Ok, well the title i just thought, was kinda funny...it really doents Truly pertain to what im about to ask.
And also, Before i ask it...I want to say:
James, Brother you are a good sport...It seems like everyone has ganged up on your beleifs(including myself...and i hardly know you,) God bless you Brother, and i Truly hope you can understand where Calvin, and most reformers faulter in there interpratation of the Gospel, one day.
That said...
"Lets say Calvin was 100% correct, and the reformed theology IS in fact 100% Gospel. Plain and simple.
Could it be possible that YOU, as a calvinist, could indeed NOT be one of The few Chosen?
What makes YOU certain that you are one of Gods children?
Considering that there are 2.7billion professed followers of Christ in the world, and 35,000 different doctrinal beleifs/denominations, And Jesus says FEW will find the Door.
Is it possible for MOST of the reformed beleivers to NOT be those who will make it to the end of the narrow Gate? And maybe...lets say...Umm...Anabaptists will be the ones to adhere till the end? Or ... Armenian pentacostals?
The MAIN question, is JUST becasue YOU nestled into Reformed Doctrine, becasue its what YOU agreed with the most...does that make you Saved? How do you know? And can one who doesnt believe in it, still indeed be one of the Few Chosen? What if ALL Calvinsits are NOT the chosen what so ever?...they got the theology correct...but thats about it...Sorry, You guys were made for hell.
RKF and PJ, I think you both do a excellent job of pointing out where Satan exploits Calvinism for the destruction or at least limiting the power of Christians caught in its web : by promoting arrogance and attacking Faith.
Im not arminian, nor calvin. I think they are BOTH wrong. And to follow any man made doctrine is dangerous.(if you ask me)
Calvanism, actually comes from Talumdic belief systems...its Gentile Talmudism. The talmud is a series of "explinations" and "Comentaries" by rabbis on what the Tanach(Old testement) "Truly means"...but these writings are explinations of people without the spirit of God in them. They are Pharesees. That is all im saying on THAT.
Arminianism is merely the teachings of one man, Jacob Arminius, to counter the errors of another, John Calvin.
And i agree with neither! Why? Becasue they are men!
And I dont like men!
haha...but really...i dont trust anything in which has breath...You can tell me something, but i can NOT take it as fact. or Truth. There is ONE truth and He is Christ Jesus
to argue mans doctrine is silly, and to beleive mans doctrine is silly.
And then to defend the doctrine you beleive and argue, with another mans written opinion is even sillier.
The Rcc is wrong. Calvin is wrong. Arminius is wrong. Jews are wrong. Every doctrine under the sun, is not new, is not "Reformed" just rehashed...its ancient as the Sun.
There is truly TWO beiefs. The TRUTH. And LIES. No more no less. And if you have Jesus. then you have truth. SEEK it constantly...Seek HIM constantly.
Dont seek knowledge, seek Jesus, seek to know HIM, and you will never be in the shadows. Godbless.
Can a Arminain be correct on some of thier interpretations?
The same for Calvins, RCC's Lutherans.
But if you are following a mans interpretation on Cotrine...then you are not following the holy spirit.
There IS a difference James. There is a HUGE difference between following a thought, and TRUTH. an Idea, and SPIRIT. Flesh, and Jesus.
And f you are IN the spirit then your life reflects the spirit. and im sorry but hardly any man who started a denomintion, or sect of "Chritianity" had a life that reflected the spirit...except honestly George foxe...but we see how well the quakers turned out...And even George foxe was wrong on allot...and i love George foxe...would i follow him? NO!! I also would call myself a quaker...
Point is...if we have our faith in doctrine, ad nmen, then its not faith. IF we can hear what man comes up with, and live by it...then you are not living by the holy spirit.
Its truly that simple...will we always do it perfectly? no...
But the SPIRIT needs to be in control...not doctrine...not personal beleif...then your just deceiving yourself...
That goes for everyone who follows a mans doctrine. WE cant get to the bottom of GOD with our minds...If we arent constently checking with the spirit on ALL things(its not automatic btw) then there is a problem...if we arent denying self, then that might be the start of the problem...unforgiveness of another...etc...
Point is...Man is nothing. Jesus is everything. His spirit is Truth.
and "would" Should be would not. I would not follow George foxe...mainly becasue he is a man, and also becasue he didnt beleive in a physical baptism, nor partaking in comunion. I understadn WHY he didnt...but that was still off...
Which is my point...Even if you agree with a man on some points...man does not know...so if he is wrong on 2 things, that measn his whole doctrine is wrong...adn that means he is a liar. But guess what ALL men are! YAY:yay:
Tahts why its cruical to get in the spirit and STAY THERE. Stop walking away...(im talking to myself to...)
"And i agree with neither! Why? Becasue they are men!"
And what are you if not a man? Therefore you must be wrong in saying men are wrong. Why? Because you are a man.
"And to follow any man made doctrine is dangerous"
Sure, but what if Calvin was only affirming what was already taught in scripture? You are the one crediting him with creating a doctrine. He wasn't claiming it.
You say to seek Jesus. Ok, but can we not seek Him through the word?
"IF we can hear what man comes up with, and live by it...then you are not living by the holy spirit. "
Would you also say that if we read the word and live by it, we are not living by the spirit?
"But the SPIRIT needs to be in control...not doctrine...not personal beleif...then your just deceiving yourself..."
"His spirit is Truth."
So is His Word,
14You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them,15and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;17so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work
2 Timothy 3:14-17
15Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, "rightly handling the word of truth"
2 Timothy 2:15
31So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.""
John 8:31
Don't diminish doctrine because you say it's all from man. That's not what Jesus taught. Of course we must follow the Spirit, but a spirit that leads away from sound biblical teaching is not the Spirit of God
"Even if you agree with a man on some points...man does not know...so if he is wrong on 2 things, that measn his whole doctrine is wrong"
Ok, but you haven't shown how a man can never be right about a specific doctrine. What do you mean man does not know? If man does not know then you can't possibly know that man is always wrong. Unless you are the one man with the gift to do so..
My point was if you call your self by a doctrine, you lower Jesus.
There are no doctrines in heaven.
and if i see a doctrine that is wrong, i will reprove it.
I dont call myself by any other name other then a slave to my Master Jesus Christ, and a disciple to his Word...Sometimes i can be a weiner...sometimes i can be confusing...im still learning. Jesus bless you.