Author Thread: Female Pastors?

Female Pastors?
Posted : 24 Jul, 2009 03:00 AM

I apologize if I offend anyone, but I refuse to compromise God's Word for anything. The hearts of men are deceitfully wicked, so I cannot trust in emotionalism. The Bible says there seemeth a way right to a man but that leads to death. Don't trust in yourself, but God and His Word. Jesus is the head of His church. Notice God is always referred to in masculine form. Notice there are NO angels referenced ever in the Bible as being female in appearance. People are so indoctrinated by their society that instead of using the Bible as the source everything should be compared to, they use the world. It is an HONORABLE thing to be a women or man of God. Both roles are divine. As Christians, we are apart of the Bride of Christ.

Feminism is also a lie from the pit of Hell. Notice in our society the surge of homosexuality and immasculation of men? Women seem to always want a man they can control. This has nothing to do with equality. In today's society, we see that women have dominant rights over men, which is absurd. This movement is also tied to the Rockerfellers and their goal for a New World Order. Satan comes as an angel of light, so it's no surprise that he will use carnality and feel-good tactics to appeal to mass society.

The woman of virtue in scripture is very honorable. I mean, why wouldn't they want to be in that position, where they can take care of the children, and aid their husband? They are the divine caretakers and givers of life.

Satan wants to impale males from their birthright. And that is to be bold leaders. He loves to pervert the nature of God's creation. He hates God more than anything, and what better way than to cripple the spiritual leaders?

Does anyone have an opinion on this issue? This female friend of mine wants to be a pastor and I've been trying to show her through the Word that it's not ordained by God. So can her ministry be blessed by God? I know that God can work in spite of our mistakes, because He is rich in mercy.

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Female Pastors?
Posted : 7 Aug, 2009 09:06 PM

"semicha" is the word. I'm not saying this stuff because I'm trying to flaunt this over people heads. This is what the bible says. In every example where there is authority in the bible...marriage, government, the's pretty clear that the top leadership position is for a man. Even in the Garden of was part of the curse that sin brought on women. "Your desire shall be for you husband, and he shall rule over you"(Gen. 3:16). I don't see how someone can reinterpret that any other way. Seems perfectly clear. And like I said, I don't see anywhere that it says that women can't teach, or even have sermons(a sermon is just expounding the scripture...everyone can do that). Prophecy is a spiritual gift, everyone can have spiritual gifts. But when it comes to holding authority over men, the bible says "no, I do not permit it". And being an ordained pastor/elder/deacon is a leadership position. Go ahead and call the bible old-fashioned and reinterpret it....but I'd say that's kinda dangerous to start doing that. Jesus loved women, but he chose 12 men for his disciples. Why'd he do that? Maybe they should've chosen Mary for the 12th disciple to replace Judas? I'm sorry for getting a little sarcastic...but I just see this as another attempt by the world to turn something God set up...upside down. And I just have to ask "why"? Satan tries to turn everything upside down that God has set up. Everything. Women have the most important/hardest job in the world, and now a lot of them think it's pathetic and kill their children before they're born. Marriage is on it's head. Discipline is on it's head. Wisdom is on it's head. Hard work. God's law. Personal responsibility. Just about everything is backwards from the way it is in the Bible. And the bible is supposed to be our rule of life. Everything from money to raising children is in there. And I don't know...but it seems to be very clear. Maybe we should trust God and do what it says. But apparently it's always open for interpretation. And all I have to say is, look up everything....God put it all there, but he left it for you to find. Make sure you can find a lot of scripture to support your view, and then believe it. I don't see, in my reading, anywhere that it allows women authority over men. But if it does, I'd like to know where.


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