Author Thread: Are you a peace-keeper or a peace-maker?

Are you a peace-keeper or a peace-maker?
Posted : 12 Dec, 2010 08:28 PM

It was suggested in another thread that I make a thread dedicated to this subject of peace-keeping or peace-making. There have been ongoing debates in the forum between people since I have been on and off this site for the past year (and not always the same people) In fact, every forum I have ever frequented very long, Christian or secular, has it's share of debates. So, I agree that it would be helpful to study this subject.

Jesus said in Matt. 5:9- "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."

Cited from sermon central:

PEACE-KEEPING-keeping is about maintaining the status quo. Damage-control. Don�t rock the boat. If it ain�t broke, don�t fix it. It�s about conflict avoidance and denial. Peace-keeping is

about saying �peace, peace� when there is NO peace.�

PEACE-MAKING-making is the pursuit of that deeper peace which the Bible calls shalom or wholeness. Peace-making often requires entering into constructive conflict in order to realize a deeper peace, that peace which brings glory to God and reveals the depths of God�s love and justice for all people. Peacemaking requires a love offensive, which means loving enough to speak the truth in love, and to admit the need of God�s help ..for salvation.

Ultimately peace-making is about bringing glory to God because this deeper peace, this shalom, is a result of God�s presence and gracious intervention.�

Now when I comes to conflict, I am like Indiana Jones when he encountered snakes, �I hate snakes!� I hate conflict. But it is a part of this life and this work that is so deeply affected by sin. And Jesus has called me to be a peacemaker and He has called each of us to be one as well.

Are you a peace-keeper or peace-maker and explain your view of this. Thanks! :peace:

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Are you a peace-keeper or a peace-maker?
Posted : 13 Dec, 2010 01:08 PM

What would you call

Mark 11:15 (New International Version, �2010)

15" On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves,..."

Is this arguing or just plain Justified Righteous Anger? I am sure that Jesus' voice and words were a "bit harsh".

Arch, I would call that exactly what it was~Righteous anger and it came from a "pure heart of love" motive." There was no debating about it before Jesus went off on them and used "harsh words." Do you think that Jesus was not crying in His heart at the same time He was destroying the desecration of what was once Holy turned flesh?

When I disciplined my kids, I knew if it was done in love or anger and one brings healing, the other harms. Get my point?

Let me ask you this? Do you want the best for your brother, Chuck? Do you love him? Do you pray for him before answering him?

Trucker, good points and yes His peace is always the focus. We all operate in a vertical/horizontal world here. So, bringing God's peace to others, sometimes requires confrontation and conflict.

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Are you a peace-keeper or a peace-maker?
Posted : 13 Dec, 2010 03:02 PM

�Let me ask you this? Do you want the best for your brother, Chuck? Do you love him? Do you pray for him before answering him?�

Joey, Chuck and I have emailed back and forth. I first tried emailing him to ask about this thing that he has against The Catholic Church. It made no difference. He will answer my question Directly through email, but on The Forum he has to put a �spin� on his answers.

It reminds me of The Wizard of Oz. Outside of his little booth he was this Awesome Wizard! But in reality he was very meek and actually a nice person.

I would question what my prayers would do for a man that has �the ear� of The Holy Spirit and has been given so many �gifts� by God. I know you are a disciple of his and think the world of him and I can understand you not liking to see him �trip� and �fall�.

You should Never�Never strike a Brother or Sister or Loved One in ANGER! I agree with you there.

I on the other hand have not struck out at Chuck�whether in anger or not. If I wanted to STRIKE out I could be a lot harsher. I am not some Obsequious Sycophant drooling over some man or woman�swallowing every word. I have seen enough of mankind and men and what they are capable of to know when I am in front of�

It is telling how some that have �jumped� on the bandwagon concerning my �pelting� (in the words of more than one emailer). How they sound so different in private emails. How much differently things would have gone here on this Forum if they had only �spoken� to me the same way as they are speaking to me now.

Joey, there is a dark force that is ATTACKING us now�from all angles and in everyway possible. It is these dark forces that we should be fighting�not amongst ourselves.

All I have asked from the beginning is�verify what you say about mine and any one�s church. If you attack my Church I will defend Her. Be careful what you say on this Forum�you cannot take it back. When you speak to me on the Forum�use the Same Voice that you would use in a private email.

The Forum should not be a place to Strut your Stuff or preen for anyone. You do not need to puff your chest out or pound on it. Be Whom You ARE!

This Swine will now retreat. Oink�Oink�.OInK! (snort)

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Are you a peace-keeper or a peace-maker?
Posted : 13 Dec, 2010 03:36 PM


I have to say your posts do make me laugh, is like wow, I could of never believed that could be twisted that way! As for Joey, she is a capable, well informed, spiritual woman and is on no "band wagon" other than the Holy Spirit's....wish you'd climb on, you're invited and more than welcome to join us!

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Are you a peace-keeper or a peace-maker?
Posted : 13 Dec, 2010 03:50 PM

Arch, my silence is the best answer for you from this point. God bless ya! :waving:

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Are you a peace-keeper or a peace-maker?
Posted : 13 Dec, 2010 06:32 PM

Well that proves it...most women are smarter than me, well at least we know Joey is!

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Are you a peace-keeper or a peace-maker?
Posted : 14 Dec, 2010 09:05 AM

I think this goes a little deeper than being someone that is able to settle arguments or wars. It has with it the idea that a peacemaker is a peace carrier. That is, they are in themselves a peaceable person. They may be able to negotiate peace between people but they do so because they themselves are at peace. I find that in my line of work it is better to be calm and peaceful with the people I talk to. They are generally stressed and angry anyway and they don't need someone coming along to make matters worse. I wouldn't say I am necessarily a peacemaker but I do understand that when a person is calm and peaceful, it seems that no matter how an argument is going when they arrive everyone calms down because they enter the situation with calm and control and are able to disarm those who are involved in the argument.


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Are you a peace-keeper or a peace-maker?
Posted : 14 Dec, 2010 01:01 PM

Very true, Thunder. " A soft answer turns away wrath." After turning the cheek a few times, that soft answer does become more firm. :laugh: But you're right, we need to be at peace with God and ourselves, to be a peace-maker.

I have a good friend who is a Christian psychologist and he inspires me a lot. He answers soft always, but is also confrontational in a wise way and his voice become much more assertive as the "dog whisperer" would say. :) We need the wisdom of God in all of this.

Then there was John the Baptist giving soft, firm answers? Or Elijah, Paul, Peter, Deborah? Fine line, here.

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Are you a peace-keeper or a peace-maker?
Posted : 14 Dec, 2010 07:31 PM

Thunder, are a PeaceKeeper. Still waters that run deep! How's the saying

"you don't bring gasoline to a fire" bring marshmallows. (not implying anything)

And I agree with Joey. The one thing that Jesus gives me that no man can take away is His Peace...

"...My Peace I give you..."

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