Author Thread: If there IS a pre-trib rapture, Why does Trying to uncrack Revelation matter?

If there IS a pre-trib rapture, Why does Trying to uncrack Revelation matter?
Posted : 20 Mar, 2011 02:59 PM

Hi everybody, I wondered if anyone could clear things up for me, or had an answer.

I was thinking, and this isnt FOR one opinion, or against another:

Q: WHY do dispensationalists/Pre-Trib Rapture believers, have SUCH an obsession on Prophesy, and Revelation?

Its an obsession, that actually has become a demi-God. An Idol, sort to speak.

But truly, If the Pre-trib rapture happens, Why does trying to figgure out what is going to happen in the future truly matter? We wont be here. SO why are you even talking about Who will be The "Anti Christ" or What the BEast will be, When is the temple going to be built, or what horse is what, and how, and the trumpets...yadayada...IF there IS a rapture of the Church, Before all the Tribulation starts? Why does Prophesy even matter? We wont be here. We will be with Jesus, knowing all anyway.

Just a question for any Pretrib Prophesy Buffs.

Why does all that matter if you will be gone?

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If there IS a pre-trib rapture, Why does Trying to uncrack Revelation matter?
Posted : 22 Mar, 2011 09:35 AM

I believe in pre trib for the following reasons.

we get to be taught what we will do in the 1,000 year reign of christ. We will get our positions and learn what is required of us. This is my personel view,

I have no scripture to back me.

just a feeling as the bible stops at the end of the 1,000 year reign of christ.

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If there IS a pre-trib rapture, Why does Trying to uncrack Revelation matter?
Posted : 22 Mar, 2011 01:14 PM

For rfk:

Food for thought the bible says the word of God is life to those that find them, so we know there is a condition to the believer, the believer is to thirst and hunger after righteousness, or you could say the word of God and his way of doing things.

It is the truth you know that makes you free, so concerning this very important topic do you wanna be free?

How can you walk in the truth or the light of this truth, if you do not know what the truth is, VERY IMPORTANT!!

One more thought concerning this topic if it does not matter why has it been so important since the beginning of the church?

You find this answer and your whole attitude will change on the topic.

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If there IS a pre-trib rapture, Why does Trying to uncrack Revelation matter?
Posted : 22 Mar, 2011 03:23 PM

Thank you so much for your response to my question. Me and my sister dont belive in Mr. Camptons prediction. But when people called him up on the family radio station. and responded with the verse of Matthew. Harold Campton says that,. Seals are open now in the bible for thoses that have spirtual eyes to see the truth. And that God just revealed this information to us now. It was revealed before because it wasent the right time for god to reveal it to us.. But now the seals are open. And thats why he says , only the people saved with open spiritual eyes will know the day and the hour. But for the unsaved he will come as a theif in the night. He says there is alot of proof of this in the book of Isiah and other books threw out the bible. He says he has also calculated 2000 years from the exact day of the flood of Noahs ark along with many other dates of things , that come out to May21st 2011. I personally dont think any human being can calculate the day of the rapture or the end of the end of the world. Because we are only human.I dont belive we have that power or Authority. But hearing this all day long on the family radio Cable channel. And seeing Bill Boards all around that say May 21st, 2011 end of the world, and seeing people with Teeshirts on that read May 21st, 2011 the End of the World can start to get kind of Creepy!!

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If there IS a pre-trib rapture, Why does Trying to uncrack Revelation matter?
Posted : 26 Mar, 2011 08:10 PM

The rapture won't happen until after the tribulation. Read Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 17, but if you pay attention to Matthew 24:29-31 it tells us when JESUS will return. I was taught we would be raptured out and I read this scripture for years hundreds of times. About 2 years or so while reading aloud to my daughter the LORD opened my eyes. Lets say I was floored. I then realize the great falling away will happen with many Christians believing they wouldn't have to suffer and they will be beheaded and fleeing.

Think of it this way, the Jews knew the scriptures and they thought JESUS would come as a KING. They missed the mark even thought they had the bible. Most Jews believed this! We had Preachers telling us basically CHRIST went to the cross so you could have a big house and nice car and then rapture. No trials or tribulation no suffering. Just blessing, blessing, blessing. What if the Church got it wrong just like the Jews had.

I do believe we are living in the last days according to scripture. I believe we are a lot further along than many people believe. Here are some of my reasons.

The economy failing all over the world.

The crops dying all over the world.

The birds, fish and animals dying all over the world. Hosea 4:1-3

The New World Order. Revelations 13

The Oil spill. Revelations 8:8

The war in Egypt. Isaiah 19

The war in Libya and Egypt also Afghanistan and wars all over. Matthew 24:6-8

Japan earthquake, Haiti earthquake and all the other countries. Matthew 24

Also one thing Jesus told us is the gospel being preached to the whole world. Matthew 24:14 We have the internet, television, radio, satellite and cell phones. We can go places we never had before. And we have the means to do it which we never had been able too. I can talk to someone in China are any part of the world in a matter of seconds.

So this is why I say this is the end times. I will not set a date because no man knows the day nor hour not even JESUS himself. For those date setters they better go back to the TRUE WORD OF GOD!!!!!

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If there IS a pre-trib rapture, Why does Trying to uncrack Revelation matter?
Posted : 14 May, 2011 05:59 AM

Steve Gregg had a guy call in on his radio show with some stuff about Camping on May 12th. I haven't heard all of it yet, but thought to share it here.

Here's the Bible Forum link @ -

Radio Archives: I'm pretty sure it's the "Evening" link @ -

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If there IS a pre-trib rapture, Why does Trying to uncrack Revelation matter?
Posted : 12 Sep, 2011 07:04 AM

Since jesus himself told said not even he knew but only the father i guess mister campton is suggesting christ is not saved!

the thessalonians thought litterally the same way and sold all they had waiting down the hours until paul gently corrected them. the bible is VERY clear that no one will know the hour except the father. any thing else is from the enemy!

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If there IS a pre-trib rapture, Why does Trying to uncrack Revelation matter?
Posted : 12 Sep, 2011 07:07 AM

lol reminds me of the movie with russel crow "A Beautiful Mind" sorry i have movie terrets

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If there IS a pre-trib rapture, Why does Trying to uncrack Revelation matter?
Posted : 12 Sep, 2011 07:08 AM

23Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. 24And the Lord�s servant[d] must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, 25correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, 26and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will~II Tmothy

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