Bridging the subconscious with the conscious IN spirit Part 1
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 03:00 PM
Bridging the subconscious with the conscious IN spirit
Part 1
SOUL: 5590 � The vital force that animates the body (through its spirit); and which shows itself in BREATHING. Wherein we can have the evidence of life WITH affectionate feelings WITHOUT aversions, (despising what we are called to be doing). The human soul can attain unto this blessedness by God�s good help. The soul is the essence which differs from the body and is not dissolved by death (distinguished from other parts of the body).
SPIRIT: 4151 � The human spirit (130 uses) evidences/shows forth our character, either as [quickened toward love] or without the power of the Holy Spirit [asleep toward love]. It is an error to depersonalize the spirit, and say that it is a mere force. The spirit personalizes the body, which is animated by the soul; and as such it is rational, and can be empowered, or awakened from its fall into sleep unto lust, so that its desires would be higher than a fallen man and not lower than God. This is in the concept of the spiritual gift to be a partaker of the divine nature of God within the infilling of us with Christ. This is so that the soul might be governed by the effective power to be affectionate. This is also described as what it means to be in the movement of the air, which is likened after the gentle breeze of the wind, hence the wind itself. Defined as;- the BREATH of the nostrils or mouth.
MIND: 1271- The human conscious mind as a faculty of understanding, what is felt, either in body/carnal, or in the spirit. Each having its own way of thinking and feeling, one bad the other good (Strong�s Interlinear). The heart being what is subconscious.
In the separation of our spirit from our soul (Heb 4:12), we can have the sacrifice AND the service of faith, because we are in the same cause (Phil 2:17-18); Wherein we can have comfort (2:19). All of this is in the word of life (2:16); Wherein we can the lights in the world, who are blameless and harmless children of God without justifiable rebuke in the midst of the crooked and perverse (2:15). We work out our salvation in this sacrifice and that service of faith (upon the altar), because God is working in us to be both willing and doing His good pleasure (2:12-13); And this we can will to do Without MURMURING and DISPUTING (2:13-14).
This murmuring and disputing comes from unsound thinking in bad reasoning, because of evil imaginations, which lead to disputes through doubt (Strong�s Greek # 1261). Through these evil thoughts [conscious thinking] the hearts [subconscious intentions] of many can be revealed (Mt 15:19, Mk 7:21, Lk 2:35); And this is PROVIDING we can perceive their thoughts were reasoned out of their hearts (Lk 5:22). Perception [sixth sense] is all about what cannot be perceived other than from the heart (9:47). Those who have their senses exercised by sound reason have this discerning ability (Heb 5:14).
By the Holy Spirit, we can discern the spirits of men (1Cor 12:9-10). This gift is a manifestation of the Spirit, because God is working, so that we could be profitable (12:7-6); Without which we are into �our own� vain imagination of what is coming down, which is for those whose hearts that are �darkened� [hidden from them], for they are in lusts (Rom 1:21 & 24). In this vile affection they are against the natural use [to love], which they MUST change [into lust] (1:26). The PROUD are without natural affection, because they are deceitful [lovers], who are ill-mannered (1:31-29). Love does NOT work this ill through the dark works of envy/the possessive, greedy, jealousies of lust (13:10 and 12-14).
It is about time that YOU awoke out of this sleep, so that you could love others (13:11 and 9); Otherwise you are going to end up in bed for sex, because you got drunk; And this is because you were not honest about your wantonness/licentiousness (13:13). Look, IF you are not under the commandment [to love], the only way that you can avoid fornication, when you are being touched by a man, is to get married (1Cor 7:1-2 and 6). IF you are into loving �your own self�, it is because you do not have the natural affection: Herein you shall become a �despiser� of those who are good, which you shall falsely accuse (2Tim 3:2-3).
You shall become one of these traitors, because you love to pleasure �your own self� (3:4 and 2). How unthankful can you be, as to be so disobedient to this call for you to love in this teaching of righteousness by faith? (2Thes 3:2 with Gal 5:5-6). Behold how offensive to love by grace is for our justification by faith in this righteousness of God in the Spirit� (Gal 5:11 and 4-6). YOU CAN BE RECEIVED IN YOUR WEAKNESS, BUT NOT SO THAT YOU CAN SET FORTH YOUR DOUBTFUL DISPUTATIONS [1261] (Rom 14:1).
The kingdom of God is not about eating and drinking, but this righteousness for peace within this joy (14:17). You are to be following after this peace in this edification (14:19). Remember those who are into hearing all about this spiritual in Christ (1Cor 10:3-4), who are then only into eating and drinking end up playing! (10:7); Wherein they fall into fornication, which they commit (10:8). Only by grace (defined as;- NOT by the law because God is at work) can we have the liberty to eat and drink and do whatever, because we are into doing everything to the glory of God (10:29-31).
To the glory of God is defined as;- NOT into pleasing men, but being profitable unto many, so that they may be saved (10:33). Is this why you are seeking to be with men in all of these things, which are expedient? (10:24-23). IF so, then do not murmur at God�s servants, whom you are to be subject unto to be herein found (10:10). Murmuring against God�s servants, which was expressed by asking them dipstick questions (Ex 15:24); Unto wishing that you were dead, because you cannot have what you want (16:2-3). To murmur against God�s servants is to murmur against the Lord (16:7-8). These are said to be evil believers, which thus murmur against what the Lord has said unto them through His servants (Num 14:27-28). These murmurers are complainers, because they are in lusts; and thus can only admire men who can be of advantage to them (Jude 1:16). Those who are herein walking in lusts are called those who are sensual (1:18-19). Rather we should keep ourselves in the love of God; and in the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that we would have the compassion, which can make a difference in the lives of those who are living in their flesh (1:2-13).
Bridging the subconscious with the conscious IN spirit Part 1
Posted : 14 Jan, 2011 06:24 PM
Dennis they are separate but this post is Goat food!!
1Th 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discern er of the thoughts and intents of the heart.