Author Thread: Open Theism???

Open Theism???
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 03:27 PM

In the chat rooms recently, their was some discussion about Open theism, Calvinist and Arminius view points.

For the most part, I understand the Calvinist and Arminius beliefs. However, I not quite sure I understand the doctrine of Open Theism.

Has anyone ever heard of it and can explain what this means? Is this belief stating that God and Man together determines what a person will do in their life? That Man can change God's mind??

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Open Theism???
Posted : 9 Jan, 2011 02:10 PM

Leon how many times have you walked into the glory of GOD.

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Open Theism???
Posted : 9 Jan, 2011 03:24 PM

PJ, isn't counting that kind of thing, like a oxymoron....just thinking aloud

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Open Theism???
Posted : 9 Jan, 2011 05:24 PM


You are correct about the Ezekiel passage, but like all scripture, there is a physical meaning and a spiritual meaning. On the surface, this is about God's love for Jerusalem. But when you search for the deeper truth, you notice that it is more about an individual than a city.

That is why most Jews didn't recognize Jesus as the Messiah (Christ). They didn't look to the deeper meaning of the scriptures. (I am not accusing you of this, just making a point) They didn't understand that the surface story was not the important one. It was the deeper truth contained in scripture that told of His coming.

I also am not saying that we don't eventually make a choice. We do. But the free will theology does not hold up to scripture. God can and will do whatever He wants. To say we have free will that God will not go against is to make man sovereign over God. In this area, Calvin was right.


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Open Theism???
Posted : 10 Jan, 2011 09:47 AM

I guess if you regard spiritual encounters as meaningless, I would say if you think he threw Saul to the ground you do not know him, that is as vain as debating if man has the right to choose or not to choose the lord, meanlingless statements that just Glorify the Devil. My point was this Two if you ever encounter the manifest presenses of God you would never make statements such as those that where made, no the lord did not blind Saul, anymore than he threw him to the ground.

I came to the lord similiar to the account of Saul and if you where there I do not believe you would have forgot it either.

one can not judge a matter they nothing about, at least that is what the word of God says. It is way past time for those that say they know it all to grow up and be responsibile with there words, Gee Golly. Vanity, Vanity, mans is totally depraved is dead works, saying man has not free choice is vanity, especially in the presense of the lord.

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Open Theism???
Posted : 10 Jan, 2011 07:47 PM

At the end of time, *every* knee will bow and *every* tongue confess. Since this is not happening at present, and we are not yet at the end of time, I would say that yes, we have the option to accept God's gift of grace . . . or not. There will come a time where that is not the case. But we're not there/then yet.

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Open Theism???
Posted : 11 Jan, 2011 08:06 AM

Here's the issue I run into. Many people have asked why bad things happen to good people, and the answer is generally "God's in control." Yes, but did God do this bad thing? In looking for answers, I've come to a position of saying that God is ultimately in control, but many of the bad things that happen to people are the result of sin in the world, and most are the result of the sinful actions of someone else. Not God. God isn't responsible for the murders, rapes, slander, racism, hate crimes, hijackings, terrorist attacks, and so forth. He can prevent them, but He allows man free will and sometimes man chooses to do those things. He retains control, not by preventing the bad things or by dictating the bad things, but by working even the worst of situations together for our good.

I haven't talked to anyone who would consider themselves open theists, but from what I've read about the topic, I might border on being open theist in some ways. The first time I read a description of open theism, I was surprised anyone else might have come to the same conclusions I had. And though I know many people might disagree, it's the only answer I can come up with that makes any sense to me.

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Open Theism???
Posted : 11 Jan, 2011 10:24 AM

people who have not had a spiritual encounter with God have neither the eyes to see or the ears to hear what you are talking about.

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Open Theism???
Posted : 11 Jan, 2011 11:33 AM

Whenjesus died on the cross he took from satan the control of our eternal destiny. he defeated satan and took the power of death away from satan and gave it to his father.

That is what a confession of salvation does. it says we know jesus is the new man who is now in charge of the earth.

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Open Theism???
Posted : 11 Jan, 2011 12:22 PM


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Open Theism???
Posted : 11 Jan, 2011 12:31 PM

prove it

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