Author Thread: Fear of the Lord

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Fear of the Lord
Posted : 11 Dec, 2010 05:35 PM

I am curious to hear your thoughts on this topic and what part it has in our walk with the Lord. What does it look like in the life of a born-again believer? How is it combined with His amazing grace and love?

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Fear of the Lord
Posted : 13 Dec, 2010 03:16 PM


You are on the right path (in my opinion).

The first step for a non-believer is Fear of The Lord. Once this person comes to have a Personal Relationship with Christ and truly Loves God then that "fear" becomes the fear you speak about...fear of disappointing...of letting down.

My son has a Wolf/Malemute mix that is "one scary DOG" to come up on in the dark (or daylight). He has one brown and one blue eye and weights around 120 lbs. I guarantee that if you first see him your knees will get weak. Yet no one in the family fears him. On the contrary...he is LOVED by all!

Those that first met him FEARED is only natural and necessary. But, over time they came to Love him very much and this dog will Die for those around him...for those in his Pack!

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Fear of the Lord
Posted : 14 Dec, 2010 02:56 PM

It is best to go to the new testament to understand fear, and we know that perfect love cast out all fear. A child of God can approach the father just as the lord Jesus approached him. Come boldy to the throne of Grace, interpreted it means come boldly to the throne of Grace.

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Fear of the Lord
Posted : 14 Dec, 2010 03:13 PM

Arch it is ok to answer Two Sparrows!!

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Fear of the Lord
Posted : 16 Dec, 2010 01:29 AM

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts. I enjoyed reading your responses. Blessings to you all!

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