From "The Real Messiah" by MattithYah Coover, � 2009.
Hebrew Yeshua vs. Greek Jesus Nehemia Gordon
Shockingly, in contrast to the Hebrew Yeshua, the Greek Jesus fits each one of these qualifications.
1. Yahshua is Yahweh, while at the same time remaining under the authority of the Father. Jesus, in contrast, is the co-equal, second person of the Trinity. Jesus thereby opposes, both Yahshua's deity, and the truth about his humanity - that is, the echad YHWH taking the form of flesh.
2. Yahshua made atonement for the sins of the repentant, Torah-obedient seeker of truth. Jesus removes the definition of sin by his supposed nailing of the law to the cross.
3. Yahshua expounded upon the Torah, coming not to destroy, but to establish all that was written in the Tanakh (Matthew 5:17, Luke 24:27). Jesus exacts laws in direct opposition to the laws of ucwhy, as he dispenses with the Ten Words, the entirety of the Torah, and the Eternal Torah covenant; all things which even the apostle Paul affirmed could NOT Scripturally be done (see Romans 3:31 and Galations 3:15,17).
4. Yahshua verified that not one jot or tittle has passed away from the Torah (Matthew 5:18). Jesus claims authority to add to, alter, and take away from the revelation which YHWH has given in His word.
The historical facts are that the Man, Yahshua, or Yeshua of Nazareth, walked this earth 2,000 years ago as the embodiment of the Divine Messiah YHWH, but no one called "Jesus Christ", nor anyone who supported what "Jesus" supports ever walked this earth as any Scriptural messiah, or for that matter, as any messiah at all. The Hebrew Yeshua is found in the ancient Hebrew Scriptures; The Greek Jesus only appears in our present day translations. The Hebrew Yeshua came to uphold His Father's Torah, and establish it as eternally binding on all humanity, and if you will pursue a Torah submissive lifestyle and system of beliefs, ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES, you will find that the Greek Jesus promotes a "different gospel".
Thank you Bahira, you are a tur woman of God... there is no hate in my heart toward anyone, and I do understand what you are speaking, and I also understandand and know that we are taught to rebuke and repoof sin when its at our door as Paul exhorts Titus.. and this I will always do with as much mercy, love and with grace as much as it depneds on me I can only speak for myself. Had it not bee for love, mercy, and grace I would have file a complaint on these people a long time ago.
I think those who have the intent of whatever will do well to take your counsel with heart... I know my position, and when I have done all I can do to stand, I will contiune to stand for what I know to be right according to what God has directed me to do, and according to His word in holy boldness just as Paul and Peter and the other apostles when they met opposition withou a cause, they were not coward soldiers... fro it is written: there is a time for all things a time for war an a time for peace.... a time to love and a time to hate... a time to speak and a time to keep silent... so I've finished with all of this and will keep silent ... so much for this, let's keep it moving:yay::dancingp:
Thank you, bahira. I have been spoken to unkindly by her more than once. I always forgive her. I have no problem with being reported to admn. ; I've done nothing wrong. People tend to get angry when truth is told. ( Pray for Billy Graham today; He is in the hospital.)