Author Thread: Sola Scriptura

Sola Scriptura
Posted : 8 Dec, 2010 02:25 PM

Using Scripture only (Sola Scriptura),

show me where in Scripture it Explicitly says

�these are the books and letters that are to go in The New Testament.�

Where in Scripture is the Canon of The New Testament?

Remember�no Implying�nothing Vague and definitely nothing From The New Testament (after all it�s Canon is what we are searching for).

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Sola Scriptura
Posted : 9 Dec, 2010 05:58 PM

You guys should be politicians! To begin with�you deflect questions with your own. Secondly, you hear what you want to hear! There can be no discussion when one party thinks it�s a telethon or a philibuster and loves to hear the sound of their own voice.

Of course The Old Testament is part of The Full Deposit of Faith that The Church used. And Chuck�I know you don�t have much time what with all your threads on �lipstick gloss� and why � do nylons run�, but if you could just answer this one serious question�How did The Church use The Old Testament to decide that Revelations was Inspired by God?

Please do not go into a telethon or deflect with another question.

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Sola Scriptura
Posted : 9 Dec, 2010 06:16 PM

S t e v e,

*sigh* ....go back to page one, count down to the sixth post, (it will be the one with the picture of the horse). In the middle of that post will be a few sentences prefaced by the word "answer"....(imagine that)...there you will find the answer to your repeatedly "deflected" question.... *deep sigh*

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Sola Scriptura
Posted : 9 Dec, 2010 07:43 PM

I didn't even ask any questions.:party:


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Sola Scriptura
Posted : 9 Dec, 2010 10:40 PM


To answer your first question : The Old Testament Scriptures directly determined the content of the New Testament Scriptures.

Your second question:

The question now is��how did The Catholic Church decide which books and letters were Inspired by God?

Answer : The early Christian Church used the Old Testament Scriptures as a litmus test, asking is th e book or content in question in agreement with the Old Testament? Does it contain any Old Testament references?


This is your answer?! I will Repeat My Question:

Where In Scripture Does It Explicitly say

�these are the books and letters that are to go in The New Testament.�

�Where in Scripture is the Canon of The New Testament?�

Your answer comes no where near to answering my question. You cannot answer it, because nowhere in Scripture will you find such a thing. My Point is that The Church had to go Outside of Scripture ONLY (Sola Scriptura) to be able to discern what was Inspired Scripture.

It is a subject that your Pastor will not go near and I have seen Excellent�Wonderful�PIOUS men of God and Scholars of Scripture dance like gymnasts�flipping and twisting around trying to defend and justify that Doctrine (Sola Scriptura).

Chuck, I could give a better argument then what you�ve offered.

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Sola Scriptura
Posted : 10 Dec, 2010 12:05 AM

What? Ok...this is getting old. One. The question is dumb. Two. Here's the answer! They didn't have the new testament, but they didn't go outside of scripture, because they had the old testament. Sola Scriptura! Three. We've already tried to answer the question as best we could, since the question itself is based on a faulty/unanswerable premise, although apparently it's very clever in someone's mind. Four. You aren't proving anything except that you're getting unreasonable. Maybe that's a sign of a conflicted conscience, I'll be praying for you.


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Sola Scriptura
Posted : 10 Dec, 2010 12:45 AM


I did answer this question first in a simile using the Torah and the Old Testament, sorry if you didn't understand, if you look back perhaps you will be able to see it now. You finally saw my second answer after I pointed it out to you with the word "answer" next to it. It is no wonder you don't think I am answering your questions : You don't see the answers Steve! In fact the question you have now I have already answered you in another thread by taking you step by step explaining to you how the New Testament became a canon on equal standing with the Old Testament. Even the answer I have given you in this thread you deny as a legitimate answer when it is a historical fact the Old Testament was one of the most significant standards the early Christian church used to compile the New Testament.

Your loyalty to the Roman Catholic church prevents you from seeing any truth that disagrees with "Her". You actually do not see it! In fact if you happen to get a glimpse of truth that disagrees with the Catholic church you must view it as blasphemy. I'm not putting you down, I just feel bad for you. A man should be able to go to God and ask Him to reveal the truth to him. If you really want the truth about the Catholic church why don't you go to God and sincerely ask Him to show you. If you are not willing to accept what ever He shows you, then you are not willing to see or hear what I or anyone else shares with you.

Steve if it Gods best for you to stay in the Catholic church I wish you peace. If it is Gods best for you to leave the Catholic church then I wish you unrest until you leave, then peace.

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Sola Scriptura
Posted : 10 Dec, 2010 09:27 AM


Both of you keep saying

"There...there...there is your answer!"

Yet all I ask is Show me (just even One) verse of Scripture that was used to decide which of all those books and letters were not or were INSPIRED!

It's like saying "They used Tools to build The Pyramids!"

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Sola Scriptura
Posted : 10 Dec, 2010 11:02 AM

I told you there are around 200 OT quotations in the NT and around 1000 partial OT quotations in the NT the early church used to help determine which books and letters were to be considered canon.

And you ask for just one?...Ok, Matthew 22:44

( You are not thinking straight )

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Sola Scriptura
Posted : 10 Dec, 2010 04:01 PM


Your brain must be Burnt!

Matthew 22:44

"'The Lord said to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet."'

Psalm 110-1

Of David. A psalm. The LORD says to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet."

So The Holy Spirit told you that was how The Church selected what was or wasn�t Inspired Scripture. I first want to thank you for answering my question. That was what I was looking for.

Chuck if it was that easy to fool The Church then everyone of those books and letters would be considered Sacred Scripture. All you had to do then (according to what The Holy Spirit told you) was include some Old Testament verses in any one of those books and letters and BAM!..your in.

Using the book of Matthew (which was not yet considered Sacred Scripture) to point to The Old Testament book of Psalms which then points back to the book of Matthew as how The Church chose what was Sacred Scripture is not only Lame but downright silly!

Do you seriously expect me to believe that The Holy Spirit told you this? Perhaps you and your church ( the Westboro Baptist church) (no�wait�they are in a different Body of Christ) need to spend some more time with The Holy Spirit.

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Sola Scriptura
Posted : 10 Dec, 2010 04:42 PM


Please study history for yourself.

How did the church recognize which books were canonical? There were certain tests applied to answer that question.

(1) Apostolicity

(2) Acceptance

(3) Content

(4) Inspiration

*E.F.Harrison, Introduction to the New Testament pages 103-6.

*H.C. Thiessen, Introduction to the New Testament page 10.

*David Ewert, From Ancient Tablets to Modern Translations pages 130-32

Again I would expound on the 4 above if I thought you were the least bit sincere.

Btw, inclusion of OT scripture is part of #(3) Content.

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