

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Going Public
Posted : 3 Jan, 2011 06:36 AM

Man didn't say it, PJ. God did. Argue with Him.

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Going Public
Posted : 3 Jan, 2011 09:09 AM


To bring the balance to scriptures that you suggest, would you kindly post some scripture showing total depravity may not apply to all mankind.

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Going Public
Posted : 3 Jan, 2011 12:54 PM

YES SIR, Leon the lord did not apply that passage to all of mankind, you posted those scriptures, so you accept the responsibility of proving Romans 3 is applicable to all mankind, I know who it applys to.

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Going Public
Posted : 3 Jan, 2011 01:40 PM


oh ok, cool...sounds interesting :)



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Going Public
Posted : 3 Jan, 2011 01:47 PM

Hey there Leon,

So good to see you! Glad to know you are doing well and have been busy.

HAPPY NEW EYAR EVERYBODY! Just though I would pop in to see what the New Year had brought forth. Well, I see much of the same old same old stuff. :ROFL:

PJ, Leon posted what God has said about you, me, and all of us. Totally Depravity only means that man kind in incapabl;e, and has no abilities, or is totally depraved of anything possible in saving himself, and that includes you. There is nothing, NOT ONE THING you did, or you could do, or I did ,or could do or any can do to save him/herself.

God through Jesus Christ did it thorugh His love and grace and mercy toward us, in an effort to protect and save His creation from the destruction of hell, is the ONLY ONE who could save us by grace. MAN IS TOTALLY DEPRAVED OF SAVING HIMSELF OUTSIDE OF gOD'S DIVINE HELP.

Isaiah says it this way, "But we are ALL like an unclean thing, and ALL our righteousness are like filthy rags."

And Ella says it like this, Yes, we ALL are not worth being a good cleaning rag, and ALL our self-righteousness aint even worthy of being a good dust rag with holes in it.

Yes, there are scriptures that let us know that we as humn being are totally depraved without God of saving ourselves. And what Peon posted, tells the facts about it! Maybe you just don't understand what it means, but your name is there as well, surely, you didn't save yourself from your sins?

And Paul makes God's word very clear that WE ALL ARE TOTALLY DEPRAVED, WHICH MEANS UNABLE, NOR DO WE HAVE THE ABILITY TO SAVE OUSLEVES FROM OUR SINS throughout his writings and especially in Ephesians chapter 2:" And YOU, God made alive You who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works on the sons of disobedience, among whom we ALL once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by NATURE children of wrath. just as the others."


Even Jesus gives us a word to know something in John chapter 3: verses 3-21, and John chapter 8:verses 30-38.

And if you should still not know that you are incapable( suffer from totally depravity) because you can't save or deliver yourself after reading these scriptures, then I say maybe you have need to repent of your sins, and ask God thorugh Jesus Christ to save you from your sins!


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Going Public
Posted : 3 Jan, 2011 02:03 PM

Now, back to the topic... evrybody may have thier own OPINIONS, but if their OPINIONS DON'T line up with the word of God, then the person should be called on it. Scripture is NOT a person OPINION, Scriputures is what God says in His word, and we are to receive it by REVELATION.

This is why there is so much conflict and misunderstanding on this forum, many people have Scriptural OPINIONS, and NOT REVELATION that is GOOD'S KNOWLEDGE, GOD'S WISDOM, AND GOD UNDERSTANDING OF HIS WORD THROUGH RELEVATION TO OUR SPIRIT given by the Holy Spirit. If everyone were receiving God's word by REVELATION inot thier hearts and spirits, instead of INTERPRETATION in their OWN thoughts and minds... there would be no error or disagreements. ALL THINGS WOULD BE IN COMMON and on ONE ACCORD.

Quoting Scriptures and not understanding what the meaning of the Scripture or its application, IS NOT what Biblical discussion is about. Error in understanding a passage and heresy in interpreting Scriptures according to one's OWN thoughts are two different things.

And the latter goes on much more than should, and the sad things is that hersey goes on in a spirit of pride and arrogance, without the person feeling a need to be corrected. A person who is error, doesn't mind being corrected. But a person who is TOTALLY DEPRAVED of God's word and is speaking as a heretic of his/her own OPINIONS and understanding, disdains corrections from others!

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Going Public
Posted : 3 Jan, 2011 02:17 PM


Happy New Years to you to!

Thought you would like to know the filthy rag from the Isaiah you posted about is NOT a cleaning rag. If you check the hebrew you will find it is a menstrual rag!

kinda drives the point home, don't you think?

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Going Public
Posted : 3 Jan, 2011 02:20 PM

But then again, Paul teaches us this, Avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and striving about the law, because this is unprofitable and useless. Reject, a man (person) who is a heretic after the first and second admonition, knowing that s uch a person is warped and sinning, and is being self condemned. Titus chapter 3

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Going Public
Posted : 3 Jan, 2011 02:36 PM

Hey 2sparrow,:waving:

How U-B? This ismy second post to you, the other one went into space lol...

Yes, I a, well aware and understand as to what Isaiah is speaking about in the useage of filthy rag. And if you re-read my post you will understand what I am speaking about when I say we ALL are not even worhty of being a good cleaning dust rag with holes in it!

I see you have been holding the Fort down.:yay:

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