Author Thread: Why I am a Calvinist..........

Why I am a Calvinist..........
Posted : 4 May, 2010 08:10 PM

Why I am A Calvinist

A short explanation of my theological conviction on grace.

Why I am A Calvinist

An Oversimplified exhortation to Sovereign Grace Theology

by Dr. C. Matthew McMahon

There are a variety of theological persuasions in the world. One might say there are too many of them. We may go from denomination after denomination and find a great variety of beliefs and doctrines concerning things about God, things about Christ, things about man and so on (to the utter detriment of the church's power in the world). Yet these ideologies are but ripples from the great stone of the Gospel which was plunged into the lake of humanity.

All theological persuasions are not perfect. It is impossible that any theological system of doctrine be perfect for if it was perfect it would be the Scriptures themselves; for only the Word of God is inerrant, or without error, and infallible - for it will not fail us. Man has undertaken the task, as commanded by God (2 Tim. 2:15), to understand God�s Word in spite of his lack of ability to understand it perfectly. He strives to apprehend what he can because a good theologian knows he cannot comprehend (or understand totally) everything about the Scriptures. But that gives us no excuse not to try.

In the endeavor to ascertain right doctrine, various systems have come up throughout church history. There have been the Arians, the Socinians, the Gnostics, the Roman Catholics, the Epicureans, the Docetics, the Pelagians, the Mormons, the Arminians, the Manicheans and so on. These though, should not be considered to be a true systems of right doctrine since each of them denies a major tenant of the Christian religion. One denies the deity of Christ, where another denies the humanity of Christ. One says heaven is attained by knowledge alone, another denies that people are sinners. One says God is not sovereign, and another says man is the measure of all things. One says man is God, and another says God is not all powerful. One says that God can save but does not need to, another says that man must "do his part" in salvation or he cannot be saved. These systems of doctrines are clearly false. They remove or exalt a particular essential attribute, or many essential attributes of Christianity, not to mention adding many things which the Scriptures never teach. So it would rightly be said that they are systems, but it would also be equally fair to say that they are wrong systems.

So what is the right system of doctrine? From study, contemplation, and meditation and upon the Word of God, from assessing church history and the movements contained therein, from hearing hundred of speakers on varying subjects, and listening to a plethora of viewpoints on every aspect of the Bible, I rest upon the system of doctrine called "Calvinism."

It is unfortunate for Calvinism that it is called Calvinism. Charles Spurgeon rightly stated that "Calvinism is nothing more than a nickname for Biblical Christianity." He was right. The name is often a warrant for despisement though. People say because we follow a man named Calvin, we are not following God. Does not Paul say in 1 Cor. 1:12, "Now I say this, that each of you says, "I am of Paul," "I am of Apollos," or "I am of Cephas," or I am of Christ." is Christ divided?" Paul is right. We are not to follow after men. We are to follow after God for sectarianism is a sin rebuked by the 1st chapter of 1 Corinthians. But do Calvinists really follow Calvin? No. It is actually wrong to call Calvinists "Calvinist" because they are doing nothing other than using the same body of doctrine that Calvin used, who in turn copied Augustine, who in turn copied the church fathers and they, who in turn, followed Christ and the Apostles. The early church fathers, who lived between 95 AD and 200 AD are just as much Calvinists, for understanding grace, as Augustine was a Calvinist, and as John Calvin was a Calvinist. Calvinism is nothing more than a label to show what view one holds upon the Scriptures, not upon a certain man. Someone may say, "That is not true. If you are a Calvinist, then you follow the teachings of Calvin and his interpretation of the Bible." Let us see if this is a worthy set of propositions. Because at the outset, they prove of necessity, nothing of the kind.

When I was 21, I had finished 2 years of Bible college. I went to an Arminian School, learned Arminian doctrine, and read Arminian books. I had no previous real learning in religion until I attended that school, so I was indoctrinated in that theology without ever knowing whether it was true or false. In my na�vet� I believed what I was taught (Surely not to question doctrine was my own mistake, but being indoctrinated in that way helped me to understand more about what I believe now. So it was the providence of God which kept me in my sin of false doctrine for a time.) Not too long after my second year, a friend of mine, who believed the doctrines of grace, began to challenge me on many of my "biblical" doctrines. I had a well rounded handle on the doctrine I possessed and propagated it thoroughly among my friends at school. But when this young man challenged me as he did, I was not able to refute him. The reason I was not able to refute his arguments had nothing to do with not understanding my own doctrine, for I did. But he came at me with something I did not expect; the Bible. He proposed a whole new system of doctrine which ran completely contrary to my own beliefs. My understanding of sin was so unbiblical that when he told me to read Romans 3:10-18, I was taken back by Paul�s poignant words. I was challenged by the very book I thought I understood. My views of man, Christ, God, salvation, sin, sovereignty, the will, and others were so warped and twisted that my young friend didn�t even need to rebuke me, for the Scriptures were doing it quite well. I had understood doctrine, it was just not the doctrine of the Bible.

So over the next summer, because of that day and that particular challenge of my friend, I devoted my time to reading through the entire Bible and endeavor to take it as it stood rather than what I wanted to read into it. My prayer was that the Lord would teach me His word by the power of the Holy Spirit so that I would know what it said rather than what I wanted it to say. After three months my views on man, Christ, God, sin, salvation and the like were radically transformed. (you would be amazed at what the Spirit of God will do with such a prayer and a simple reading of the Bible.) The point is this, my theology came out Calvinistic without ever knowing what Calvinism was, at least the beginnings of this. I had not known what Calvin taught or that he was even a person. But my theology reflected his theology which reflected Augustine's theology, which reflected Christ's theology. And so the study of the Word of God transformed me. The Scriptures taught me, instead of me trying to make it say what I wanted it to say. So we see that being a Calvinist is not following after one man, but submitting under the authority of the Bible. It is embracing the theology that has been long since defended by men like Calvin, Luther, Bullinger and others who believed in the sovereign grace of God.

Why would someone want to be a Calvinist? Calvinism is not adherence to a person, but to a set of beliefs which are rightly in accord with the Bible. People who want to be right in their understanding of the doctrines of the Bible, adhere to Calvinism. Calvinism is not perfect. It is a system of doctrine worked over and over by countless men since the time of Christ. It will never be perfect because it is not inspired by God. So why should we believe Calvinism over and above other systems of doctrines? Because if we were to determine what system of doctrine hits closest to the bulls-eye of the Scriptures, Calvinism would be the first outer ring. Any system of doctrine which does serious damage to the doctrines of man, Christ, God, sin and salvation, cannot be considered worthy of our attention as Christians. And there is no system of doctrine which covers all these so Biblically as Calvinism. Calvinism can be found illustrated in Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. If you are a Calvinist, you agree with the Institutes. If you do not agree with the Institutes, then there are other names you can use to describe yourself. Calvinism is not for you.

What does Calvinism teach? Calvinism can be divided up into hundreds of points. There are a variety of propositions and ideas which are woven into the fabric of Calvinism. But if we were to concisely describe the simplistic form of Calvinism's teaching on salvation (for instance), we would look at the acronym T.U.L.I.P.: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace and Perseverance of the Saints. This is a helpful acronym to describe salvation in terms of God's sovereignty (as the Bible does!).

The first doctrine of grace is Total Depravity. Total depravity keeps us humble. It states that man is totally and completely a sinner; heart, soul, mind and body, who can do no righteous deed. The image of God is so marred and twisted by the fall of Adam that every person who is conceived is at that point at enmity with God. They are enemies of God, they hate God, and they would even kill God if he showed up in their living room. As a matter of fact, when the Lord Jesus Christ came down to earth, they killed him. Total Depravity is proven by both the Old and New Testaments: Genesis 6:5; Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 3:10-18. After one understands that he is a sinner who cannot by his own power come to faith, and that he has lost everything which would enable him to come to Christ because of the Fall and of his sin, then he comes to see Unconditional Election (Second doctrine). Man, being sinful cannot choose to follow God because he hates God. So God must remove the heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh. God chooses man. He unconditionally, not based upon anything a man can do which is good or evil, elects people to everlasting life. Its God�s job to save, and our job to praise Him for saving us. The Scriptures shows this doctrine emphatically: Malachi 1:2; Romans 8:29; Romans 9:1ff; Ephesians 1:3ff.

How does God save us? Yes, He elects us, but what is the basis for our election? It is not our work, but Christ�s work. God sends His Son to die for everyone whom He elects. The Son pays the price, and the debt is removed. When Jesus dies on the cross He secures salvation for everyone He dies for. And the work of Christ�s death and resurrection is transferred at that time to the account of all those who will be saved through Him. Jesus comes to die for God�s chosen people, His treasured possession. In this way the atonement is limited in scope but not in power (Third Doctrine). The Scriptures teach us this doctrine as well; Isaiah 53:1ff; Matthew 1:21; John 10:1ff; Acts 20:28; Ephesians 5:25.

The fourth doctrine of grace, or Calvinistic doctrine, is Irresistible Grace. If Jesus dies for the elect, and God unconditionally elects all those depraved people whom He calls His own, the regenerating power of the Spirit of God will not fail. Regeneration is where the Spirit changes the old heart of stone to a beating heart of flesh. And He does this prior to our faith. We believe on Christ after our sinful depraved souls are given the new capability to believe through the renewing power of God�s Spirit. His grace is then called irresistible, not because we believe against our will kicking and screaming, but our hearts are inclined to believe, so we love to believe and we go to Christ willingly. The Scriptures show us this in Psalms 51:10; 110:3; Jer. 31:33ff; John 3:2ff; Romans 2:29; Ephesians 2:8-10; Philippians 1:29; and 2:13.

The last main point of God�s grace seen so vividly in the doctrines of Calvinism is Perseverance of the Saints. All who are redeemed from their depraved states, all whom Christ came to ransom from death and pay the price to redeem from God�s wrath, all whom the Spirit irresistible touches with His grace, and all those who are unconditionally elected to eternal life will persevere to the end. They will sin, yes. But they will never fall away from grace. This does not give us a license to sin, for those who are truly changed are changed and have a new desire and new nature which releases them from the that the old depraved nature had on them. These saints persevere because God continually upholds them through the grace of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. They are God�s temples, His residing place. God dwells in the spirit of a man�s renewed heart. This, in and of itself, is an amazing thing!! And does the Scripture show us this doctrine? More than we could imagine: Phil. 1:6; Romans 8:30; John 10:28-29; John 17:2, 6, 9, 24; 1 Thess. 5:23.

What doctrines am I rejecting as a Calvinist? I am rejecting everything that "changes the truth of God for a lie, and denies Jesus Christ as our only Sovereign and Lord (Jude 4)." I am rejecting anything which would rise up and call itself a Gospel which is no gospel at all. I reject anything which exalts man to a place and position where he ought not to be, and decreases the grace of Christ. I reject anything which makes God a cosmic bell-hop tending to the commands and demands of sinful men as another gospel. I reject anything which removes God�s sovereignty to place man as the Sovereign as another gospel. I reject anything which denies the sovereign decrees of God and His electing grace to put salvation into the hands of sinful men as another gospel. I reject anything which denies man�s total depravity and exalts his fictitious free will as another gospel. I reject anything which places the perseverance of man to glory in the incapable hands of a sinful man as another gospel. I reject anything which endeavors to treat God as the great Grandfather in the sky beckoning and pleading with man to be saved as changing the true God into a pitiable wimp. This is another Gospel. I reject anything which denies the atonement of Christ for what it is; a substitutionary atonement on behalf of the elect. If we deny this, we deny the Gospel. I reject anything which makes the cross less than definite salvation for the elect, as another Gospel. I reject anything which is contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ as it is preached by Christ in His Word. It is to these Calvinistic doctrines and teachings which all Biblical Christians hold. It is these Calvinistic doctrines of grace which wild horses could in no way drag from me. Especially the wonderful doctrine of Christ�s atonement for His people. And what does Paul say about those who preach, teach, and believe another Gospel? Galatians 1:8 is emphatic, "If we, or an angel from heaven, preach to you any other Gospel than what we have preached, let him be anathema, (or accursed.)" They are not slapped on the wrist and sent to their heavenly rooms. They are cast into the deepest, darkest, hottest section of hell for perverting the truth of God�s Word. We see that the Gospel is something to contend about, and is something we need to be right about.

When I was 21, I had a form of godliness but I denied its power. I had a system of doctrine which denied Jesus as the only Sovereign and Lord. Yet, God in His mercy forgave that heinous sin of wrong belief. He allowed the scales to fall from my eyes. He allowed me, if you will, to be "born again, again." My mind has been renewed and my life transformed by these doctrines of grace. It is absolutely true what Spurgeon said, that Calvinism is nothing other than a nickname for Biblical Christianity. And until a person understands these doctrines, his walk with God will be a superficial walk. The doctrines of God�s grace, which are the doctrines of Calvinism, plunge us deep within the fountain of God�s mercy and power. Without understanding God�s election of depraved people, how can anyone understand what grace is really about?�they can�t. Why am I a Calvinist? Because God will not allow me to be anything else. He has opened my eyes to depth beyond my wildest aspirations. He continues to humble me, the rebellious sinner, before His awesome majesty and power. May it be that all of God�s people would be humbled by His grace.

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Why I am a Calvinist..........
Posted : 6 May, 2010 10:30 AM

Now I have to read the whole book of Romans to get Steve's message.Dennis

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Why I am a Calvinist..........
Posted : 6 May, 2010 10:36 AM

Romans 9 is the chapter where Paul TEACHES the fact that God is the one who chooses to save, and that He chooses whoever He wills to choose.

Also, John 6 and 10 are chapters where Jesus says things that are also point blank, and say the same thing that Paul said in Romans 9.

There are TONS of other verses all throughout the Bible.

If you just want the Verses this is the best webpage of that I know of, that is literally just a verse list, with each verse typed out for you to read:

In Christ,


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Why I am a Calvinist..........
Posted : 6 May, 2010 11:06 AM

That is a good place to Go, but you only need to read the tenth chapter of Romans, that chapter alone refutes Calvinism, and in that context is the principle found throughout the bible, one must first hear the word of God, and that is understood with a heart and attitude to aggree with what you hear, then believe what you hear, and to act on what you hear, (faith).

Scripture does not alter scripture, it is the truth, Romans tells us whosoever calleth on the name of the lord shall be saved, it also tells us that whosoever believeth on him shall be saved.

Context of Romans 10 is how to be saved, and how one can be saved.

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Why I am a Calvinist..........
Posted : 6 May, 2010 06:18 PM

In my opinion chapter ten,when it says faith comes by hearing,just explains a mechinism god chooses to use to for his people,remember,not everyone who has ever lived has heard the gospel.

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Why I am a Calvinist..........
Posted : 6 May, 2010 06:19 PM

Those who love christ do not need to take jabs at somebody who has a different view every chance they get. I will read the whole book of romans as a study.Dennis

PS.Calvinist are ok, even if I disagree with them.

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Why I am a Calvinist..........
Posted : 6 May, 2010 06:32 PM

When we talk about God choosing His people in Election, we are talking about the ENDS of all things..

But God has ALSO chosen the MEANS and not just the ends!

For instance God, if He has so chosen could have decided to save everyone He was going to save, on their 21st Birthday at high noon.

But God has not chosen that way, and instead has chosen the "foolishness of preaching".

This includes everything from inviting kids to vacation Bible school, telling your Friend about Jesus, and leaving a Bible tract on a park bench.

So, yes many people do hear the Gospel outwardly, but only those who get the INWARD call from the Holy Spirit will repent and accept Jesus.

it is important that we know and use the means that God has chosen.

In Christ,


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Why I am a Calvinist..........
Posted : 6 May, 2010 09:58 PM

�To make human action the cause of divine

blessing is to overturn the whole nature of salvation.� - Iain Murray

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Why I am a Calvinist..........
Posted : 10 Jun, 2010 08:20 PM

Hello GJ:

Very concise answer;

I am not a Calvinist,Calvin did not ascend Calvary's mount,nor did He lay His life down for me.

I am a follower of Yeshua the Messiah,though i am not a very good follower;Yet it is not my righteousness that I am depending on.

Nor am I depending on my being holy,just, or sanctified.

I trust Yeshua to have Justified me,and to be Holy,Righteous,Sanctified and without sin for me,and He has imputed His Holiness,Righteousness and Sanctification to me,as though I had actually done them myself.

And Yes I do resist the Grace of the Lord everytime I sin,though the desire of my Heart and Spirit is not to sin.

I do not put others down for what they do od do not believe,yet let us lift up Yeshua,not Calvin or any other person or system of thought.

Yeshua says'When I be lifted up,I wil draw all men unto me'.

Maybe this is one of the reasons we do not see the Lord confirming His word as He had been doing in days of old. Mark 16:20

I hope that everyone gets Blessed of the Lord



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